school and the police in internalizing the value of
anti-drug abuse school are:
To exchange information about student
behavior indication in school and behavior of
student in community in drug abuse;
Socialize the value of anti-drug abuse to
students through pledge, school ceremony,
extra-curricular activities and big day
Conducting urine test to students and
announcing the results and doing urine re-test;
Conducting group and personal coaching to
students after urine test;
Increase positive activities in schools through
religious activities, social activities, and
prestigious activities.
3.3 Stages of Internalization of the
Value of Anti-drug Abuse among
Students High School in Bandung-
Education is an organized, planned and continuous
(lifelong continuous) effort towards fostering the
human / protégé into a plenary, mature and civilized
person (civilized). Organized has the meaning that
education is done by human conscious effort with
clear base and purpose, there are stages and there is a
shared commitment in the education process. The
plan implies that the education was planned
beforehand, with a mature calculation process and
various support systems being prepared. Meanwhile,
continuous means that education is continuous
throughout life, i.e. as long as humans live the process
of education that will still be needed, except when
humans are dead.
In internalizing the value of anti-drug abuse to
junior high school students are interpreted by the
internalization of people, namely teachers and the
police, there are those who accept the value of anti-
drug abuse, namely students, there are materials that
are internalized anti-drug abuse, there is
internalization process that is socialization, Test
urine, and there are results of the evaluation of urine
test results. Simply digestible, but as what has been
pointed out by Fraenkel (1976):
Value is an idea of something valuable, value is
concept, abstraction. It seems that values can be
defined, comparable, disagreeable, analysed,
generalizable and debatable. As a standard, values
can be used explicitly to consider the price of
The value of anti-drug abuse in Fraenkel's view
above will be easily traced in student cognition,
meaning that the results of internalization will be seen
when someone suggests something, declares
something or answers questions. The interview result
shows that the seventh grade students know the term
of drugs and can name some types of drugs, meaning
that cognitively he or she has known whether hearing
results (from news or chats with his friends) or from
viewing results (slogan, pamphlet or TV), but When
further explored their understanding of drugs is
incomplete, even when questioned, they may have
used drugs, or a friend whom they only indicated
misbehaved has actually used drugs. Therefore, the
anti-drug abuse internalization to junior high school
students, especially low-grade students requires
concrete explanations, even with visual media, and a
thorough explanation so that they will not fall prey to
accidental drug abuse. Using a drug stall and even
taking drugs from pharmacies over the doctor's dose
may be included in drug abuse. Although Piaget
(Kohlberg, 1972), The period beginning at the age of
12, which is more or less the same as the junior high
school age, is a 'period of formal operation'. At this
age, which develops in learners is the ability to think
symbolically and can understand something
meaningfully without the need for a concrete object
or even a visual object.
To concretize something in education, not only to
be able to interpret, but there is emotional
involvement, there are things that must be clearly
avoided, not just the result of abstraction, and mere
interpretation that can confuse or mislead
conclusions, because in value is not just a cognitive
issue (Kniker, 1977).
But the value also has another dimension, that is,
as one of the emotions. A value is a strong emotional
commitment, a strong desire for something. Someone
cares deeply about something they value. Based on
this fact, value is both an idea and a feeling, which is
a cognitive and affective component - often
overlooked by people who claim to be "value
educators" today. (Fraenkel, 1976)
Therefore, it is natural that the anti-drug abuse
dissemination program without lectures without
concrete media, or only in the form of pamphlets
alone fails to improve the internalization stage of
student value. Good communication, accompanied by
appropriate media with symbolic language that can be
understood by students, and with an interesting
gesture of the presenter is necessary to internalize the
value of anti-drug abuse.
Errors in students about drug abuse, especially
when taking drugs, whether taking excessive cough
medicine, taking medication mixed with various other
drugs and with beverages, which later became
Internalization of the Value of Anti-Drug Abuse Among Students in Junior High School Through School and Police Cooperation