frequently known as generic structures. The first
structure of procedure text normally starts with the
heading or the goal that is meant to be achieved.
Furthermore, the second structure will cover the
list of material or equipment. To conclude, the
sequence of steps will systemize the text into a whole
package of procedure text. Majorly, a procedural text
has some specific characteristic. Relating to conduct
a procedural text, commonly it contains active verbs.
Since procedure text engages readers to do certain
actions towards goals, it mostly uses imperative
clauses. Certain writers prefer to use some simple
conjunctions in respect of making sequence of actions
in procedural text, yet others pick some numbers out
into the writing stages. A detail procedure text, some
writers would also use adverbials to emphasize the
readers’ manner towards the sequences.
A procedure text ideally has at least seven
characteristics or language features (Derewianka,
1990). It uses generalized non-human participants to
indicate a class of things like ingedients, tools, or the
specific ones like the kites. The audience is referred
in a general way by using one, you, or not mentioned
at all. Linking words are the most important feature;
particularly related to time of sequence like first, then,
so on. Because of the generalization of the audience,
action verbs or imperative form is used in which the
tense is timeless by using simple present tense. Also,
precise information and detailed commands are given
in each of the stages.
2.2 Metafunctions of Procedure Texts in
Functional Grammar
Interpersonal meaning is considered as a useful
measurement when dealing with how the language
used can have impact on the relationship between the
interactants or writer and reader as well as the
consideration of how each other maintains the
interaction flow meaningfully. There are two major
speech roles to understand the interpersonal meanings
in an interaction including exchanging information
and exchanging goods and services (Eggins, 2004).
Declarative and interrogative are the available clauses
dealing with exchanging information (giving or
demanding) process, while the two clauses plus
imperative one can be expressed in the process of
exchanging goods and services (Butt,, 2000).
The two speech roles consist of quite similar
fundamental metalanguage that describes how the
pattern or grammar of such interactions occurs (Butt,, 2000; Eggins, 2004).
Ideational metafunction deals with how the
speaker or writer realizes the meanings of reality by
using the language. It consists of two components:
experiential meaning (through which the reality is
expressed regarding one’s experience) and logical
meaning (the meaning across clauses), according to
Eggins (2004, p.213). Thus, metalanguage of
experiential meaning covers: participant, process, and
Textual metafunction drives the mode of
ideational and interpersonal meanings; so that the
message becomes coherent with the other ones. Thus,
it has textual meaning, which is considered by Butt, (2000, p. 134) as “the grammatical resources to
signpost the way through clauses, clause complexes,
and paragraphs within a text, from the beginning to
the end.” In a more clear-cut definition, textual
meaning has something to do with the way the
speaker/writer “constantly organize the way their
message is worded in order to signal to them how the
present part of their message fits in with other parts”,
according to Thompson (2014, p.145). Thus, this
metafunction takes role as the driving resources from
which the synchronization between ideational and
interpersonal meanings can be properly managed.
Since it deals with the first element of a clause, there
are only two divisions: Theme and Rheme.
2.3 Previous Studies
In recent years, enormous studies of procedural text
have been conducted among scholars. A related study
done by Nevanti (2009) who conducted the
lexicogrammar features of procedure text of recipe
texts in Indonesian language. Based on the 28
samples of recipe texts, the finding shows that each
text has similar context of function and general
structure. Correspondingly, the analysis of
lexicogrammatical shows 379 clauses that could be
interpreted in transitivity, mood, and textual
(cohesion). The transitivity analysis indicates
material process is perfectly implemented in
procedural texts and the circumstance of time
analyzed was mostly about time. The mood analysis
displayed imperative clause which is generally used
in procedural text. On the other hand,
the cohesion analysis expresses one grammatical
cohesion device is used (i.e., ellipsis) and three lexical
cohesion devices are analyzed (i.e., repetition,
synonym, and hyponym).
Second study completed by Akhsan (2014) who
found generalized human agents, simple present tense
imperative clauses, temporal conjunctions, material
processes, and minor sentences using continuous
tense. Thus, these related studies could be used as