Game Online on Adolescent’s Social Behavior
Diana Dwiputri Prayogi, Nasrawati Nasrawati, Wewen Darmawan, Karim Suryadi, Ade Gafar
Abdullah, and Ari Arifin Danuwijaya
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Addiction, Social Behavior, Peers.
Abstract: This study aims to find out the influence of online game on adolescent’s social behavior. The general problem
in this study is to investigate the level of addiction to online game among students, the influence of online
game on social behavior of students who use Game Online, and the influence of peers on level of addiction
to online game. The study used a quantitative method, using questionnaire to collect the data. The results of
study show that game online strongly influences adolescent’s social behavior, and most of the respondents
spend most of their time only to play game online and peers who always give influence directly and indirectly,
which finally leads to addiction that influence them to show attitude and behavior which are not appropriate
in society.
Game online is integrated well and adolescents use
this game to spend their time with their friends and
gradually they recruit the new friends. Our results
show that the relation to game is probably very useful,
particularly the change in modality between two
fields can result in strong bonding and in accord with
addition social bonding modal (Domahidi, Festl, and
Quandt, 2014).
Some studies have highlighted various potential
factors which influence the relationship between
online gamers and children behavior such as gender,
age, education status, and individual factor such as
personality. For example, the level of statistical
percentage of gamers in Finland had showed that in
2015, more than half of individuals (52%) in a group
of age under 20 years old had reported that they play
digital game every day and most of those people
(88%) had played the game actively by using cellular
phone or telephone (Männikkö, et al. 2017). Also
there are daily family practice related to game online
played by children with the age of seven until eleven
years old in US (Willet, 2017). The game is analyzed
because their effects on family practice in daily life
and formed by history, value, and relation in
household. That article contribute to understanding
about game online and highlight the strength in using
domestic theory to investigate media practice by
children (Willet, 2017).
1.1 What is game online?
Game online is a popular communication media, but
the relationship between online gamers and game
effect on the loyalty of games still need to be
explored. Social modal theory and self-perception
theory is used to explain the mechanism which base
the consequence of gamers. The characteristics are
positively related to relational cost and the habit of
playing game which is subsequently related to loyalty
of online gamers (Teng, 2018). Game online also is
a game which had created significant opportunity for
electronic trade managers (Teng, 2017).
Game online is not much different from video
games which become one of leisure activities which
is most preferred, particularly among adolescents.
This activity can spend most time probably will
compete traditional leisure activity such as sport.
Academic significance on positive and negative
effect of game had been increased substantially for
two last decades (Griffith and Pontes, 2015).
1.2 The Social Behavior of Gamer Online
The relationship between social support and
involvement and experience in game online has been
investigated. The social behavior related to social
bonding which support their play tend to report
enjoyment of their game online. The intensive or
“hardcore” games force gamers to behave and judge
Prayogi, D., Nasrawati, N., Darmawan, W., Suryadi, K., Abdullah, A. and Danuwijaya, A.
Game Online on Adolescent’s Social Behavior.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 549-552
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
their behavior with certain positive and negative way,
so it becomes the cause which underlie the
relationship between social support and involvement
and experience in game online (Dengah, Snodgrass,
Else, and Polzer, 2018).
There are some negative effects of playing this
video game. Firstly, it increases aggressive behavior
as the consequence of playing violent game
(Anderson and Bushman, 2001). Secondly, it is the
excessive game which cause functional and
psychological damages which direct to few cases in
problematic game and game addiction (for example,
Király, Nagygyörgy, Griffiths, and Demetrovics,
2014). Thirdly, the involvement in game online and
psychosocial result causes inconsistent relation to
involvement in game online and psychosocial result
namely self-esteem, loneliness, and social
competence (Kaye, Kowert, and Quinn, 2017).
Online gamers relate to openness which is
interdependent in personality which is the fuel for
gamer online (Huang, Cheng, Huang, and Teng,
On the other hand, there are also positive effects
of playing game online. Playing game online supports
welfare by contributing to involvement suitable with
the game. In addition, the social interaction in video
games, particularly multiplayer online games, is
effective to build social modal, and play the game that
is suitable with the aim and value (Perry, et al. 2018).
Online games also relate to social online play which
is an important component in social online site today.
Social network site environment had provided game
online platform to be developed in virtual medium.
The users now can play game online, compare score,
and challenge each other (Aburahmah, AlRawi, Izz,
and Syed, 2016). Besides, there is a positive
relationship between the involvement of gamer
identity and modal social online. The identity has a
positive relationship to self-esteem and social
competence, and negative relation to loneliness. It
also relates to social value to identify and connect
with other people in complexity around the concept
and measurement of game involvement (Kaye, et al.
2017). Lastly, online gamers tend to create
relationship with the others who have similarities
with them. There is also a social influence among
online casual gamers which can be seen from strong
social action operated among gamers (Lee, 2015).
This study was conducted to investigate the
influence of online games from the aspect of game
online addiction, consumptive behavior, peers
influence and parents’ care in constructing their
children in time effectiveness (time to study and time
to play game at home).
The method used in this study was a quantitative
descriptive which describes or explains a problem in
which its result can be generalized. The respondents
in this study were students of class X in one of private
Senior High Schools in Bandung whose hobby are
playing online games. The author use purposive
sampling as sampling technique.
3.1 Results
The results show that some respondents have
different frequencies of social behaviour in using
online games. Table 1 shows that 26 students (14%)
had high level of game online, 136 students (73%)
have medium level of game online, and 25 students
(25%) have low level of game online.
Table 1: Frequency of Social Behavior Categorization.
In addition, respondents also show varied
intensities in using online games. It can be seen from
Table 2 that from 187 students, 28 students (15%)
have high level of intensity, 151 students (81%) have
medium level of intensity, and 8 students (4%) have
low level of intensity.
Table 2: Intensity of Game Online Use.
From Table 3, it can be seen that correlation
between social behaviors with intensity of game
online use has a correlation coefficient value of -
0.217 which is a weak correlation category. The
value of correlation coefficient of -0.217 show that
there is negative relationship between social behavior
and intensity of game online use among students. It
means that the higher of social behavior showed by
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
the subject, the lower of her/his intensity in using
game online.
Table 3: Correlation of Game Online Use toward Social
Game Online
Spearman’s rho
Social Behavior
Sig. (2-tailed)
Intensity of
Using Sig. (2-
Game Online
There is a social behavior related to social
bonding that supports game. They tend to report
enjoyment of their online game. The intensive games
force gamers to behave and judge their behavior with
certain positive and negative way. So, this is based on
the relationship between social support and
involvement as well as experience in game online
(Dengah, et al. 2018).
To find out contribution of social behavior toward
the intensity of game online usage, the value of
determination coefficient can be calculated using the
following formula:
The determination coefficient shows the value of
4.5%. This shows that variable change in the intensity
of game online use is 95.3% indicating that it is
influenced by another thing which is not investigated
by this study.
The low social behavior is not the only contributor
to the high intensity of game online use. This is
because there are many other factors and motives
which force someone to use media intensively.
3.2 Discussion
The level of online game addiction among
adolescents is strongly related to their attitude and
time they spend to play the game. It is confirmed by
the facts that personality characters, such as
aggression and narcissistic, are positively correlated
with online game addiction (Kim, Namkoong, Ku,
and Kim, 2008). Therefore, adolescent people are not
aware that game online brings a negative effect,
namely game addiction.
The influence of online games on adolescents’
social behavior is strongly related to role and norm
which become general standard for social behavior
(Ellis and Fisher, 1994). Many empirical studies had
found that social behavior influence individual
behavior (Teo and Pok, 2003). Apparently
adolescents today are more difficult to mingle in
social reality and prefer to play in online games.
Peers have a big influence to adolescents in
playing game online. They usually behave as
expected by other members. They clarify themselves
to become social category in their group (Tajfel and
Turner, 1985). It can happen because peers influence
others to play online games. In general, this influence
has created a game online community or group.
The results of this study show the influence of online
games on adolescentssocial behavior is categorized
high. It is seen from negative relation between social
behavior and intensity of game online use among
adolescents in one of private senior high school in
Bandung. Most of them spend most of their time only
to play game online and to mingle with peers who
always influence them. Finally, they begin to become
addicted to game online and there is a change in
attitude and behavior which are not appropriate with
norm in society.
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education