Evaluation of Workshop Specific Subject Pedagogy (SSP)
System Learning on Teacher Profession Education Post SM3T Force
4 in Indonesia Education University
Epon Ningrum, Mamat Ruhimat, Ahmad Yani and Nandi Nandi
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
{eponningrum, mamatruh, ahmadyani, nandi}@upi.edu
Keywords: subject specific pedagogy, education of profession, professional teachers.
Abstract: Academic qualifications, competency standards, and educator's certificate is a requirement of professional
teachers. The requirement is achieved through academic education and teacher profession education. This
research regarding the evaluation of Systems Learning on the specific subject pedagogy workshop on teacher
profession education programs. Studies focused on: (1) the implementation of SSP workshop; (2) the principle
of learning; (3) the implementation of peer teaching; (4) the plan of classroom action research; and (5) the
readiness of practice the field experience (PPL). This Research using descriptive methods. The research
variable is a learning system at the workshop SSP with the indicators: the stages of workshop SSP, learning
principles, peer teaching, problems of learning, and readiness to implement PPL. The research subjects are
187 students and managers in the Program of Teacher Profession Education. The research instrument used
questionnaires, observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analyzed are descriptively qualitative.
The results showed: (1) workshop SSP conducted through seven stages, are: 2nd Plenary, pretest, workshops,
3rd plenary, the working group / individual, school observation, and peer teaching. The 1st plenary is a general
orientation held at the university level; (2) workshop SSP implements eight learning principles are active
learners, higher order thinking, accompanist effect, utilization of information technology, contextual learning,
use multi strategy and various learning resources, learning by doing, and feedback mechanisms; (3) peer
teaching became a vehicle to get teaching experience, strengthening the ability of teaching practice, and the
readiness of the learning device;(4) the plan of action research to solve the problem of learning gained through
observation of school and classroom observation; and (5) the readiness of teaching practices shown by
academic readiness, preparedness practices, and availability of the portfolio in the form of document learning
Education is an conscious and planned effort to
create an atmosphere of learning and a learning
process so students can develop their potential
actively to have the religious spiritual power, self-
control, personality, intelligence, good morals, skills
needed by themselves, society, nation and state
(UURI number 20, 2013). Further explained that
education is carried out with the principle of
habituation, culture, and empowerment. Teacher is an
educational component that has an important role in
realizing these three principles in learning activity.
Education has an important and strategic role in
preparing the nation in order to have the readiness in
the open society era. The preparation efforts are: (1)
improve the graduate’s quality; (2) access
information sources, (3) improvement of learning
system (Tilaar, 1998:14). The success of graduates is
determined by many factors, including talent,
learning environment, learning supplies, how
teachers teach, student attention, leisure time to study
and encouragement from outsiders (Pidarta, 1988).
At the operational level, education is implemented
in learning, both in context as process and system
(Ningrum, 2009). For the implementation of
education and learning, teachers must have three
requirements, namely: have academic qualification
standards, competency standards of educators, and
educator certificates (UURI number 14, 2005). All
Ningrum, E., Ruhimat, M., Yani, A. and Nandi, N.
Evaluation of Workshop Specific Subject Pedagogy (SSP) System Learning on Teacher Profession Education Post SM3T Force 4 in Indonesia Education University.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 482-487
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
three requirements are obtained through academic
education and teacher professional education in full
continuity. Academic education develops and equips
academic competence, namely mastering the science
in the field of study, education, and learning, so as to
achieve academic qualification (S1 / D4). While
teacher professional education (PPG) emphasizes
professional competence through the application of
academic competence in the practice of teaching
profession to obtain educator certificate. Pedagogical
competence and professional competence is a whole
that will build academic ability of education for
education practice (The scientific basic of the art).
Teacher Professional education become a vehicle for
the formation and guidance of professional tips to
achieve competence or professional qualifications
(Re-design of PPG UPI, 2010)
The PPG program is organized to prepare non-
educational and non-teaching S1 and D4 graduates
who have the talent and interest to become teachers
in order to master the full competence of teachers in
accordance with the national standard of education so
as to obtain professional educator certificates in
kindergartens, primary schools and high schools
(Permendiknas number 87, 2013). Further mentioned,
the specific purpose of the PPG program is to produce
prospective teachers who have competencies in
planning, implementing and assessing learning;
follow up assessment results, conduct mentoring, and
training students and conduct research on subjects.
The structure of the PPG curriculum presents two
options: a block and non-block system, a 36-38
credits learning load with a one-year study period or
two semesters (PPG Guide, 2016). The learning
system consists of two stages namely the workshop
of Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) and the field
experience practice stage (PPL) at partner schools in
real teaching settings. While the structure of
curriculum of Academic education consists of several
study groups, study load between 144-160 credit
hours, study period of eight semesters (maximum 14
Based on these differences, it is important to hold
an evaluation of the PPG Program learning system.
Evaluation in education takes an important role and
strategic position. As Beast noted in Ningrum (2009:
182), “evaluation is concerned with a more
immediate application, seeking to determine the merit
of a particular educational product, process, or
program in term is carefully define and agree-upon
objectives or value. Evaluation is done to the ongoing
program after, medium, and activity to be executed.
Meanwhile, according to Ibrahim (1989: 219),
evaluation activities have three characteristics that
can be differentiated with other activities. The
characteristics of the evaluation activities are: (1)
there are criteria that are used as the basis for
determining value; (2) always involves a comparison
between criterion with reality; and (3) this
comparison is relative.
According to Taylor (1988: 69), evaluation is the
process that determines the extent to which
educational objectives can be achieved, whereas the
objective of evaluation according to Cronbach (1982:
125) is to provide information for decision makers. In
other words evaluation activities carried out to
determine the effectiveness and efficiency of a
program and the impact that occurs after the program
is implemented. A good evaluation is that it can
present data and information useful for the
improvement of a program, as a form of follow-up on
the evaluation results.
This study is concerned with the evaluation of the
learning system of PPG Post-SM3T Force 4 held in
UPI. The study focused on the learning system of the
Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) workshop which
included: the implementation of the SSP workshop,
the principles of learning, peer teaching, planning of
learning problem solving, and the readiness of the
students to implement PPL.
This research uses descriptive method. The research
variable is the learning system of the SSP workshop
with indicators: the stages of the SSP workshop, the
principles of learning, peer teaching, learning
problems, and PPL readiness. The subjects of the
study were 187 students consisting of nine courses of
study: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Building
Engineering, PKN, Geography, Primary Education,
English; and Economics. Nine PPG Program
Managers. The research instrument used
questionnaires, observation sheets, interviews, and
documentation. Data analysis is descriptive
3.1 Workshop Subject Specific
Pedagogy (SSP)
The learning system of Post Graduate Program of
SM3T for 4 years 2016 consists of two stages of
activity is SSP Workshop followed by practice of
Evaluation of Workshop Specific Subject Pedagogy (SSP) System Learning on Teacher Profession Education Post SM3T Force 4 in
Indonesia Education University
field experience (PPL). The SSP workshop is
operationally conducted in nine study programs
independently. Before the SSP Workshop was
implemented, academic orientation activities were
firstly conducted to equip students about the nature of
PPG and boarding life.
Based on the PPG Guidance (2016), the SSP
Workshop was conducted through eight stages of
activities: 1stPlenary, 2ndPlenary, Pretest,
Workshop, 3rdPlenary, self-employment, partner
school observation, and peer teaching. Plenary 1 is
held centrally at the university level for five days, 16-
18 March 2016. The material presented consists of 11
fields which are the elaboration of the four areas listed
in the guidelines.
Based on the questionnaire data, students have
knowledge about the nature of PPG, they are:
curriculum structure, learning load, length of study,
and learning system with proportion 60:40. Students
have the mental and academic readiness to undertake
the SSP Workshop, especially motivation, teamwork,
and active participation. However, they do not yet
know the tutor teachers and partner schools where the
PPL, thus indicating a low level of readiness for
communication during the SSP Workshop. Knowing
tutor teacher, lecturers, and lecturers in the field of
study into one aspect that can provide motivation and
participation in the activities of each stage of the
workshop SSP (Dewi, 2009).
SSP workshop activities in the majors consists of
seven stages from 2nd plenary to peer teaching. The
seven stages are translated into 20 activities. At each
stage of the activity, accompanied by lecturers in the
field of study, lecturers, and tutor teachers (PPG
Guide, 2016). The presence of lecturers, lecturers,
and tutor teachers play a role as facilitator for students
during the workshop activities SSP. In addition, it can
create a conducive learning environment for the
achievement of effective and efficient learning
activities (DePoter, 2007).
Based on the data of the lecturer's presence in
majors indicates that the lecturers are present with
regard to the substance of learning materials that are
deemed difficult to provide consolidation. This shows
that the presence of the lecturer reflects on his role as
a facilitator (Ningrum, 2009). While the presence of
lecturers and tutor teachers are always present even
though not simultaneously. This shows that students
get facilitation to produce learning tools, learning
experiences, and learning outcomes.
Based on the questionnaire results, the students
did not follow the online pretest simultaneously
conducted nationally at the beginning of program
implementation. However, there are six courses that
perform pretest independently with regard to subject
matter. Pretest in learning has a function to know the
initial knowledge of students. Constructivist learning
sees that new knowledge is acquired by students
actively through the process of adjusting new
concepts with existing pikes (Suparno, 2001).
Generally, the SSP workshop stages are followed
by students except pretest. This indicates that the SSP
workshop on PPG Post SM3T Class 4 becomes the
vehicle for the strengthening of academic competence
and professional competence in a sustainable manner
(Re-Design of Professional Education, 2010).
Students have experience, knowledge and abilities
not only theoretical, but are practiced in the workshop
activities of the SSP to create learning tools according
to majors.
3.2 Principles of Learning
Based on the documentation study results, there are
eight principles of learning PPG Post SM3T Force 4,
namely: (1) the learner activity; (2) higher order
thinking; (3) the impact of the companion; (4)
utilization of information technology; (5) contextual
learning; (6) the use of multi strategy and various
learning resources; (7) learning by doing; and (8)
feedback mechanisms (PPG Guide, 2016). The eight
principles of learning is a process of habituation in
learning activities and development of high-level
thinking skills.
In 2nd plenary, begins with a discussion between
students with supervisors, lecturers, and tutor
teachers. Theme of discussion about materials,
methods, and learning media. In the discussion,
students are motivated to share their knowledge and
experience. This creates a conducive learning
environment for the actualization of critical thinking
skills, analytical thinking, and creative thinking.
Discussion can develop mutual learning, mutual
respect, and exchange of knowledge, as an important
element in learning and the process of habituation for
the realization of learning societies (Ningrum: 2009).
SSP workshop activities reflect independent
learning activities which is an indicator of the
implementation of learning principles of learner
activeness, contextual learning, learning by doing,
and use of learning resources. The principle of
learning is a vehicle for the acquisition of learning
experiences for the development of skills using
learning resources the ability to use multi strategy and
learning resources can improve student competence
(Fien, 2002). While the principle of contextual
learning can help students recognize the macro
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
environment to help the process of transfer of
learning (DePotter and Hernanchi, 2007).
The principle of learning while doing actualized
in activities making learning devices, so that students
get the learning experience and learning outcomes in
the form of learning plan documents. The ability to
design the learning includes the implementation plan
of learning, instructional media, preparation of
teaching materials and student worksheets, the
development of assessment instruments is one of the
competencies of PPG graduates (PPG Guide, 2016).
Students not only gain knowledge, but also practical
skills so that it is useful for strengthening professional
In 3rd plenary, the presentation of SSP workshop
conducted by all students and attended by lecturers of
study subjects, supervisors, and tutor teachers. These
activities actualize the principle of learning backlash
mechanism, which is getting corrected for revision
and follow-up on continuous improvement. These
activities encourage behavioral changes as a result of
learning, namely changes in knowledge, attitudes and
ability to face PPL activities. Changes in knowledge,
attitude, and behavior are indicators of learning
outcomes (Sudjana, 1995).
3.3 Peer Teaching
Peer teaching activities were conducted at 3rd
plenary, after the students presented the results of the
SSP workshop, improved the learning tools, and got
approval from the guidance lecturers and the teachers.
There are three important aspects in peer teaching
activities, namely: room or class, learning activities,
and reflection. The peer teaching room uses the venue
of the CNS workshop which is conditioned as a
learning class. Thus, students who become model
teachers can perform mobility activities as one of the
basic skills of teaching on the aspect of conducting
variations (Usman, 2005; Kusnandar, 2008).
Peer teaching is an exercise or simulation for
strengthening the skills of carrying out teaching
learning activities, so that students have readiness to
implement PPL (Usman: 2005, Ningrum 2009). The
time spent in this activity is in accordance with the
allocation of hours of lessons for a meeting. Thus,
model teachers can carry out full learning activity
exercises, from preliminary activities, core activities,
to cover (Process Standards). During the learning
process, model teachers actualize teaching skills and
role in learning as an exercise for successful teaching.
Peer teaching becomes a training vehicle for
achieving effectiveness and efficiency of learning
(Ningrum, 2009).
Reflection is an important part of peer-to-peer
activities, because students will know the weaknesses
and successes that have been achieved. In addition,
the student will have an attitude towards the ability
that has been achieved. That is, reflection activities
have two benefits. First, the benefits for all students
on the implementation of peer teaching because it is
done together. Second, the benefits for students
individually as an independent reflection by students
for further improvement. Reflection becomes the
process of developing knowledge and learning skills
as well as attitudes and behaviors as teachers (Asril,
Microteaching activities is a vehicle for the
formation of teaching skills, peer teaching as the
process of teacher profession formation, while real
teaching in the setting of PPL as a vehicle for the
strengthening of professional competence. Teacher
profession is formed through the process of formation
and experience, thus fulfilling the requirements
(Hamalik, 2001). Teaching skills and the role of
teachers in the learning process become a very
important aspect for the creation of a learning
environment that can foster motivation and encourage
student learning activities (DePotter and Helsinki,
3.4 Plan of Class Action Research
One of the activities stages in the SSP workshop is
observation to partner schools that have been
established along with the tutor teachers. There are 60
partner schools comprised of elementary, junior and
senior high schools, with a total of 95 teachers, and
63 supervisors. Observation activities become the
initial knowledge for students to recognize the
learning environment in the process of strengthening
professional competence (Re-design of Professional
Teacher Education, 2010). Thus, at the time of the
PPL, students have the ability to adapt, communicate,
and interact with the school community as a process
of establishing and strengthening the competence of
3.5 Readiness of Field Experience
Practice (PPL)
Based on documentation study, PPG curriculum used
in UPI is block system, is the first semester of SSP
workshop and second semester of field experience
practice (PPL). The readiness of students of PPG
Program post SM3T Force 4 in 2016 to follow the
practice of field experience (PPL) is indicated by
indicators of academic readiness, readiness to carry
out learning, and the completeness of document
Evaluation of Workshop Specific Subject Pedagogy (SSP) System Learning on Teacher Profession Education Post SM3T Force 4 in
Indonesia Education University
learning tools. All three indicators of readiness were
obtained through the workshop of SSP, in the first
Academic readiness is expressed by pretest results
and material stabilization. Both of these indicate that
the student has been prepared and has fulfilled
substantial competence on the subject area or subject
(Standard Content). Readiness to implement learning
in real-time situations (real teaching). Readiness to
undertake learning is demonstrated by the process
during the workshop activities of SSP including,
discussion, self-employment / grouping, and peer
teaching (PPG Guide, 2016). While the readiness of
learning device documents is the result of product
assessment in the form of portfolio. Each student is
required to submit a portfolio consisting of: RPP,
instructional media, assessment instruments,
instructional materials, and classroom action research
The ability to plan and manage the learning
program becomes teacher competence in developing
students' potential, both academically and thinking
skills (Lie, 2005; Kusnandar, 2008; Bruyere, 2011).
Based on the results of interviews with PPG program
managers on nine field of study, there are differences
and similarities of products result of the workshop
activities SSP. There are eight different results:
syllabus development, learning methodology,
learning experience syntax, learning scheme,
instructional CD, reflection journal, LKS, and
analysis of learning materials. While the same results
are: RPP, teaching materials, instructional media,
learning instruments, and PTK proposals.
Based on the documentation study, the learning
tools of the workshop product of SSP work there is an
inequality in structure or format. However, it
essentially fulfills the substance and components of
each learning device. The workshop activities of the
SSP show its effectiveness in the ability to plan and
readiness to carry out the learning (PPG Guide 2016).
Students of the PPG Program have pedagogical
competence and professional competence as a whole
to become professional teacher candidates (Re-
Design of Teacher Professional Education: 2010).
The Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) workshop
covers seven stages, beginning with plenary
activities1. The seven stages of the SSP workshop
activities are carried out in the study program: 2nd
Plenary, pretest, workshop, 3rd plenary, group /
independent work, observation to partner schools,
and peer teaching. The principles of learning are
applied in the workshop activities of the SSP, namely:
the learner activity, higher order thinking, impact
accompaniment, utilization of information
technology, contextual learning, the use of multi
strategy and various sources of learning, learning by
doing, and feedback mechanism. Peer-learning
activities provide learning experiences on learning
implementation, actualize basic teaching skills and
carry out the role of teachers in learning. Classroom
action research planning is designed based on the
observation result in the school that will be used as
the place for PPL. Readiness to implement PPL is
characterized by academic readiness, readiness to
carry out learning, and the completeness of document
learning tools. All three indicators of readiness are
obtained through the workshop SSP activities.
On this occasion, the authors thank to the Indonesia
Education University (UPI) and Institute of Research
and Community Service (LPPM) UPI who have
facilitated research and writing this article. To the
managers and participants PPG Post SM3T force 4 in
UPI that has provided data and information. To the
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education (Kemenristekdikti) the Directorate
General for Research and Development, Directorate
of Research and Community Service, which has
provided funding for research of flagship universities
in 2016.
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Evaluation of Workshop Specific Subject Pedagogy (SSP) System Learning on Teacher Profession Education Post SM3T Force 4 in
Indonesia Education University