improve students’ ability in this case the students’
mathematical and English representation.
The using of Instagram also has proven that
social media can be used to support teaching and
learning activity and also to improve student’s
ability in this case students’ ability in speaking. In
line with this result, Abdillah (2017) stated that
social media can be utilized as blended learning
tools that can improve students skill especially in
language skill. Research suggests that student
involvement leads to higher levels of learning and
contributes to outcomes that include persistence,
satisfaction, and academic achievement (Astin,
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to the diversification of teaching resources. Online
environment is suitable for university students to
support their self-learning process. Even though,
face-to-face instructions is still become the good
choice. The use of social media and online media in
blended learning can become the combination of
online learning and offline learning where it still has
the significant result to improve students’ skill, self-
controlling and motivation. Inevitably, there are
some difficulties still remain when blended learning
is implied. It needs more learners’ commitment,
more teachers’ devotion and knowledge more
integration between traditional courses and modern
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