information from sources. The number of sources
that are interviewed around 25 people. They are poor
little girl, poor old people, teacher, and some society
figures. Observation method is done by watching the
daily life of coast people.
3.1 Conceptual of Woman Education
Madurese are known as people who obey Islam
religion. They also keep original tradition and
custom that have been value of Madurese behavior.
Relation between man and woman is still in
patriarchal logic that puts man as a superior
component compared to woman. Because of this,
logic is always approached in Madura social-culture
that woman is placed in the identity who are needed
to be watched, protected, and guided.
Teaching dialectics and culture toward Madurese
woman can be treasured in Niehof (1985) entitled
“Women and fertility in Madura”. Madurese are
known as entity that sticky viscous and fanatic to
religion doctrine. How is the strategy of Madura
woman culture to face this social scope? Based on
this questions Niehof do research of two Madura
woman entities who lives in coast area and out of
everywhere and also mountain area. Relation is
created among coast society, for example Patondu
village. It is different from the activity that happens
to people who live in around mountain, for example
Tambang village. In very close social relation,
Niehof (1985) often finds some Madura men who
represent women opinion, husband as a delegation
of wife’s opinion when he is interviewed Niehof.
This social relation cannot be separated from
Madurese background that still look woman as a part
of family who has to be protected, maintained, and
as a man struggle for being honorabled by society
(Wiyata, 2002). Because of this, society of Madura
places woman in a pure place and separated from
man. This dimension shows that room is translated
as part of tradition. It depends on religion doctrine
with humanity dialectics in society.
In this reality, religion is understood as social
phenomenon that is not single. Religion can be a
doctrine and behavior in a cultural scope. This
shows to traditions that depend on religion doctrine
(Islam) to Madura society. In the other side, religion
is a place to be depended in the social activity,
culture, economic, and relation intersociety. Woman
also translates social doctrines about religion into
reality and social reality. (Raday,2003).
Phenomenon that happens in Madura coast is a
mix of Madura culture and Islam understanding that
can make patriarchal culture get stronger (placed
man in higher social position compared to woman).
One of the examples is the case of early married.
This proof is from interview that some women are
married in the school age around 13-15 years old.
There is an opinion in Madurese coast if man
proposes woman it is an obligation for woman’s
parent to accept that although the woman is still in
the school age. Woman is always in waiting
position, so when there is a man who purposes, it is
like a fortune. No longer they will get married and
the family does not think about the mental condition
of the woman.
This condition is happening until now. It is
because the fear of parent about the social-culture
punishment, like there is a “curse” to the woman. In
the other side, there is a reason about doing rules in
Islam to prevent the sin.
This condition is a factor to give an educational
conception for girl. Girl in coast Madura get
education not to get knowledge for having good
carrier in the future, but it is because to be a mother
of their children. In research village, it is found that
almost all girls study in two places. They are formal
institution like school in the morning and informal
institution like reading Quran in the afternoon.
Formal school is to get knowledge in the long
period. When they have children it is also used for
teaching their children such as explaining to them
the way to do their homework like math and other
general knowledge. Informal religion school is for
giving them knowledge about Islam.
Contemporary anthropology is approached
because the theories are about explanation of ‘the
real society’. It explains that identity making and the
act of woman and man are cultural construction and
dominant ideology values certain group. The
development of human behavior and individual
identity is influenced by culture. In cultural
perspective, the difference of gender is understood
as instrument in the society in the certain time
(Tripathy, 2010).
Patriarchal system in gender history is a system
that places man authority higher than woman in
every life aspect. Out of the domestic field, man
controls and limit public space of woman. This
symptom is patriarchal production mode by Sylvia
that give woman disadvantages.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education