impact in the narrow area but, has a bigger effect on
the inheritance of the local values of pikukuh tilu,
through socialization, an individual will learn a way
of life to be part of a society.
Every element of the people of Sunda Wiwitan
Cigugur plays a role in the inheritance process of the
culture that is called as an enculturation process, even
though the culture keeps changing with a lot of
influences from the outside but, the parenting pattern
of the people of Sunda Wiwitan Cigugur still lasts.
People become agents in the enculturation of their
children, just as their parents were for them. Although
a culture constantly changes, certain fundamental
beliefs, values, worldviews, and child-rearing
practices endure.
The ancients always deliver a proverb that
associates with the local values of pikukuh tilu such
as “indung lanjang bapa bujang urang geus aya, aya
dimana?” which means a single man and woman, we
have been here, where are we? It became a base or
atikan (lesson life) that was exposed by the ancients,
atikan samemeh lahir is the important thing because
it persuades the quality of a child. In the local values
of pikukuh tilu altogether link in one another because
basically, we need to believe what has been ruled by
Gusti (God).
The role of parents in the family is to guide, teach,
and apply the values in the life. The parent’s duty is
to socialize and guide their children before entering
social life by teaching them about the culture that has
to be had and followed so that they become a good
citizen and can be accepted completely by the society.
In the family of Sunda Wiwitan Cigugur, there is
no special socialization about how to teach the local
values of pikukuh tilu but, all is performed normally
by the Sundanese generally. The different of pikukuh
tilu implies the values of character education.
The character education is required to generate
every individual to be accepted as a member of
society that will determine every individual to
succeed and adapt to the social condition. The
character traits should include, but are not limited to,
courage, good judgment, integrity, civility, kindness,
perseverance, responsibility, tolerance, self-
discipline, respect for school personnel,
responsibility for school safety, service to others and
good citizenship. A person’s “character” refers to the
disposition and habits that determine the way that a
person normally responds to desires, fears,
challenges, opportunities, failures, and successes
(Pala, 2011). Therefore, the character education based
on the indigenous knowledge of the people of
Cugugur that upholds the local values of pikukuh tilu
becomes one of the interesting studies in applying
character education for every individual so that they
can play a good role in a social life.
Pikukuh tilu is a social norm because a human
being has the same instinct with other creations such
as animal and vegetable. Pikukuh tilu is as a social
control so that a human being can live with their
characteristic. When one breaks the norm and violates
his characteristic then his behavior will be considered
bad by the society. So that in the local values of
pikukuh tilu, there are things that should be avoided
which is the animal’s behavior.
During observation holistically about the local
values of pikukuh tilu that functioned as a social norm
for the people of Sunda Wiwitan Cigugur, from this
observation can be detected from the concept of self,
sense, and mind which means that one has a desire,
sense, and mind, if one follows his negative desire
and forgets his sense and mind during deviating then
one must be controlled by using a sense and mind.
Pikukuh tilu is also the answer for the things that
relate to a value and norm.
In this context, Durkheim (on Sztompka, 2011)
stated that if I perform my duty as a brother, husband
or citizen, if I obey the promise, then I perform the
duty that has been made for myself externally and my
action is always based on the rule and custom. Even
though the norm depends on my feeling and I sense
the reality subjectively but, this reality is still
objective because I do not create it; I only accept it
through education. Here I am, to act, think, and sense
completely the extraordinary feelings outside the
individual’s consciousness. The type of behavior and
thinking is not beyond the individual but, also contain
the strength of ordering and enforcing, out of the
individual’s willingness.
Based on the observation and depth interview
with the people of Sunda Wiwitan Cigugur, in their
social life, there is an implication of a character
education that is based on the local values of pikukuh
tilu. It corresponds with the researcher’s explanation
in the general description of the local values of
pikukuh tilu. The grouping of character education
based on the national education goal and curriculum
2013 which is religious manner, integrity, tolerance,
discipline, social care, responsibility, creative,
independent, democratic, loving the homeland,
respect for prestige, communicative, environment
care consists of: