positive influence on Indonesian because it can
increase the repertoire of Indonesian vocabulary itself
so that Indonesian could further develops due to the
demands of time (globalization). But on the other
hand the uncontrolled absorption and use of foreign
languages can lead the good and right use of
Indonesian into a mess. This is evident from the
frequent unnecessary code switching, creation of
language combinations and even code mixing. To
some extent the pragmatic attitude of speakers in their
speech activities voluntarily or involuntarily indicate
excessive borrowing. The high tendency of
borrowing either pure or naturalized from English in
the Indonesian vocabulary is very interesting to study
for this sociolinguistic phenomenon can significantly
contribute to describe how foreign terms are adopted
into Indonesian. This article tries to discuss the
excessive borrowing of English words in practice to
find an alternative use of the language and how to
control the absorption so it does not impact negatively
on the development and preservation of both national
and regional languages in the future In particular, this
study aimed to (1) identify and describe the profile of
borrowing and (2) provide alternative strategy of
absorption of foreign elements through translation to
restrain excessive lexical borrowing.
This study is based on the philosophy of
phenomenological qualitative approach. The corpus
of data in this study is in the form of words or
expressions derived from English used in the mass
media based on personal observation through
television and the surrounding community as well as
the newspaper with the consideration that the
language used in the mass media has a powerful
magical power in influencing and shaping opinions of
the speaking communities. In other words, through
the mass media the attitude of language use in the
speech community can be reflected and established.
The collected data were further analyzed by
descriptive qualitative method.The analysis was done
by relying on the sociolinguistic theory especially
about borrowing and loanwords and theory of
translation, especially the translation procedure.
Since the analysis was done qualitatively, the result
of analysis is presented in descriptive narrative
manner supported by inductive and deductive
3.1 The category and domain of
borrowed Indonesian vocabulary
Language change is normally tracked in the field of
vocabulary. Lexical borrowing appears on the surface
as lexical adoption and adaptation with adjustment. In
this study the enrichment of national language
vocabulary through such borrowing can be viewed
from various angles, including (1) the category of
borrowed Indonesian vocabulary, (2) the lexical
borrowing based on the field / domain, and (3)
translation as an alternative to control the uptake of
English in the repertoire of vocabulary enrichment
and improvement.
Linguistically, the borrowings are identified in
various categories including Noun, Verb, Adjective,
and Adverb. However, most of the data indicate that
the words adopted into the repertoire of Indonesian
are classified as noun. As far as the data available a
conclusion could be made in relation to the profile of
lexical borrowings from English into Indonesian
including (1) pure borrowing or direct borrowing
(such as: snack, coffee break, proposal, and
complicated) in daily communication; (2) borrowing
with the adaptation of spelling and pronunciation
(such as camera/ˈkæmərə/ → kamera /kamera/); (3)
the adaptation of spelling without adaptation of
pronunciation (design/dɪˈzaɪn/ → desain /desain/);
and (4) the adaptation of pronunciation without
adaptation of spelling (bias /baɪəs/ → bias/bias/)
Viewed from the field or domain perspective, the
data showed that the borrowing from the English
language can be grouped into various areas including
(1) the domain of property like apartemen (derived
from Apartment) and kondominium (from
condominium), (2) tourism sector such as akomodasi
(from accommodation), vila (from villa),and hotel,
(3) communication and transportation transportasi
and infrastuktur (4) sports like turnamen and liga
(from league), (5) politics such as republic,
demokrasi, and legislatif, (6) law such as naturalisasi
and konvensi, (7) economics like investasi,
manajemen, and korporasi, (8) education such as
edukasi ,kampus and evaluasi, (9) environment like
ekologi and polusi (10) health / medicine suchas
diagnose, kanker
, and kolesterol (11) social
community like komunitas and grup, (12) arts and
entertainment like the words artis, fiksi, and royalty.
Translating words or foreign terms has several
advantages. Besides enriching the Indonesian
vocabulary with synonyms, translation also increases
the expressing power of the Indonesian. However,