the direction of global development. Collaborative
work between countries is a step that must be done
globally (Edward, 1999).
Collaboration between countries is not only done
on the field, but in all areas, because it is through
collaborative work will awaken harmonious
relations between states. According to Abdulsyani
(1994) collaboration is a form of social process, in
which there are activities of mutual help and
understanding each other's activities. Collaboration
means working together to achieve common goals
(Roucek and Warren, 1968). Collaboration can be
used as a step taken to suppress the opposition
between the interests of national-oriented with an
internationally oriented (Engel and Siczek, 2017).
One form of collaboration that can be done is
through research in education conducted by
researchers in Indonesia and abroad. Education is a
fundamental knowledge and the processes that
support the development, for which we were trying
to analyze the collaboration undertaken in the field
of education by Indonesia with foreign researchers.
In this study we try to identify the scientific
article writing collaboration between researchers in
education in Indonesia and abroad from 2012 to
2017 at the state university education. Following is
the formulation of the issues discussed in this study:
Productivity publications college education
field of education;
Publication of collaboration between
researchers of state universities in the field of
education in Indonesia with overseas
Relationship productivity publications college
education field, with the publication of their
collaboration with overseas researchers.
Collaborative study used to determine the
productivity and the number of authors and
calculating the level of collaboration in terms of
comparisons between institutions and between
disciplines (Surtikanti 2004). The collaboration of
Indonesian researchers with abroad is a strategy to
facilitate mutual openness to both (Ponti, 2013;
Vogel, 2010). Many advantages are gained by
collaborating, among others, the creation of
opportunities to share knowledge, expertise and
certain techniques in a science (Katz and Martin
1997). Collaboration will create a correlation
between Indonesian researchers with overseas
researchers to float the science and have advantages
between them such as the transfer of knowledge and
expertise, exchange ideas, increase productivity,
open intellectual friendship that all can support the
achievement of sustainable development goals
(SDG's) globally.
This research was conducted with quantitative
approach with data collection technique using
survey. This survey retrieved sample data of
cooperation publications between Indonesian
researchers and abroad from 2012 to 2017. The
survey was conducted secondary to the object of all
scientific articles indexed by the Scopus database
recorded on the web page
from 10 state universities in education, including
Indonesia University of Education, State University
of Malang, Semarang State University, Yogyakarta
State University, Makassar State University, Jakarta
State University, Surabaya State University, Padang
State University, Medan University and Gorontalo
State University. Data collection instruments use
analysis of how much a collaboration of researchers
from Indonesia and abroad in writing articles. This
analysis includes the productivity of scholarly
researcher's scientific articles, collaboration between
in-country researchers and the productivity and
collaboration relationships. Analysis of data
technique using descriptive statistics.
As seen in Figure 1, most of the public universities
that focus on education resulted in an increase in
publications in the period from 2012 to 2017. From
2012 to 2015, the pattern of improvement tends to
be stable from year to year; there is no significant
increase in figures. However, in 2016 a trend
towards a significant increase, and the increase
continued in the same pattern next year.
Of the ten college education fields sampled in
this study, the University of Education Indonesia is a
college with the highest scientific publications,
while the State University of Medan is the lowest
among the other nine. Productivity Indonesia
University of Education is correlative with the
average percentage increase in its publications
during 2012 to 2017, because together with the State
University of Makassar, Indonesia Education
University is a university with an average highest
percentage increase, namely 38 percent. In addition,
State University of Makassar is also listed as a
Collaboration of Scientific Article Writing between Indonesian Educational Researchers and Other Countries