the times progressed, the United States experienced a
dramatic increase in the number of female students,
and women then showed the greatest progress in the
American 'caste' (Horton and Hunt, 1984). Education
has long been a key to the equitable feminist goals of
citizenship in terms of economic, legal, political and
cultural participation (Findlow, 2013).
The view of women continues to grow, such as the
post-structural feminism in which the re-examination
of women's categories in feminist analysis (Jones et
al., 2016, p.31). Judith Butler asserts that feminism
will degenerate into a narrow perspective if it denies
the important difference of women (Jones et al., 2016,
p.318). The notion of meaning demands discontinuity
attention to plurality, diversity and difference, not on
equality (Kenway et al., 1994). Just as in the concept
of a career. Re-conceptualizing the concept of career
does not always help us to understand the complexity
of women's lives (Deem, 1996). They make choices
based on situations in which they are in themselves,
such as women, wives, mothers and workers (Raggl
and Troman, 2008). Feminist perspectives consider
women as the ultimate reference, yet vary greatly in
the roles they provide to State, family, and school
systems in the process of change to achieve women's
equality (Stromquist, 2006).
Students who continue their education to the
graduate level will change the pattern of awareness of
her feminism that can encourage herself and others to
better achievement (Zhu, 2013). It is seen because
married women who continue their studies in master
and doctorate graduate level expressed greater
achievement in motivation (Glowacki-Dudka et al.,
2016). Thus, it relates to this research which discusses
how the influence of student background in
continuing education level to their achievement. In
addition, this study will also elevate the status of
female students who influence their achievement in
the field of graduate level academy. So the
researchers will limit the problem on the student's
background to her achievements.
This research used a quantitative research involving
female graduate students in one public university in
Indonesia. The population of this study were master
and doctorate (postgraduate) students who are
married with the number of 250 female students. The
sample of the study were 34 female students, which
were selected using a purposive sampling technique.
The reason for using purposive sampling because this
study has the criteria of students with a married
background, housewives, although they have jobs but
not included into the formal work.
Figure 1: The model of educational level, student’s
backgrounds, and achievement.
The data in this study were collected using a
closed questionnaire. The questionnaire in this study
consisted of 26 questions with two variables, namely
the independent variables concerning the educational
background the female students in continuing
education, and the dependent variable on the female
student's achievement postgraduate studies. The
responses in the questionnaire were submitted using
Likert scale then the values of ordinal were changed
to interval by using MSI which aims to determine
whether there is an influence from the background of
postgraduate students continuing education to the
achievements obtained.
Data analysis conducted in this research was a
simple linear regression analysis. There were two
stages: simple linear regression to know whether
there is influence of the female student background
variable to their achievement variable, and analysis of
coefficient of determination (R square) to know how
big contribution influence of background variable of
the female student of graduate with variable of
student achievement. The hypothesis proposed in this
study consists of two hypotheses namely:
H0 = there was no significant effect of the female
graduate student's background on achievement.
H1 = There is a significant effect of female graduate
student's influence on achievement.
3.1 Results
The results of data analysis in this study show that Y
= 34.735 + 0.089X which implies that the constant
34.735 states that if there is no value of the variable x
(student background) then the value of variable y
(achievement) of 34.735. If the coefficient of
regression x amounted to 0.089, it states that each
addition 1 value on the variable x (student
background), then the value of variable y