able to put the public interest, support and help to
smooth and mutual interests, so that individuals can
position their personal interests properly to carry out
useful interests for the people who greater coverage.
Krakatau Festival is an annual cultural event held
in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province. Culture
is the most important aspect to maintain human
civilization in order to survive with its own
characteristics. Internally, within each tribe as well as
in the life of the society of cultural preservation is
necessary for the culture of a nation to be strong and
strengthen the character of the Indonesian nation
based on certain ethical values.
However, on the other hand there are still many
unexpected happenings that can be debilitating in
cultural preservation. Conflicts may arise among
ethnic backgrounds of different socio-cultural
backgrounds in society but this should be prevented
from happening. These events are different ethnic
conflicts, and other social conflicts that occur in the
community. Some major conflicts and social unrest
occurred such as the Ambon (Maluku) conflict,
Sambas (West Kalimantan), Balinuraga (South
Lampung), and other conflicts that developed into
SARA conflict.
2.1 Variety of Festival Activities at
Various Places
Festival is a means for every individual and society to
gather and interact positively. This is certainly in
accordance with human needs in the fulfillment of the
so-called "affiliation", namely the need to live
together in social life.
Therefore, the fundamental concern is how to
provide an understanding of the benefits and meaning
of culture, that culture is very meaningful to the lives
of local, national, and international communities.
Supported by the development of science and
technology as human civilization that moves very
fast, this should make a positive contribution in the
maintenance of Indonesian culture.
One of the positive activities that can be done in
maintaining, preserving and preserving local and
national culture is through cultural festivals. The
festival is held to realize the participation of the
community, stakeholders, and the government
together in order to introduce the local culture that is
owned, and foster the participation of the community
to become a society that understand and respect each
other. According to Phipps (2010) that the Festival is
a positive space that provides an opportunity for the
development of local / indigenous cultures as a
constructive form of their own culture that will later
be recognized and respected by local, national and
international communities. Festival is meant as a step
to maintain culture and good relationship between
Various cultural festival activities conducted in
many countries in the world. Like The Merrie
Monarch Festival is an annual cultural festival held in
Hilo Hawaii since 1893. This festival involves
various social circles that exist. The festival contains
three days of "hula" competitions, handicraft
exhibitions and cultural performances, and as a
culmination is a cultural parade. The festival opens
with a typical Hawaiian song and the national anthem
of the United States.
The Garma Festival is an annual cultural festival
held since 1999 as a place to gather North American
unique culture that plays an important role in cultural,
political, and knowledge development. The Garma
Festival is a strategy for developing and strengthening
local cultural interactions, building new resources,
engaging and working with influential people in
media, law, health, public administration and
education fields. This cultural festival presents music,
traditional dances, educational discussions, and
cultural dialogue to determine the origin of Australian
Aalst and Melik (2011) revealed that the North
Sea Jazz Festival held in the Netherlands since 1976
was initiated by Paul Acket. The festival involves 300
viewers and 9000 visitors. This festival is included
into the Top 10 Activities in the World. The place of
execution, preparation, planning, and atmosphere and
festival circumstances will have an effect in attracting
visitors to come to the festival. (Aalst and Melik,
2011) "The place of a festival can be important in
attracting visitors" (p 203).
The Kolache Festival is an annual cake festival
held at Caldwell Texas (United States). This festival
is very popular which brings 20,000 visitors during
this festival runs. Culture that became the main
culture during this festival is the uniqueness of Czech
culture. Various forms of cakes, competitions,
clothing, food and handicrafts, are held in this
festival. (Woosnam and Aleshinloye, 2015).
Woodford Folk Festival is a music festival held
on Sunshine Coast, Queensland (Australia) for 6 days
6 nights. Each year it involves 2000 viewers, and
there are 580 types of activities during the festival.
The music featured is typical Australian traditional
music, blues, jazz, rock, pop, various attractions, and
workshops. (Packer and Ballantyne, 2013).
Volunteerism Through Festivals for Civic Virtue