Volunteerism Through Festivals for Civic Virtue
Muhammad Mona Adha, Dasim Budimansyah, Sapriya Sapriya and Dadang Sundawa
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Festival, Civic Virtue, Volunteerism, Citizens.
Abstract: Based on the experience of developed countries, festival activities can be used as a vehicle to cultivate the
volunteerism of young citizens to work in the midst of society. Helping and lighten the agenda of activities
within the community should be built from the connectivity between individuals. This study aims to find the
form of active citizen participation, increase knowledge, increase social experience, and personal skills to
public issues as a form of civilization citizenship in the event of Krakatau festival in Bandar Lampung,
Indonesia. Qualitative research with this ethnographic method found that volunteers are very helpful in
organizing the festival as a sense of caring and personal satisfaction. The results show that self-care in the
work, mobilizing fellow volunteers should be prioritized and learned to foster commitments that promote
honesty, fairness, and responsibility. But the true influence of individualist life is a challenge of changing
attitudes of individual behavior. Therefore, the extent of volunteer activities can be implemented maximally
in building self and society.
Indonesia is very rich in cultural diversity, customs
that have different characteristics. Culture is one of
the basic elements in the social life of Indonesian
society that has an important role in shaping the
personality and association in society. Yet today
intercultural interaction and friction lead to increased
tensions, waning of cultural identity and untapped
maximum culture as part of cultural diversity. The
target of cultural development at its core includes the
formation of the nation, and that means leading to the
realization of a strong and competitive nation
character, and caring for high morality.
Another thing that is worrying at this time is the
involvement of the community in the preservation of
culture is reduced because of the culture getting
shifted by the progress of modern life, and the social
changes in the interaction of society today. Sensitivity
to the diversity of community situations and
intercultural relationships that cannot be understood
or understood as a whole as a national culture, so that
still cause disharmony.
Citizens who understand and are able to
participate actively in the society, nation and state are
citizens who are able to think critically in responding
in their life activities. Active participation is a
responsible person and capable of acting intelligently
in social activities, then active participation means
that a person is continuously able to develop his or
her social skills and citizenship competencies (Allen
1960) or improve their social skills, citizenship
competence, have a personal character or a good
character (Suryadi and Budimansyah, 2008).
The context of the Krakatau Festival activities that
the real festival has the potential to be able to unite
the community in a positive social interaction and
increase the active participation of local communities
in particular. Festival is one way to increase the
participation of people who are less than the
maximum, and involve themselves in the Krakatau
Festival activities.
Festival is a means for every individual and
society to gather and interact positively. This is
certainly in accordance with human needs in the
fulfillment of the so-called "affiliation", namely the
need to live together in social life. Through this
festival activity can provide understanding and
experience to the community to gather together and
see that despite the diversity around the community,
but still can work together, mutual respect, respect,
foster mutual responsibility, and conscious as part of
the community so that the realization of harmony
social. The value that can be derived from the
community togetherness in the festival, the relation
with civilization of citizens that every individual is
Adha, M., Budimansyah, D., Sapriya, S. and Sundawa, D.
Volunteerism Through Festivals for Civic Virtue.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 500-505
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
able to put the public interest, support and help to
smooth and mutual interests, so that individuals can
position their personal interests properly to carry out
useful interests for the people who greater coverage.
Krakatau Festival is an annual cultural event held
in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province. Culture
is the most important aspect to maintain human
civilization in order to survive with its own
characteristics. Internally, within each tribe as well as
in the life of the society of cultural preservation is
necessary for the culture of a nation to be strong and
strengthen the character of the Indonesian nation
based on certain ethical values.
However, on the other hand there are still many
unexpected happenings that can be debilitating in
cultural preservation. Conflicts may arise among
ethnic backgrounds of different socio-cultural
backgrounds in society but this should be prevented
from happening. These events are different ethnic
conflicts, and other social conflicts that occur in the
community. Some major conflicts and social unrest
occurred such as the Ambon (Maluku) conflict,
Sambas (West Kalimantan), Balinuraga (South
Lampung), and other conflicts that developed into
SARA conflict.
2.1 Variety of Festival Activities at
Various Places
Festival is a means for every individual and society to
gather and interact positively. This is certainly in
accordance with human needs in the fulfillment of the
so-called "affiliation", namely the need to live
together in social life.
Therefore, the fundamental concern is how to
provide an understanding of the benefits and meaning
of culture, that culture is very meaningful to the lives
of local, national, and international communities.
Supported by the development of science and
technology as human civilization that moves very
fast, this should make a positive contribution in the
maintenance of Indonesian culture.
One of the positive activities that can be done in
maintaining, preserving and preserving local and
national culture is through cultural festivals. The
festival is held to realize the participation of the
community, stakeholders, and the government
together in order to introduce the local culture that is
owned, and foster the participation of the community
to become a society that understand and respect each
other. According to Phipps (2010) that the Festival is
a positive space that provides an opportunity for the
development of local / indigenous cultures as a
constructive form of their own culture that will later
be recognized and respected by local, national and
international communities. Festival is meant as a step
to maintain culture and good relationship between
Various cultural festival activities conducted in
many countries in the world. Like The Merrie
Monarch Festival is an annual cultural festival held in
Hilo Hawaii since 1893. This festival involves
various social circles that exist. The festival contains
three days of "hula" competitions, handicraft
exhibitions and cultural performances, and as a
culmination is a cultural parade. The festival opens
with a typical Hawaiian song and the national anthem
of the United States.
The Garma Festival is an annual cultural festival
held since 1999 as a place to gather North American
unique culture that plays an important role in cultural,
political, and knowledge development. The Garma
Festival is a strategy for developing and strengthening
local cultural interactions, building new resources,
engaging and working with influential people in
media, law, health, public administration and
education fields. This cultural festival presents music,
traditional dances, educational discussions, and
cultural dialogue to determine the origin of Australian
Aalst and Melik (2011) revealed that the North
Sea Jazz Festival held in the Netherlands since 1976
was initiated by Paul Acket. The festival involves 300
viewers and 9000 visitors. This festival is included
into the Top 10 Activities in the World. The place of
execution, preparation, planning, and atmosphere and
festival circumstances will have an effect in attracting
visitors to come to the festival. (Aalst and Melik,
2011) "The place of a festival can be important in
attracting visitors" (p 203).
The Kolache Festival is an annual cake festival
held at Caldwell Texas (United States). This festival
is very popular which brings 20,000 visitors during
this festival runs. Culture that became the main
culture during this festival is the uniqueness of Czech
culture. Various forms of cakes, competitions,
clothing, food and handicrafts, are held in this
festival. (Woosnam and Aleshinloye, 2015).
Woodford Folk Festival is a music festival held
on Sunshine Coast, Queensland (Australia) for 6 days
6 nights. Each year it involves 2000 viewers, and
there are 580 types of activities during the festival.
The music featured is typical Australian traditional
music, blues, jazz, rock, pop, various attractions, and
workshops. (Packer and Ballantyne, 2013).
Volunteerism Through Festivals for Civic Virtue
The Korean National Sports Festival is a sports
festival held by South Korea since November 1920,
especially implemented by the Korean Olympic
Committee (KOC) as a form to maintain culture,
economy and relationships with everyone overseas,
especially New Zealand. The festival is divided into
three parts: the athletes who often follow this festival,
as entertainment to connect the culture between South
Korea and New Zealand, and the third is the
relationship of political and economic experience for
the common good of both countries. (Chang, Sam,
Jackson, 2015).
In Indonesia, especially in Lampung Province has
a cultural festival called Krakatoa Festival. Krakatoa
Festival is one of the leading cultural activities of
Lampung Province held every year since 1990 that
raised the wealth of culture and tradition. This festival
becomes the promotion of tourism potential owned by
every district and city in Lampung. The event is
enlivened by carnivals, traditional art attractions,
exhibitions, and various competitions. In its journey,
there are many variations done.
Carnival filled with traditional fashion parade of
two major tribes in Lampung, namely Sai Batin and
Pepadun. Also displayed traditional art of tupping and
sekura which became one of the peculiarities of
Lampung traditional art. Carnival is also enlivened by
contemporary fashion show creations from fabric.
Krakatau Festival organized by Lampung Tourism
Office is an annual agenda that aims to introduce the
Province of Lampung by utilizing the icon of Mount
Krakatau. Mount Krakatau itself is an active volcano
located off the coast of Kalianda, South Lampung.
This mountain is well known to the whole world
because of its terrific eruption in 1883.
A festival activity requires the support and active
participation of the community. Therefore "civic
engagement" is the main thing in building a good
social life. Based on research conducted at three
universities in the United States, Doolittle and Faul
(2013) revealed that to involve every individual
should be given confidence to the community that
they are able to perform activities related to building
community communities and their norms by creating
things which appeals to the younger generation in
particular. Next according to Netting (2011) research
results say that to engage in social work and any kind
of involvement should not look at age, gender, and
race. Precisely those who have had many experiences
especially those with old age are able to participate.
By following organizations or doing jobs that provide
opportunities for the elderly, they can contribute to
the skills they possess.
2.2 Cultural Development
Cultural clashes by Jonathan H. Turner in Wikipedia
(2014) explain that "cultural as well as cultural
conflict is very common in everyday life, day in
society. This is due to the culture, values, things that
become the guidance or different guidelines from one
another. So we need a way to how to balance or
harmonize from the clash of the culture in order to
create a harmonious life.
Meeting between two cultures or cultures in one
environment will certainly lead to differences in
understanding or perspective, which at the same time
is a challenge in the culture itself to be richer with the
elements contained therein. Especially with the era of
globalization as it now allows cultural clashes that
occur, because the movement of people from one
place to another that cannot be arrested because the
current era is the era of communication and
telecommunications so that the human movement
happens more quickly.
Later in this paper it is necessary to explain the
culture or culture itself, so that what becomes the
main point of the cultural clashes can be understood
as described below. The ability to think, learn, and
produce something is a capability that only humans
have. With that ability man can meet various needs
through cultural mediation. Culture can be ideas,
ideas, customs that prevail in society and only
material. Given the knowledge, abilities and needs of
human beings are always growing, then the culture is
always changing. Cultural changes can be caused by
factors from within and can also be caused by external
influences. Man is referred to as a civilized and
ethical beings are nothing but creatures that
constantly utilize his mind to create happiness,
because the happiness of human life is essentially
something good, righteous and just, then only human
beings always try to create goodness, truth and justice
entitled to a cultured human title. The influence of the
outside of them because of the contact and
communication with other community’s different
One of the most visible trends of the dynamics of
human life today is the changes caused by the rapidly
increasing efforts of human beings in science and
technology. These changes seem to have a profound
effect on various aspects of life, including the
inevitable influence of regional cultural life in many
ways, including art and tradition. Consequently, we
are confronted with many inevitability: the
penetration of new avant-garde values that are often
contrary to conventional values; the pragmatic,
materialistic, and hedonic tendencies that become
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
dominant in an increasingly consumeristic society
that ultimately leads to spiritual impoverishment; and
a long series of other phenomena.
Indonesia's rich country with various cultures
scattered throughout the archipelago and its location
in strategic shipping lanes, cannot escape from
outside influences, whether intentional or
unintentionally touches people's lives. All these
influences are not directly accepted, but through the
process of selection, modification and adapting to the
local culture without removing its principal rules. So
as to produce a typical Indonesian culture.
Viewed from various purposes and point of view
about the definition of culture can be regarded as a
very broad problem, but the essence is that the culture
is attached to the human self. This means that humans
are the creators of culture. The culture comes with
human birth. Speaking of humans, one classic
problem that is so far is how to define man himself.
2.3 Strengthening Citizens (Civic
Aristotle once said that man must be able to achieve
his happiness. When a person is happy he can form a
community of good people. Aristotle added that it
would be easier to teach civilization to someone who
already had knowledge of previous civilizations. It is
important to be perceived together that the
importance of starting civilization from family life at
Olsson (2014) reveals that civilization of citizens
is seen from the context of utilitarian philosophy of
John Stuart Mill which states that the pleasure of a
person in the field of life should still be in good
behavior. Civic civilization in question is a citizen
capable of doing moral substance considerations by
observing the rules, paying attention to the side of
thought by controlling to things positive, having high
confidence is an important factor, and conveying
what they think and do from what they have to say
(consistency). Chambel and Alcover (2011) argue
that the civilization of citizens in the context of a
person's behavior (civic virtue behavior) is based on
the existence of good relations among fellow human
beings, based on the satisfaction of the maximum
achievement that has been done by individuals
characterized by the emergence of attitudes / more
awake because of what the expectations and wishes
have been fulfilled, paying attention to the balance
between rights and duties. The civilization possessed
by each individual will provide a sense of security and
comfort for the environment that surrounds it.
Citizen civilization is a guide for every individual
and society to be able to participate actively in daily
life and be responsible as a member of society.
Weisband (2009) argues that government
cooperation, social capital and civilization are an
integral part. The civilization of citizens to do is how
citizens have a sense of responsibility. Then
civilization based on ethics aims to citizens who are
able to position themselves as individuals, have
volunteer souls, and have the ability to respond to
what is happening in the surrounding environment.
Then "virtue ethic" provides an understanding that
citizens are able to provide fair and strategic decisions
and make it a powerful self by paying close attention
to the social values of the structure of virtues that exist
in everyday life.
Citizens' civilization contributes to providing
insight into ways to motivate citizens to engage in
democratic life and life in today's modern era.
Civilization of citizens when viewed from the point
of view of the values of goodness which at the same
time can develop the life of democracy followed by
the increasingly strong civil society. Kimpel (2015)
argues that maturity in determining steps in the life of
a state and under various pressures, provides the fact
that whether a person will move for the common good
or for the interests of the group / person. Through a
healthy democracy it will give birth to the values of
goodness. Hence civilization of citizens should
continue to develop life experiences and the resulting
impacts of individual behavior, develop good habits,
and value development. The civilization of a citizen
is a person's personal character traits that are part of
his emotions, attitudes, and actions that can be seen
from the life of society as a good person of course.
Herreros (2014) reveals that the civilization of a
citizen can be defined as the character of a society that
prioritizes public interests above personal gain and
has considerations for good outcomes. How citizens
become good citizens in a country and free from
corruption is an example of a person's good
personality traits. Understanding and understanding
civilization of citizens continue to develop by looking
at things that have happened in the past and can be
included in modern life today. Another definition, the
civilization of society demands a bigger picture of
each individual, and how each individual has an
opportunity for his own success becomes important to
be preserved.
Volunteerism Through Festivals for Civic Virtue
This research uses qualitative research design with
the aim that the researcher is more flexible in
analyzing and analyzing various phenomenon
encountered in the field comprehensively, as
explained by Miles and Huberman (2007: 2) that
"with qualitative data we can follow and understand
the flow of events chronologically, assess cause-and-
effect within the sphere of the minds of the local
people and obtain numerous and useful explanations
". The research method is done by using descriptive
method with ethnography approach. Ethnography
focuses on groups that share the same culture.
According to Creswell (2015) revealed that as a
process, ethnography involves extensive observation
of the group, often through participant observation,
whose researchers immerse themselves in the daily
life of the community, observe and interview
participants in the group.
The growing society that is increasingly aware of the
importance of connecting with each other, working
together with each other "people to people link" has
been able to boost the maturity of life better social
interaction in the community. The solid and good
relationship in "social capital", Ace Suryadi and
Dasim Budimansyah (2004) has been able to create
the productivity and prosperity of its people, has
succeeded in creating and maintaining a state of
professionalism, hard work, high discipline, and
orientation towards change and wealth as a value
system which binds the patterns of society's behavior.
"In addition to the direct effect of volunteering
activities to help individuals and communities
function better, volunteerism benefits society by
increasing social capital," (Elten Briggs, 2010 p. 61).
Various institutions are assigned responsibility in
the socialization process to increase the sense of
social togetherness that leads to the development of
the productivity of its citizens. Educational
institutions are considered the primary means of
implementing the inheritance, development, and
acceptance of productivity-oriented values (Carol
Packham, 2008; Ace Suryadi and Dasim
Budimansyah, 2004). Productivity values such as fast
learning, hard work, high discipline, and innovation-
oriented and producing quality work continue to be
invested both through education and through legal
rules in society. In this case moral becomes an
important point, because moral is a mental attitude
that is the driving factor for the process of continuous
change in the actions of individuals in society.
Involving individuals or community groups to
take part in volunteer activities has several factors to
note that are not only concerned about the volunteers
themselves but also an important part of the
organizers and the organizational coordinators
(activity managers) to see the needs and organization
of the volunteer involved. Rebecca Nesbit et al (2016)
related to volunteer management explains that the
coordinator of the organizer of an activity is able to
place volunteers in order to work efficiently and
dynamically by observing the changes that will be
gained with volunteer involvement, volunteer's
strength / ability, and directing attitude or spirit
volunteers. According to Rebecca Nesbit et al, it is
the responsibility of the activity organizer's
coordinator to see the progress and ways of working
displayed by the volunteer in order to achieve what
has become the goal of the activity. The findings of
Rebecca Nesbit et al's research say that regardless of
the training or experience of the volunteers, the role
of the organizer's coordinator will have a good
implication if implemented well. Next, it is crucial for
the organizer's coordinator to have a perception of
expectations, and be able to manage the conflict so
that the work performed by the volunteer is more
efficient and dynamic, thus if the responsibility is
well implemented to organize activities with a good
job display by each volunteer then influential in the
success of the overall activity.
The involvement of individuals and community
groups in voluntary activities especially in the
Krakatau Festival is expected to be more capable of
producing people and communities who not only
recognize the cultural parade held during the festival,
but rather to cultivate mutual respect, willing to
cooperate well between volunteers, volunteers with
party’s organizers, and organizers with stakeholders
and includes working with the provincial government
in it. Based on the challenge of being able to provide
good cooperation and realizing the importance of
volunteering values in volunteering, the insights must
be expanded. Qualified human resources are not
merely seen from the technical aspect but also related
to the socio-cultural value as the driving factor for
human resources to grow and develop in the modern
era as it is today.
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Volunteerism Through Festivals for Civic Virtue