Participation of Male Students in Home Economics Learning
Alif Alfi Syahrin, Bayu Sampurna, Fauziah Sri Wahyuni, Siti Komariah, Ade Gafar Abdullah and
Cep Ubad Abdullah
Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat Indonesia
{alifalfisyahrin, sitikomariah, ade_gaffar, cepubad}
Keywords: Participation of Male Students, Home Economics, Learning.
Abstract: This research was conducted to find out the participation level of male students in the home economics
learning class, especially in the field of culinary. This study used descriptive research method aiming to
describe how the participation of male students is by using questionnaires and structured observation
instrument. Based on several aspects, the following results are obtained: 1) the pattern of interaction between
teachers and male students in the classroom is not much different from female students except in certain cases
requiring special attention; 2) based on the process of execution of tasks performed in classroom practice
shows that male students are superior to female students; and 3) performance appraisal results show that
female students are superior to male students.
Both men and women have their own roles and
functions. In addition, there is a tendency based on
the nature and characteristics of each. In traditional
Taiwanese traditional culture where males tend to be
encouraged by parents, teachers, and relatives to
pursue the majors of male domination, such as
science, mathematics, and engineering; In contrast,
females tend to be encouraged to pursue women's
dominance majors, such as social sciences, education,
arts, literature, and home economics (Hong,
McCarthy Veach, and Lawrenz, 2005). But it cannot
be denied in certain cases that women can have an
interest in the field generally occupied by men.
Likewise men can have an interest in a field that is
generally occupied by women or domestic field. This
also happens with the interest of students in choosing
a major in their school, because school is very
important for themselves and others. Learning at
school is a complex process of socialization into a
chosen and valued practice of a society (Mickan,
2007). Schools are a prominent site for socialization
and for integrating new entrants into community
practice communities (Lamarre and Paredes, 2003).
Based on the results of research Grima and Smith
(1993), it is stated that there are more male students
(19) than female students (7) in the process in the
classroom. Most students do work together in kitchen
cleaning activities. The teacher expects the same
standard in terms of work for all students but the
school specializes more work for women. Mechling
(2015) proposed the results of his studies of male
scout members in America with an age range of 11 to
17 years who were briefed in cooking and serving
food and cleaning the mess, suggesting that despite
the experience of learning how to care about others,
their respective sides form a masculine concern and
not feminism. Home economics and development
focus on learning about work or physical skills to
satisfy the need in short themes to serve as a
beginning for the development of individual abilities,
behaviors, and values that lead them to self-
determination (Knye, 1985).
Both sexes will change as well. As women and
men continue to shift workplace roles, political power
structures, families, homes, and markets, so gender
mainstreaming will advance and retreat to different
levels in different places. This interaction shows that
those involved in the study or practice of
development and home economics should renew
stagnant relationships or establish new partnerships to
move both areas correctly into the first twenty-first
century (Betts and Goldey, 2005). In addition, gender
stereotypes play a role that moderates the relationship
between academic achievement and self-esteem
(Hong, McCarthy Veach, and Lawrenz, 2004).
Syahrin, A., Sampurna, B., Wahyuni, F., Komariah, S., Abdullah, A. and Abdullah, C.
Participation of Male Students in Home Economics Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 526-531
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According to research results of Phua, Wong, and
Abu (2011) the behavioral intentions of home
economics teachers to use the internet positively
correlated with internet behavior, usability
perceptions, perceptions of ease of use, and
perceptions in enjoying. Thus, it will be easier for
teachers in the process of teaching and learning in the
classroom. Indeed, technology has also changed the
way teachers teach in the classroom (Afshari, Bakar,
Luan, Samah, and Fooi, 2008). Teachers are expected
to use the internet in the classroom to teach all
subjects (Lokken, Cheek, and Hastings, 2003;
McFadden, Croxall, and Wright, 2001). This implies
that all teachers, including Home Economics teachers
(HEs), must be able to meet the challenges of using
ICTs effectively in the classroom (Wong, Jalil, Ayub,
Bakar, and Tang, 2003; Luan, Atan and Sabudin,
In the long history of the home economics class at
school, Moreover, the Scouts were founded in 1910,
in large part, in response to the "feminization" felt by
American males. The white, middle-class,
heterosexual men experienced a "masculinity crisis"
in the decades the decline of the nineteenth century,
primarily due to the dire economic cycles, shifts in
work patterns, increased urbanization, waves of
immigrants, and the inclusion of women into the
workplace (though as unskilled workers and the like)
(Meychling, 2005). By having the goal to prepare
young men and women for skilled and profitable
work, and equip them to take their place in society as
useful parents and citizens (Christopherson, 1957).
This became one of the reasons for making it to form
in society.
Some of the goals with home economics
departments in some Vocational High Schools
(SMK) are among others the most departmental goals
and schools in the field of home economics is to build
a healthy education program, to win respect for and
accept the program, and to attract students who have
intellectual desirable and personal qualities
(Christopherson, 1957), the field of home economics
is seen as the subject preparing students for the
demands of their daily lives (Kenway, 1992). In high
school, students are expected to develop practical,
cooperative, and information-gathering skills to
manage daily life activities. Particularly, "the task is
to guide students to take responsibility for their
health, human relations, and finances, as well as the
comfort and safety of their immediate environment"
while recognizing their relationship to local culture
and the opportunities created by international and
multicultural connections (Haapala, Biggs,
Cederberg and Liisa, 2014; FNBE, 2004, p. 250).
This makes home economics a reason for students to
choose the course.
The male students of the Culinary Study Program
in one of SMK n Bandung, Indonesia, in the academic
year of 2017-2018 are interesting to study. This is
because of the view that every male student would
prefer a masculine department than a feminine
department. But, it turns out that in this case, there are
also men who choose feminine majors for interesting
reasons. In this study, researchers wanted to know
how the interaction between teachers and males in the
home economics class. In addition, researchers also
want to see how the activities in the learning process
in the classroom.
2.1 Research Design
The research method used is quantitative method with
descriptive statistical analysis technique, which is
used to describe sample data. Descriptive technique
is used because in this study aims to describe the
participation rate of male students in the household
economic learning class. The research technique used
is questionnaire, and observation.
2.2 Research Subject
The subjects were: (1) 27 male students and 20 female
students from grade X, XI, and XII in culinary study
program and (2) 5 teachers who possessed special
culinary subjects with 2 teachers remain foundation,
and 3 honorary teachers. Of the five teachers, they are
not yet certified, but 2 teachers have already
participated in the TPT (Teacher Profession Training)
so that their academic degree is S.Pd., Gr.
2.3 Instruments
The instruments used are: (1) questionnaire to know
the pattern of interaction between teacher and student
in class, (2) questionnaire to know whether there are
differences in the process of execution of tasks
performed between males and female students in
classroom activities, and (3) structured observation
instruments to know the performance of males and
female students in the class.
Participation of Male Students in Home Economics Learning
3.1 Pattern of Interaction between
Teacher and Male Students in
Based on the results of questionnaires to know the
pattern of interaction between teachers and male
students, the resulting data are as follows:
Table 1: Description of interaction patterns between
teachers and male students.
Differences in
teacher interaction to
male and female
a) 40% alike
b) 60% depending on
the situation,
tailored to the
gender character
Teacher difficulty
level interacting with
male students
a) 20% is not difficult
b) 80% medium,
depending on the
child's character
How male and
female students
interact with teachers
a) 40% slightly
b) 60% different,
female students are
more polite
Interaction among
fellow students in the
learning process
a) 20% help each other
b) 80% of female
students help men a
The awkward
interaction of male
and female students
a) 40% slightly
b) 60% not awkward
Teacher proximity to
male and female
students in learning
a) 20% equally close
b) 20% different.
Female students
c) 60% depending on
the situation. Female
students tend to be
Activity of male and
female students
a) 20% equally active
b) 40% of male
students are more
c) 40% of female
students are more
Understanding of
male and female
students in learning
a) 20% of male
students are better
b) 80% of female
students are better
In table 1 it can be seen that there is no striking
difference between the pattern of interaction between
teachers with male students and teachers with female
students, but in certain situations and conditions there
are differences. As illustrated in the indicators
presented in Table 1, differences in interactions are
made when certain students need special guidance
due to specific cases regardless of males or females.
Based on the difficulty level of interaction is
categorized in medium category. However, based on
the way of interaction, female students tend to be
more polite than male students so that female students
tend to be closer to the teacher. When examined in
terms of student interactions, it turns out that female
students tend to provide more support for male
students and have faded awkwardly in interacting
with fellow students. In the aspect of active activity
in the class, the results of female and male students
are equally active, but the level of female students'
understanding is higher than that of male students.
3.2 The Process of Performing the
Tasks Undertaken between Male
and Female Students in Classroom
Practice Activities
Table 2: Task implementation process.
a) 52.2% ever
b) 36.2%
c) 11.6%
a) 50% ever
b) 40%
c) 10%
and How it
a) 50% ever
b) 50%
a) 60%
b) 40% ever
a) 63.6% ever
b) 22.7%
c) c) 13.6%
a) 57.1%
b) 42.9%
a) 60.9%
b) 39.1%
a) 50% ever
b) 42.9%
c) 7.1%
Practice Room
a) 50%
b) 45.7% ever
c) c) 4.3%
a) 67.9%
b) 32.1%
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Based on the indicators presented in Table 2 we can
see that on the aspect of preparing work, processing
materials, and presenting the processed male students
are superior compared to female students. Female
students only excel on aspects of the process of
implementation of work and tidying up the room.
3.3 Performance Results between
Males and Females in the Class
Table 3: Performance of male and female students.
Product Making
Procedures for Food and Drink Services
Systematic Delivery
Gestures and
Performance Results
Differences in
outcomes of male
and female students
a) 20% of male
students are
b) 80% of female
students are
Obstacles in
completing the task
a) 20% of female
b) 80% of male
Factors affecting the
completion of work
a) Facilities,
b) Duration of
c) Time
d) Accuracy,
e) Activity,
f) Motivation,
g) Creativity,
h) Cooperation,
i) Trust,
j) Activities
outside of
Good work results
a) 100% better
Cooperation of work
completion between
male and female
a) 100%
Consistency of the
work of male and
female students
a) 100% change /
The influence of
tastes on male and
female performance
a) 100% influence
Influence of
friendship between
male and female
students on
a) 100% influence
Effect of learning
outcomes in class
with performance
a) 40% influence
of learning
b) 60%
Table 3 shows that the product manufacturing
aspect obtained an average score of 75.25, so this
score indicates that male students have sufficient
ability on aspects of product manufacturing. In the
aspect of food and beverage service procedure of
male students get the average score of 80.2, then we
can know that male students have good ability in the
implementation of food and drink service procedures.
In terms of performance outcomes, female students
are more superior to male students. It is comparable
to the obstacles that are also experienced by many
male students. In addition, the cooperation between
male and female students works well. But in certain
conditions the performance results are sometimes
inconsistent because it is influenced by various
factors such as by taste and most of the task
implementation is the result of each perception and
sometimes do not implement according to the
procedures presented by teachers in the classroom.
Factors that affect the completion of work include
facilities, duration of time, time management,
accuracy, liveliness, motivation, creativity,
cooperation, trust, and activities outside of learning in
the classroom.
Based on the results that have been obtained, we
can see that on certain jobs that demand the role of
men more dominant than male students more appear.
So is the opposite, on aspects related to the needs of
women's touch is more dominant than female
Participation of Male Students in Home Economics Learning
students are superior. As the results of Hong's
research, McCarthy Veach, and Lawrenz (2005)
suggest that traditional culture especially in Taiwan
strongly encourages men and women to pursue fields
according to their gender characteristics and
The learning process ideally involves the various
components optimally. Components in these lessons
can at least be a trigger for students, especially male
students in order to participate optimally in the
learning process. As the results of research Phua,
Wong, and Abu (2011) which reveals teachers who
use the Internet as one of the media used in the home
economics learning class. The results obtained show
positive correlation and facilitate the teacher in
delivering the material. In this century is the century
that allows science and technology to develop
rapidly, then the learning process is expected to
follow. This is because when users feel that a
technology is easy to use, it is likely they will assume
that the system is simple and will be satisfied with the
system (Sun et al., 2008; Ramayah, Muhamad Jantan,
and Noraini Ismail, 2003)
The data also obtained information that the results
of classroom study only give 40% influence on
performance results. This is because several factors
consist of: a) internal factors of students such as time
management, accuracy, activeness, motivation,
creativity, cooperation, trust, and activities outside of
classroom learning; b) external factors such as teacher
ability, facilities, learning resources, duration of time,
and so forth. Therefore, it needs to be optimized for
external factors
Nevertheless, in the middle of the study, one
teacher stated that during his teaching experience it
turns out that in the learning process it is possible that
female students will play a more dominant role and
show better results than male students. But in time to
work in the world that demands professionalism, it
turns out that male students who at the time of
learning seem less serious even more emerging and
able to carry out their work in the field of home
economics professionally. This is in line with Betts
and Goldey (2005) which suggests the possibility of
a shift in aspects of roles, workplaces, political power
structures, families, homes, and markets for men and
women. It shows that men and women are not always
synonymous with each characteristic especially in the
process of self-actualization. However, to get a full
conclusion, further research is needed on this subject
in the Indonesian context. The results revealed in this
article still focus on the participation rate of male
students in the home economics learning class.
This study aims to reveal the participation rate of
male students in the home economics education
classroom. Based on the research results, the
following conclusions are obtained:
a. The pattern of interaction between males and
teachers in the classroom is not much different
from females except in special cases that require
special attention. In the communication process
female students tend to be closer and more polite
in the communication process.
b. The process of performing the tasks in the
preparatory work, processing the materials, and
presenting the processed male students is
superior. While female students excel in the
process and tidy up the practice room.
c. Based on the results of observation on the
performance, female students showed better
results than male students.
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