psychological state of the speaker specified in the
propositional content. Moreover, Agus (2014) shows
that greeting is one form of linguistic marker serves
as a marker of the power of an illusion or an
interpreter of language politeness. In different ways,
Dowlatabadi et al. (2014) focus on the socio-cultural
aspects of conversation, the present study focuses on
politeness strategies in conversation exchanges in the
Council for dispute settlement in Esfahan, Iran.
Meanwhile, Ryabova (2015) focused on the culture
of contemporaneity presents itself through various
concepts and discourses that constitute the category
of everyday life, which they reveal and portray.
The study of politeness on media social has been
conducted by the following researchers. Mu (2015)
focused on politeness which is reflected in languages.
He used movie review as object. Movie review is a
typical form of writing that reflects people’s
application of politeness strategies consciously or
unconsciously. Hameed (2010) focused on the impact
of gender on the linguistic politeness, especially acts
threatening the interlocutor's face (FTAs) such as
requests, offers, orders. Eshghinejad and Moini
(2016) discussed about one aspect of short message
service (SMS) communication through a cell phone is
use of politeness strategies.
Based on empiric fact on the previous study, this
research tries to fill out the gap of the research. The
previous study discusses about the politeness strategy
use on social media as object and daily
communication. This research tries to analyze the
politeness strategy on communication used by Baduy
Dalam Community (BDC). It is very urgent to know
the greeting used by Baduy Society in everyday
This research uses qualitative approach because in
this research produce descriptive data in the form of
written words or oral from people or behavior that can
be observed. This study focuses on the use of
greetings in the family and social of Baduy Dalam
The data used in this study is data in the form of
greeting used by the public in Baduy Dalam
community located in Leuwidamar, Ciboleger
village, Lebak Banten. This research data is obtained
directly from the field by observing the conversations
used by Baduy community during the process of
greeting in communication activities. Data source in
this research is divided into two, primary data source
and secondary data source. Source of primary data in
this research is Baduy society. The secondary data
sources in this study are books, internet, or reference
material that can provide information related to this
Work methods applied in the research, first of all
recording the speech of Baduy community in the
realm of the family and social. Further, classify and
determine the form of greeting used in the speech.
Then make an analysis of the language politeness
used in the speech greeting. Finally, the researcher
makes the interpretation of the purpose of the use of
The use of greetings in Baduy community can be seen
based on the term kinship which followed the name
of self and some are not followed by the name of self.
The greeting used during meetings between people
who live in Baduy also varies depending on the
3.1 Language Politenes in Greetings
Salam for Baduy Dalam
Baduy people have different ways when meeting with
partners on the street or in public places. The greeting
is commonly used as a form of familiarity and
language politeness used. Below is the expression use
by BDC when meet the others who have the relation
to the speaker:
Tabe ́ pun ka girang?
The greeting is commonly used when a person
meets a familiar people and has a close relationship
with the speaker. The greeting, such as the expression
of Tabe ́ pun ka girang?, which means as excuse in
English language. It is usually used by BDC in
greeting his or her part. The expression of greeting
such as above example, it has the same function as the
expression of permission in Indonesian language.
Based on the politeness study, it shows the politeness
related to the norm which is used by BDC.
In greeting to other people from outside BDC and
who don’t have a close relationship, there is one
expression that can be used to show the politeness of
language in the form of greetings. Below is the
expression that is usually used by BDC as the
Maap bae ́ ka Bapa’?
Greeting in Baduy Dalam Community: A Sociolinguistics Study of Politeness