By looking at the table, it can be analysed that TJP
and TS have different ways in reporting the event.
TJP focuses the action done by Indonesian
government, while TS tends to represent Malaysian
government as the main actor. Thus, the report
proportion has a role in detecting the tendencies of the
news media.
3.2 Explanation
After describing and interpreting the articles, the next
stage is explanation which is needed to make the
connection between language, power and ideology
The news articles represent the 29
SEA Games
hosted by Malaysian government in which tainted
with the issue having Indonesian flag being printed
upside down in the booklet distributed to the
participants. Youth and Sports Minister of Indonesia,
Imam Nahrawi, spotted that and then shared his
disappointment on his social media account, twitter,
which later triggered responses from Indonesian
netizen giving remark #ShameOnYouMalaysia.
Demonstration over Malaysian embassy in Jakarta
and the hacking on Malaysian websites following the
flag incident are the other reactions expressing the
disappointment toward the incident.
Flag of a country symbolises an honour and
dignity. In Indonesia case, it also reflects the struggle
in acquiring independence which contains historical
value. Considering the geographical aspect between
these neighbouring countries which have mutual
traits, including culture, history and religion, it seems
unnatural for organization committee getting the
Indonesian flag mistakenly printed. Thus, that what
makes citizens of a country feel insulted because of
the mistake of the flag.
Historically, Malaysia and Indonesia had a
number of problematic situation related to the right of
several islands lies around the nations. There were
also growing tension regarding the heritage culture,
like Reog and Batik. Batik is later officially
recognized as the Indonesia intangible heritage by
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO). Having prior conflict
makes the Indonesian are more sensitive towards the
incident demanding further investigation about it.
Officially, Malaysian government expressed
apology through the Foreign Affair Minister and
President of Indonesia accepted it. The president then
invited his citizens to move their attention to support
the Indonesian athlete in the sport event.
The analysis of two online newspaper articles shows
that even though the news is seen as objective social
practice product, it is inevitably determined by
ideology. From the two online articles, we can see the
difference in representing the same event. Thus, it is
undeniable that media has the ability in shaping the
readers’ perception.
In the first step analysis, describing the headlines,
lexical choice, quotation, quoting verbs, scare quote,
theme, and report proportion was done to observe in
what point of view the journalists from both
newspaper media representing the event.
Secondly, the interpretation was done on those
aspects in getting the implication of the lexical
features chosen. Therefore, the embedded ideology
can be revealed.
Lastly, those point of view and interpretation were
related to the social context geographically, culturally
and historically as the social context is important in
finding out the background of the issue. Therefore, it
is useful to for the readers to be aware and critical
when reading news media.
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education