Improved Concept Understanding through Media-based Learning
Endah Kurnia Yuningsih, Diah Mulhayatiah, Rena Denya, Winda Setya, Herni Yuniarti Suhendi,
Rizky Zakwandi and M. Ali Ramdhani
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A.H. Nasution 105 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
{endahkurnia, diahmulhayatiah}
Keywords: Analog Kit, Physics Learning, Roberval Balance, Static fluid, Density.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the difference in the students' understanding of the concept through
the use of a medium learning. The research method used was quasi experiment with preetest-postest control
group design. The population in this study is all students in Junior High School with sample of students of
class VIII. The data collection tool uses multiple choice written tests derived from understanding aspect
indicators on cognitive taxonomy. Hypothesis test is done by using t test by using SPSS program. The results
showed that the control class (without using medium) there was no difference in the improvement of students'
concept understanding between the pretest and postest result. This was indicated by sig. 0.006 <sig. 0.05,
while in the experiment class (by using robelval balance as a medium) there is a difference in the improvement
of students' understanding of understanding this is shown by sig. 0.355> sig. 0.05.
Understanding the concept for high school students is
very important. It is very necessary for students to
build problem solving skills and describe a
phenomenon of physics or other natural phenomena.
(Greca and Ataide, 2017). One of the obstacles in
building student intuition to understand the concept
of physics is that teachers often give detailed
instructions on what to do or understand students.
This causes the student does not have the freedom to
develop his intuition in understanding a concept.
(Hettmansperger, 2015). According to Bruner
and Olson (1973) the use of learning media such as
simple practicum tool is one way that can support the
awakening of students' understanding of a concept.
Another way that can be taken is to build students'
skills in understanding the symbols and communicate
using the media. Teachers need to encourage students
to understand a concept. Similarly, skills commonly
developed through physics learning instruments such
as data collection, interpreting information,
expressing the concept of physics in the learning
media to present the argument in the report of
learning activities. The first thing students do in a
practicum activity is to explore with teacher
guidance. The exploration phase is expected to
produce their own scientific hypothesis. Students are
then given a practicum tool to conduct the
experiment. The experimental results are expected to
answer the formulation of agreed issues or find other
new things. (Zucker and Hug, 2008). One way to
experiment with the influence of new physics
practicum tools in building conceptual understanding
is experimentation using N.E.T. Therefore, the focus
of this project is to use Roberval balance as a
practicum tool. Different preliminary examples of
different topics in physics have been discussed
previously (eg Bakhtibaeva 2016; Malik et al.,
2017; Schaal et al. 2010; Schwarz, 2013; Vogt, 2011;
Kuhn & Vogt, 2015, Wang Et .al, 2017 & Barma and
Daniel, 2017). But there is no research on the impact
of learning using new media such as Roberval
balance as a medium learning for developing
conceptual learning.
The use of Roberval balance in this study aims to
improve the understanding of students' concepts
sains. There is a difference in the level of conceptual
understanding between students who use the
Roberval balance and those not given the tools.
The research method used quasi experiment with
pretest-postest for control class and experiment class.
The learning in the experimental class is done by
guided inquary practice method (Edelson, 2001)
Yuningsih, E., Mulhayatiah, D., Denya, R., Setya, W., Suhendi, H., Zakwandi, R. and Ramdhani, M.
Improved Concept Understanding through Media-based Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 557-560
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
using the Roberval Balance practicum tool. While
learning in the control class using lecture method,
discussion and practice questions. Data processing
result of research conducted by using SPSS software
with indicator taken in the form of different value,
table t and table of normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov
and Shapiro Wilk (Kezer. 2012).
The population of the study was the junior high
school students in the 7
grade. The number of poles
in the control class were 32 people and the
experimental class was 35 people. The selection of
classes is done randomly.
The research instrument is a matter of multiple
choice with indicator of concept based on Bloom’s
Taxonomy revision up to level C5 (Evaluate). The
material used is a static fluid about the density of the
liquid. In addition to data from the pretest and postest
are also used Activity Sheet to see the participation of
learners in the learning that is in the form of short
stuff and some description of the work that has been
done students.
Roberval balance is a simple practice tool. The
principle of Roberval balance work is a firm system
of equilibrium. Roberval balance is the mechanoc
system that introduced by Gilles Personne de
Roberval (1602-1675). The election of Roberval
balance based on the adventages of the system that
allows us to set the charge anywhere along the sleeve
side of the tool (Gumilar, 2016).
Fluid-type mass measurements are made by
comparing one fluid with another known-weight
Figure 1: process in class control.
In the experimental class the student is given an
introduction to the static fluid material and the tool to
be used before practicum. Once students understand
the learning objectives, students are given the
opportunity to understand how the Roberval balance
works. Students start practicum after they have been
through the preparation stage well, during practice
they are asked to write the findings in a worksheet.
Teachers act as facilitators and consultants in
Data obtained from this study of value preetest and
post-test at each control class and the experimental
class. This data is presented in table 1 and table 2.
Then T test is done on the data with the result shown
in table 3.
Table 1: Paired Samples Test.
df Sig. (2-tailed)
pre-control – pre-
-2.95 34 .006
-4.83 34 .000
-14.73 34 .000
pre-control- experiments
-19.03 34 .000
Table 2: Tests of Normality.
Stat df Sig. Stat df Sig.
Understanding .376 35 .000 .716 35 .000
.390 35 .000 .623 35 .000
re-control .304 35 .000 .745 35 .000
re-experiments .276 35 .000 .802 35 .000
Table 3: Paired Samples Test.
Paired Differences
Interval of the
pre-control - pre-
-7.86 15.78 2.67 -13.28 -2.44
Understanding -
-12.57 15.40 2.60 -17.86 -7.28
pre-control -
-39.71 15.95 2.70 -45.19 -34.24
pre-experiments -
-44.43 13.81 2.34 -49.17 -39.68
concept of subject
how to use roberval balance
Try to use the tools
Do exsperiment
Resume and building understanding
Reflection experience.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
From the table above can be seen that the value of
concept understanding in the class that uses Roberval
balance as a learning medium has a relatively higher
increase compared with the control class. In the
control class, the students' concept comprehension
value improvement between pre test and post test is
shown by sig. 0.006 <sig. 0.05. The value of concept
understanding in the classroom that utilizes the
learning media seems to experience a relatively better
increase. In the experimental class the pretest and
posttest values go up with the sig value 0.355>
sig.0.05. The results of Zacharia (2003), Carey
(2007), and Kautz (2005). Students'
responsibility in working on the worksheet reaches
94%. This can show students' enthusiasm in learning
when learning is based on practicum tools (Machemer
2007). The worksheet will condition the students to
focus more on the lesson because there is always a
bill that they must meet at each stage. This is very
motivating students to follow the whole learning
process. So it can strengthen the process of
conclusion that the use of learning media well in
assisting students in improving their understanding of
the concept of teaching materials provided by
Learning by using practical media is quite effective in
improving students' motivation in learning. At first
they were encouraged to know what kind of media
was used in the lesson. This becomes an important
point at the beginning of learning. As for the process
of students guided by bill in the form of worksheets
that they must finish in accordance with the use of
learning media used.
The teacher's role in this case really becomes the
facilitator and motivator only. And the crucial direct
role that media-based learning can provide to enhance
conceptual understanding is the delivery of the
material itself. Media can be a tool to enable students
to concretize concepts that are relatively abstract to
them. Or help them in doing simulai thinking.
Learning using robelval balance media has been
proven to improve students' concept comprehension
better than in conventional learning class. This can be
the reason why the development of appropriate
learning media in accordance with teaching materials,
learning conditions and conditions should be
We thank to the students of Miftahul Falah Islamic
Junior High School. This research funded by Sunan
Gunung Djati State Islamic University and Miftahul
Falah Islamic Junior High School.
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