Internalization of the Value of Anti-Drug Abuse Among Students in
Junior High School Through School and Police Cooperation
Warga Sumpena
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Internalization of Value, Anti-Drug Abuse, Cooperation, School, Police Institution.
Abstract: This research is motivated by the rampant abuse of drugs in Indonesia, including among student’s
internalization of the value of anti-drug abuse to students at the school is an absolute, but schools need the
support of the community including the police for making it a success. This prompted the author to examine
the school cooperation with police agency internalizing anti-drug abuse value to these students. This research
uses several approaches, such as qualitative mode of inquiry interactive with analytic descriptive method, data
collected by observation interviews, documentary studies, and literature. The main data sources are the words
and actions of the school community with Police and supporting documentation such as pledges anti-drug
abuse. The research instrument used in this study is the researcher himself The results show that the school
and police agencies alike have internalizing anti-drugs abuse program to the students, but the manufacturing
is done respectively. Internalization started the implementation of the program in the form of socialization,
the implementation of the pledge, urine tests, as well as the development of a positive culture through
extracurricular activates and in the development of the school culture Students internalize the value of anti-
drug abuse in the phases attitude. The challenge remains the issue of personal readiness of schools and police,
funds and time to control and sustainable development. School as a character educator institution seeks to
internalize the value of anti-drug abuse to students in a way to cooperate with various sides, especially the
competent police to prevent and foster it in order to avoid drug abuse in the community. Coordination between
the school and the police in the form of program socialization, program implementation and sustainable
development in building a conductive school atmosphere. These efforts have shown an increase in the stage
of internalizing the value of anti-drug abuse among students.
Data on drug abuse has shown alarming numbers.
Based on several sources such as the National
Narcotics Agency's Prevention Deputy in 2015, Drug
users have reached 5.1 million people. According to
the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) estimated the
number of drug users reached 5.8 million people in
2015. Even according to Kompasiana (Indonesia
newspaper) drug abuse in Elementary School reached
5,087 students in 2011, and according to national
statistics, users tend to rise from year to year. Since
the issue of drug abuse has become massive issue and
is the need of every society to prevent it, the
knowledge of anti-drug abuse goes into the domain of
General Education.
Thus efforts to educate through learning in the
classroom, integrating it in learning, coaching
through extra-curricular activities, and creating
schools that have an anti-drug culture are the task of
educators in schools (Barrow, 2007). Efforts in
internalizing the value of anti-drugs should be
patterned and structured and implemented
programmatically (Bartens, 2000).
The school is a character building and is facing a
tough task to internalize the value of anti-drug abuse
on students (Darmodihardjo, 1991). The most basic
issues relate to teacher competence. Teachers are not
specially prepared to cope with the dangers of drugs,
and drug abuse often occurs outside of school. For
this reason, schools need to establish cooperation
with competent institutions to overcome the dangers
of drug abuse, one of them with the police in charge
of security and public order (Desmita, 2009). Schools
need to build serious partnerships with the police in
programming, disseminating, implementing,
monitoring and evaluating anti-drug abuse activities
among learners.
Sumpena, W.
Internalization of the Value of Anti-Drug Abuse Among Students in Junior High School Through School and Police Cooperation.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 446-455
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the
form of cooperation, internalization activities,
internalization stages and constraints faced by
schools and police agencies in internalizing the value
of anti-drug abuse in junior high school students.
This research was conducted for six months, starting
from November 2016 until April 2017. The research
location was conducted in High school in Bandung-
Indonesia. The approach used is qualitative approach
through analytical descriptive method with case study
Descriptive analytic method is a method of
research that emphasizes the effort to obtain
information about the status or symptoms at the time
of the study, provide an overview of the phenomena,
explain the deeper relationship, and draw the meaning
of a desired problem (Cartwright and Cartwright,
The required data source can be classified into
primary data and secondary data. Primary data were
taken from research subjects consisting of Principals,
Teachers, Students, and the police. Secondary data is
obtained from various official and unofficial
documents relating to research materials and
supporting primary data.
The recording of primary data source through
interviews and observation is the result of the
combined effort of viewing, listening, and inquiring
activities conducted by the researcher on the research
subjects at High school in Bandung-Indonesia and
members of Police.
Thus, the study units in the context of this study
are principals, teachers, and students, as well as police
According to Lincoln and Guba that there are five
important steps in conducting interviews, namely:
Determine who to interview;
Preparing interview materials;
Preliminary steps;
Set the speed of interviewing and strive to be
End the interview.
After determining who will be interviewed, the
researcher subsequently arranged the interview guide
as a compass in interview practice to keep the
interview process focused on the research focus. In
practice, the question came out systematically in
accordance with the guidelines, but it was not
uncommon to add some additional questions to the
emerging new phenomenon. Interview guidance
contents refer to the formulation of the problem, the
results of observations and the results of previous
interviews. The scope of interview guidelines is
different from each of the respondents interviewed.
The process of data analysis begins by reviewing
all the data collected, namely the results of
interviews, observations, and documentation studies.
The data is certainly still a pile of raw data that is not
possible to be transferred directly into the research
report. The data is processed into field notes which
are grouped into descriptive and reflective notes.
The final step after the data is analysed and
interpreted is to combine the data with relevant
theories and the authors' conception of the problems
that are the focus of the research. In the context of this
research, the final step of the research is directed to
the process of formulation of cooperation conducted
by the school with the police in internalizing the value
of anti-drug abuse in junior high school students. In
this connection more specifically focused on the form
of each institution's programs, forms of cooperation,
cooperation implementation, stages of internalization
of student values, and constraints faced by each part.
Based on the data disclosed by the experts above,
then in the context of this study set six strategies that
researchers use to ensure the validity of research data,
Prolonging time for field data collection, this is
intended to allow the researcher to make
intense observations and get as much
corroboration evidence as possible to ensure
conformity between the findings and the actual
state of the participant;
Perform triangulation in data collection and
analysis. This is done to check data to
participants to ensure the accuracy of all data
that has been collected;
Making basic conclusions about the descriptor
by recording in full and detailed descriptions of
the internalization of the value of anti-drug
Member checks, which brings the data and
interpretation of the data back to the
participants and ask them whether the data and
interpretations made are correct or in
accordance with the meaning as understood by
the participants;
Actively researching, recording and analysing
negative cases or data that are inconsistent with
the conceptual review of internalizing the value
of anti-drug abuse
Expert cross check, which is to consult experts
to assist researcher in identifying,
Internalization of the Value of Anti-Drug Abuse Among Students in Junior High School Through School and Police Cooperation
understanding, analyzing, and drawing
conclusions related to the research focus.
3.1 Cooperation Program Developed
by School and Police Institutions in
Anticipating and Overcoming the
Dangers of Drugs in Students of
High School in Bandung-Indonesia
Awareness of the importance of cooperation
programs between the school, community and police
in coaching and developing character of students,
especially in internalizing the value of anti-drug
abuse has been there. As revealed by the school
because there are limitations of school to nurture and
supervise students in public life widely. Similarly, the
government program conducted by the police is
rooted in the character of the community whose
guidance and development are based on the school.
On the basis of that, between school and the
community there needs to be equilibrium and
consolidation programs in the interconnected areas of
community attitude and mental guidance.
Movement of cooperation in the character
development program of learners is not only enough
done in the level of policy makers as disclosed by
Police Chief, which has been done by the Minister of
Education and Culture with the Chief of Police, but
the development of joint programs at the level of
implementation of education in schools and
community development as directly must be done.
Because according to Ministerial Regulation no. 19
of 2007 on Education Management Standards section
of appendix point:
10 e states "Each school / madrasah establishes
a partnership with another relevant institution,
relating to input, process, output, and
utilization of graduates";
10 f "School / madrasah partnerships are
conducted with government or non-
government agencies".
Even according to Safitri (2014):
Weighing challenges faced by the world of
education is encouraging various circles both
government, practitioners and educational
experts to find solutions to solve problems. One of
alternative is the implementation of Quality
Improvement Management.
Quality Improvement Management is a
management model that grants greater autonomy
to schools and encourages participatory decision-
making that directly involves all school residents
(teachers, students, principal, employees) parents
and the community to improve school quality.
"It is hoped that with the harmonious
cooperation between school and the community,
the educational goals will be achieved in
accordance with the expectations of parents,
communities, and school".
Thus, cooperation should be undertaken in the
development of joint programs to build and develop
and instil value to learners since the preparation of
programs, both school programs and related
institutions such as the police in fostering security and
public order, so that each institution will get
maximum benefit from Cooperation, because since
the beginning there has been talk of what activities to
do and what role of each institution to develop the
character of the learner or community (Wren, 1955).
The above statement is in line with the purpose of
Character Education proposed by Hakam (2011) that
Character Education aims to:
Teaching noble values (Moral Knowing);
Spell out the noble values;
Memorize noble value.
Training of noble values (Moral Training);
Exercise good deeds;
Exemplifies good deeds.
Get used to good deeds (Moral Behaving).
Create programs that can actualize good
Increase the quantity and quality of good
Doing good deeds regularly.
Therefore, programmatically, cooperation
between schools, communities and the police must be
implemented at the lower level of implementation,
that is school and constabulary.
For a while it can be inferred that:
Both school and police see the importance of
school cooperation with the police in
internalizing the value of anti-drug abuse
among junior high school students
Programs developed by the police and school
in accordance with their respective tupoksi
without any coordination programmatically,
the cooperation appears at the implementation
stage of the program.
Both sides appreciate each other's working
areas with the principle of mutual benefit.
The difference in initiative to conduct
cooperation in internalizing value of anti-drug
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
abuse to students due to different approaches in
coaching internalization value.
3.2 Concrete Actions by Schools and
Police in Anticipating and
Overcoming the Dangers of Drugs
in High School in Bandung-
Concrete cooperation between school and the police
in internalizing anti-drug abuse in school is done in
the form as follows:
3.2.1 Preventive Program on the Dangers of
Drugs in the Form of Socialization of
Anti-drug Abuse Programs in School
This program is conducted jointly between the school
and the police on the basis of the invitation of the
school, by presenting all the citizens of the school,
whether teachers, students and even parents who are
invited as well as other community components.
Further socialization is done by various stages, the
school started with the registration of new students, at
that stage there is an agreement between parents and
schools to keep their children to not get involved drug
abuse, even at that time there is also the determination
of the cost of education that must be issued by parents
Students to perform urine test. The next stage of
socialization is done by submitting leaflets in writing
form to parents about the dangers of drug abuse in the
When the school implements briefing program for
new student, one of the materials is also inserted
about the dangers of drug abuse, the material is
delivered by teachers and outsiders, and at that time
the school has already begun to invite the Police and
ABRI as speakers, but in a limited time.
The socialization of anti-drug abuse program in
school was done formally when the integrity facts
was signed. This fact of integrity begins with the
reading of other anti-drug and criminal pledges, and
then the meaning of drugs, its kind, its image, its
dangers, how to avoid it, and the legal actions to be
taken on drug abusers explained. Finally, the fact of
integrity is signed by all the elements involved and
also signed by the student representatives of each
class. At the time of reading this integrity fact, there
are students who lead the pledge and all students are
required to follow it.
Things done by school and police by involving
students in reading the pledge is aligned in the Values
Clarence Technique (VCT) approach that requires a
Frizzing stage or an appreciation of its choice.
According to Rath (1997) the VCT stages include;
Choosing, Frizzing, Acting or Behaving. Frizzing
stages are done in order to strengthen personal choice
and dare to express the choice in public. This method
is seen to strengthen heart so that the choice is true
and must be accounted for. This stage will cast doubt
on his choice, especially when done together with all
the students in the school they see as part of their
social group.
If every year drug abusers tends to rise, then in
this year the number of drug users will be much
greater. The problem is, drug abusers do not have to
bring the goods with difficulty, because there are also
goods that circulate in drug stores, other than that
drug abuse is:
Drug abuse is a non-medical or illegal use, illicit
goods called narcotics (narcotics and addictive
drugs) that can damage the health and productive
lives of the wearer. Various types of narcotics that
may be abused are tobacco, alcohol, drugs and
substances that can provide poisoning, (Sofyan,
Thus, the importance of socialization is not only
for students but also for parents, because the goods
that include drugs circulate freely in the community,
such as liquor sold in stores, drugs that are sold in
pharmacies or stores drug. These items when
consumed in excess or mixed will be very dangerous
and included in the category of drug abuse.
However, the coverage of socialization is very
limited, as evidenced by the many people who have
not received coaching, even in schools was still
minimal socialization. On the basis of that, the
socialization program should be systematically
developed as a school culture: As stated by Hakam
(2010) as follows:
A conducive school culture that is open climate,
positive culture, pleasant spiritual atmosphere. A
conducive school culture that produces a productive
school culture and is able to provide a good
experience for complete student growth (cognitive,
affective and psychomotor) in accordance with the
values, character, personality and expected life skills.
This result has strived to cultivate the value of
anti-drug abuse on students in a planned, as expressed
by the Principal and Guardian of the School Class,
because the program has been integrated into learning
in the classroom through certain subjects, integrated
in extra-curricular activities, using stake Holders to
participate in socializing the program to students
either through flag ceremonies, national big day
activities, meeting of teachers and parents, even to
Internalization of the Value of Anti-Drug Abuse Among Students in Junior High School Through School and Police Cooperation
take home visit actions, albeit in personal and limited
funds. In building this culture in school, the police
take their part, such as ceremonial leaders, foster
extra-curricular about marching lines, and
understanding of traffic order (Shaver and
3.2.2 Curative Program of Drug Hazard in
the form of Action, That is When
Indication of Drug Abuse on Student,
so There is a Schap Therapy Educative
Action so That Early Grow Awareness
to Leave and Avoid Drug Misuse.
Curative program of the dangers of drugs in the form
of action, that is when the students indicated drug
abuse, so there is an educative action in order to grow
awareness early to leave and avoid drug abuse. The
first curative program collaborated between the
school and the police is to conduct a urine test, which
is an action to test the students' urine directly to see if
the student is using the drug or not. This test is done
by the police by providing initial information to the
school that there are students who allegedly misuse
drugs. After that, the school programmed the urine
test on the students by including it in the School Work
Plan as well as on the School Budget Plan by inviting
the police to conduct the test. Then the school collects
all students (such as the attached data) and performs
the testing.
The urine test on the students is in line with
character education approach which requires the
importance of real action, such as Hakam (2010),
called Moral Action, Action / Behaving, Moral
Behaving. The urine test action will be Schap
Therapy Educative for students, so students believe
the school's promise is true; they will also feel
positive reinforcement for students who do not use
drug abuse, and they are proud of their negative urine
test results, while for students Who abuse drugs will
be found positive as users, and of course will feel
condemned and embarrassed and likely will not
repeat again, this is evident in the second urine test
results decrease drug users down drastically, only one
person left (See attachment).
A further program of cooperation between the
school and the police in dealing with the dangers of
drugs is to follow up after the urine test, which is by
way of the police delivering the urine test result, then
the police conduct a re-urine test to the previously
absent students as well as the second urine test. The
action of the second urine test is in line with the
character education method according to social
learning theory, that is the need for regularity of
behaviour, with the provision and treatment which is
not only done once, even better be a continuous
program so that becomes school culture. The
importance of repeating good deeds in internalizing
values is in line with the thoughts of Hakam (2000).
Furthermore, school involve the police to conduct
school programmatic activities, such as in national
big day ceremonies, and even in personal approaches
to students who turn positive as drug user. The
involvement of the police in this coaching even
though done in school has a deterrent effect to the
students, as revealed by one of the students who
became respondent (Pidarta and Made, 2011).
Furthermore, the school provides a number of
positive activities in the form of extracurricular so
that it can direct the activities of students and abstain
from drug abuse in the form of activities as follows:
Religious formation consisting of; Pesantren
Kilat in Ramadhan; Implementation of the
Islamic High Day; Islamic Studies Group;
Readings Asmaul Husna and short Surah in the
morning ceremony;
Guidance of discipline and leadership through;
School Environmental Introduction (MPLS);
Intra-School Organization (OSIS); Basic
training student Leadership; Implementation of
Flag Raising Ceremony; Implementation of
National Day Ceremony; Enforcement of
Students discipline;
Talent and Interest Development through
extra-curricular activities; Extracurricular
academics such as mathematics, English Club,
IT club, wall magazine; Extracurricular areas
of art, such as; Art of Music, Sundanese
traditional art, Choir; Extra sports curricular,
such as Basket Ball, Fursall, Martial arts; Non-
academic curricular areas, such as Scouts,
Special Forces, Librarians; Extra Curricular
spiritual fields, such as Nasyid and
Student Social Intelligence Coaching; Such as
Jumat Bersih day activities, friend care
fundraising, social disaster fund disbursements,
distribution of new student assistance for
The above activities will reduce the students
'chance to make good friends and reduce the scope of
the students' negative activities outside the school.
Students are preoccupied with positive activities, and
good behavior becomes a culture of themselves and
their environment.
From the above explanation it can be concluded
that concrete actions taken together between the
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
school and the police in internalizing the value of
anti-drug abuse school are:
To exchange information about student
behavior indication in school and behavior of
student in community in drug abuse;
Socialize the value of anti-drug abuse to
students through pledge, school ceremony,
extra-curricular activities and big day
Conducting urine test to students and
announcing the results and doing urine re-test;
Conducting group and personal coaching to
students after urine test;
Increase positive activities in schools through
religious activities, social activities, and
prestigious activities.
3.3 Stages of Internalization of the
Value of Anti-drug Abuse among
Students High School in Bandung-
Education is an organized, planned and continuous
(lifelong continuous) effort towards fostering the
human / protégé into a plenary, mature and civilized
person (civilized). Organized has the meaning that
education is done by human conscious effort with
clear base and purpose, there are stages and there is a
shared commitment in the education process. The
plan implies that the education was planned
beforehand, with a mature calculation process and
various support systems being prepared. Meanwhile,
continuous means that education is continuous
throughout life, i.e. as long as humans live the process
of education that will still be needed, except when
humans are dead.
In internalizing the value of anti-drug abuse to
junior high school students are interpreted by the
internalization of people, namely teachers and the
police, there are those who accept the value of anti-
drug abuse, namely students, there are materials that
are internalized anti-drug abuse, there is
internalization process that is socialization, Test
urine, and there are results of the evaluation of urine
test results. Simply digestible, but as what has been
pointed out by Fraenkel (1976):
Value is an idea of something valuable, value is
concept, abstraction. It seems that values can be
defined, comparable, disagreeable, analysed,
generalizable and debatable. As a standard, values
can be used explicitly to consider the price of
The value of anti-drug abuse in Fraenkel's view
above will be easily traced in student cognition,
meaning that the results of internalization will be seen
when someone suggests something, declares
something or answers questions. The interview result
shows that the seventh grade students know the term
of drugs and can name some types of drugs, meaning
that cognitively he or she has known whether hearing
results (from news or chats with his friends) or from
viewing results (slogan, pamphlet or TV), but When
further explored their understanding of drugs is
incomplete, even when questioned, they may have
used drugs, or a friend whom they only indicated
misbehaved has actually used drugs. Therefore, the
anti-drug abuse internalization to junior high school
students, especially low-grade students requires
concrete explanations, even with visual media, and a
thorough explanation so that they will not fall prey to
accidental drug abuse. Using a drug stall and even
taking drugs from pharmacies over the doctor's dose
may be included in drug abuse. Although Piaget
(Kohlberg, 1972), The period beginning at the age of
12, which is more or less the same as the junior high
school age, is a 'period of formal operation'. At this
age, which develops in learners is the ability to think
symbolically and can understand something
meaningfully without the need for a concrete object
or even a visual object.
To concretize something in education, not only to
be able to interpret, but there is emotional
involvement, there are things that must be clearly
avoided, not just the result of abstraction, and mere
interpretation that can confuse or mislead
conclusions, because in value is not just a cognitive
issue (Kniker, 1977).
But the value also has another dimension, that is,
as one of the emotions. A value is a strong emotional
commitment, a strong desire for something. Someone
cares deeply about something they value. Based on
this fact, value is both an idea and a feeling, which is
a cognitive and affective component - often
overlooked by people who claim to be "value
educators" today. (Fraenkel, 1976)
Therefore, it is natural that the anti-drug abuse
dissemination program without lectures without
concrete media, or only in the form of pamphlets
alone fails to improve the internalization stage of
student value. Good communication, accompanied by
appropriate media with symbolic language that can be
understood by students, and with an interesting
gesture of the presenter is necessary to internalize the
value of anti-drug abuse.
Errors in students about drug abuse, especially
when taking drugs, whether taking excessive cough
medicine, taking medication mixed with various other
drugs and with beverages, which later became
Internalization of the Value of Anti-Drug Abuse Among Students in Junior High School Through School and Police Cooperation
addicted. When viewed through the socio-economic
background of students, the average is in the middle
to lower economic range, meaning that drugs
consumed are not first class and second class drugs,
but third-class drugs that are cheap and easy to obtain.
this type of drug users when it is addicted and requires
higher drug levels will be prone to be a dealer or a
distributor, because it requires funds to get expensive
Therefore, the socialization of the value of anti-
drug abuse in junior high school students especially
low grade requires careful planning, serious and
continuous process (Peterson, 2004), and the use of
adequate socialization media. The misleading of
socialization can lead to errors, or in Lickona (1997)
lacking good moral awareness, he knows drugs, and
knows drug abuse is prohibited but consumes drugs
without feeling wrong.
After obtaining the anti-drug abuse socialization
in the form of pledge, the students showed an
increasing level of internalization, which is not only
in the moral position of information level but has
reached moral belief level (Hakam, 2015). Because
they begin to believe accurately what drugs are called,
why drug abuse should be avoided, what it means to
abuse drugs, and dare to publicly claim that they will
not abuse drugs.
From the beginning in the low grade students have
known the term drugs and drugs are banned even
though their comprehension of drugs and drug abuse
prohibition is not intact. But they already have that
comprehension before going to junior high school (it
means that they have known it since in elementary
school), but students have a variety of responses when
will be the pledge of anti-drug abuse including when
the urine test will be done, from start afraid of
whether the fear of illness or fear of being caught as
a user. For that needed a cool approach so that they
would be involved in the socialization and action of
urine test. Because even though they already knew
and understand the dangers of drugs, the value of anti-
drug abuse needs to be transmitted well to students,
not because they already knew or do not know,
Education does not question where the value is
obtained, but more attention to the importance of that
value to humans in community life. The value must
be clear, must be increasingly believed by the
individual and must be applied in deeds. Every
individual must understand the value and self-esteem,
so that he will put himself wisely in the association of
life and will recognize and be wise of the existence of
value and others in social interaction. (Hakam, 2015).
Therefore, the internalization of the value of anti-
drug abuse, in essence is a value education, namely
educational and learning efforts that develop personal
moral values so that the beliefs and values of himself
as well as naming basic values in order to organize
social life well in society, as expressed by Shaver and
Strong (1982) as follows:
"In general, the value can be categorized into two
main areas, namely: 1) moral values, and 2) non-
moral values. Moral values standards or
principles that a person uses to judge either bad or
right wrongness of a purpose and behaviour.
Decisions related to good-bad or right-wrong is
always called by ethical decisions. Moral values
can be a) personal moral values (b) and b) basic
social values (basic societal values). Personal
moral values are the values used to make
decisions in everyday life. Someone uses personal
moral values as a consideration to justify his
behaviour in interacting or communicating with
others. On the contrary, the basic social values are
the values of truth which correspond to the
sanctity of human life. For example, in a
democratic society, its basic values include a
commitment to ideals such as equal treatment
before the law, equality of opportunity, freedom
of expression, and religious freedom.)."
Therefore, anti-drug abuse internalization needs
to be expanded not just so that they do not abuse
drugs, but they must be actively involved in
socializing the anti-drug abuse in their environment.
This activity is a conditioning in his theory of social
learning Bandura (2001), and will be an important
vehicle of taking opportunities in moral learning
Kohlberg (1977). Because the opportunity to take a
role in moral education is very important to improve
the moral stages of the moral belief level to the moral
level value level.
Therefore, Sauri (2006) reveals that:
"The role of schools does not cease inheritance
and value preservation, but also become a
locomotive or a community renewal agency,
because after all the school is a medium of human
fostering that will fill the future of society. The
conditions in the future are different from today's
conditions and situations. Therefore, school
orientation is the orientation to the future with all
the system tools that must be owned. The learning
process does not stop at the delivery of curriculum
materials, but the development and reproduction
of new cultures and superior habits should be
done ".
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
After a long process of internalizing the value of
anti-drug abuse in school through socialization,
pledge, first and second urine test, and coaching
through extracurricular and development of school
culture, there is a positive change, students who
originally at the stage of moral information level,
Progress toward moral belief level even shows the
change to moral attitude level that proved to be
negative from the second test of urine. However, the
value of anti-drug abuse is not only a student's self-
attitude, but must be up to the value and even the
character of the students. For that we need continuous
coaching with the cooperation of all stake holder’s
education in an integrated and systemic.
From the above explanation for a while can be
concluded that students:
Initially had a comprehension of drugs and the
importance of avoiding drug abuse, but their
comprehension was not intact. The
comprehension developed to be clear when
socializations such as pledges, urine tests and
positive activities by schools are completed;
Based on the internalization stage of the value,
the stages of internalization of the value of anti-
drug abuse for new students are on moral
information level, students who have received
socialization and pledge are at moral belief
level and students who have followed the urine
test and coaching is at the stage of moral
attitude level.
3.4 Constraints in Internalizing the
Value of Anti-drug Abuse among
All activities or programs certainly have risks and
consequences. No one can avoid the risks, what is
clear is whether the risk becomes an obstacle or a
challenge to move forward for an organization. In the
view of the system, risk is an integral part of an
organization, and affects organizational culture, in
new thinking:
Organizational culture or work culture is an
organizational value system adopted by
members of the organization, which then
influences the workings, attitudes, and
behaviors of members of the organization;
A philosophy based on a view of life as values
that are attributes, habits and driving forces,
entrenched within a community / organization
group, then reflected in attitudes toward
behavior, beliefs, goals, opinions, and actions;
The Color of Work Culture in the form of
PRODUCTIVITY, which is reflected in work
behavior (hard work, tenacity, discipline,
responsibility, etc.), (Hakam, 2014).
The internalization program of the value of anti-
drug abuse is a school and police program, both
institutions admit and program it. Therefore, both
institutions are required to make it happen. Based on
interviews and observations, both institutions
acknowledged personal obstacles, the school felt
incompetent in overcoming the dangers of drugs
directly, while the police felt lack of people. That is
why there needs to be cooperation between school
institutions and the police, not just internalize values
for students, but there needs to be an extension of
internalization and socialization to educators. The
difference is that the students are more for the
students' personal interest to be their values, but for
educators not just internalized, but to disseminate the
value continuously in their school environment.
When such personal barriers become obstacles,
then the productivity of the work of the school and
police agencies will decrease, and it will reduce the
public's trust as a consumer both on the school side
and on the police, and this becomes the concern of
parents who expressed fear that coaching about Anti-
drug abuse is not resolved completely, so it will only
find the students involved and not to coach them
thoroughly and continuously.
On that basis, every institution whether the police
or the school should improve its competence in the
ability to internalize anti-drug abuse and continuously
do so with innovation, consistency and alertness to
the environment both school environment and
community environment, and continue to seek
optimal service for the community, so the community
will Feel secure to entrust her child to school and her
children will not be contaminated with drug abuse,
feel at ease because there are professional officers
from educators and police officers who foster and
protect them, and feel comfortable because they will
be protected from various criminal impacts that are
derived due to drug abuse. Such competence is the
expected competence in building an organizational
culture as proposed by Hakam (2014) as follows:
Professionalism: Competent in the field and
Continuous Improvement: Creative and
Innovative as well as adaptive to change;
Integrity: Honest, open and positive minded
and disciplined and consistent;
Safety: Prioritizes safety and health and care
for the social and natural environment;
Excellent Serviced: prioritizes internal and
external customer satisfaction, is proactive and
Internalization of the Value of Anti-Drug Abuse Among Students in Junior High School Through School and Police Cooperation
Therefore, it is only natural that both institutions
perceive coordination constraints, which should be
the solution of personal barriers, both quality and
quantity barriers. Coordination is a constraint due to
personal barriers, which means the need to increase
professionalism in their respective fields, because
coordination is a part of work to succeed
Time and cost constraints are classic constraints
wherever and wherever the type of organization is.
The problem depends on the existing members of the
organization in placing the priority scale, if the
internalization of the value of anti-drug abuse is taken
seriously by both institutions, there will be a focus of
funding to the field and of course also will set aside
enough time to implement it, even visible when the
government See the importance of infrastructure
development programs, education funds can be
converted, vice versa if the problem of drug abuse is
seen as something critical.
Concerns arising from the parents and students
more in the form of psychological, which in fact as a
reaction to the demands of excellent service,
including the fear of damage to a good name, the fear
of being stamped in the environment contaminated
with drugs and so forth.
On the basis of the above explanation it can be
concluded that the constraints in internalizing the
value of anti-drug abuse consist of personal
constraints both quantity and quality, then
coordinative constraints between the police, schools,
and society, as well as funding and time constraints
as risk in making of such activities.
4.1 General Conclusion
Drug abuse in Indonesia has shown a considerable
upsurge over the years and its users have expanded to
elementary and junior high school students even
though juridical sanctions have been largely done to
dealers, distributors and users alike. School as a
character educator institution seeks to internalize the
value of anti-drug abuse to students in a way to
cooperate with various sides, especially the
competent police to prevent and foster it in order to
avoid drug abuse in the community. Coordination
between the school and the police in the form of
program socialization, program implementation and
sustainable development in building a conducive
school atmosphere. These efforts have shown an
increase in the stage of internalizing the value of anti-
drug abuse among students.
Both school and police view the importance of
cooperation to internalize the value of anti-drug abuse
among junior high school students, although there has
been no cooperation in the preparation of integrative
programs but has been actualized in the form of
cooperation on the socialization of the danger of drug
abuse organized by the school to all students, as well
as in the form of urine test and the coaching of
positive behaviour through extracurricular activities
and the development of a conducive school
atmosphere. The cooperation is carried out with the
principle of respecting their respective working areas
and mutual benefit.
The concrete form of cooperation between the
school and the police in the anti-drug abuse
socialization is actualized through coaching on the
orientation of new students and in implementing the
anti-drug abuse pledge program which is followed by
all students. While the cooperation in implementation
is done through the activity of urine test on the
students in school by using the energy and tools from
the police funded by the school. School cooperation
with the police in the field of coaching is done by
involving police officers to become ceremonial
inspectors at the ceremony on Monday, as well as
filling the counselling ceremony on national and
religious holidays and participating in extracurricular
activities in the form of marching lines and the
introduction of orderly traffic.
Comprehension of junior high school students
about drugs and the dangers of drug abuse they have
had since they entered junior high school, but not
intact and vulnerable to misinterpretation so as to be
involved and permissive against drug abusers in their
environment. After obtaining the socialization of the
school and the police through the orientation and
pledge of integrity fact, there is an increase of moral
information level and moral knowing of the students
to the level of internalization of moral belief level,
even after the implementation of the first urine test, a
change of internalization to moral attitude level is
proven on second urine test.
There are personal constraints both from the
school and the police in internalizing the value of
anti-drug abuse in students. The police target area is
very broad while the number of personnel is limited,
the school has no personnel who have full
competence in the introduction of drugs and hazards,
as well as to prove someone as a user or not, and take
juridical action to the user because it is outside the
authority. While other constraints are the need for
large funds for socialization, testing and coaching on
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
a continuous basis so that the anti-drug abuse
becomes a student character. Constraints that are
often encountered on the part of parents and students
is a psychological constraint because the fear of
coaching is not done continuously, children's
personal and the environment (school) is considered
not good.
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Internalization of the Value of Anti-Drug Abuse Among Students in Junior High School Through School and Police Cooperation