Gricean Cooperative Principles Infringement in Hebephrenic
Schizofrenia Patients
Dindadari Arum Jati, Muhammad Umar Muslim, and Uti Aryanti
Linguistics Departement, Faculty of Humanity, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Hebephrenic schizophrenia, maxim infringement, Grice cooperative principles.
Abstract: This research observes how hebephrenic schizophrenia patients conduct a communication toward others. This
research used cooperative principles theory (Grice, 1975), which consist of four maxims: the maxim of
quality, quantity, relation, and manner. Moreover, this research also observed the type of the infringement of
cooperative principles. The data were collected thorugh interviewing six hebephrenic schizophrenia patients
(three acute phase patients and three quiet phase patients). The audio recorded was transcribed and analyzed
based on the cooperative principles theory from Grice. The findings of the research shows that acute phase
hebephrenic schizophrenia patients committed more infringement toward cooperative principles than quiet
phase hebephrenic schizophrenia patients. Furthermore, the most infringed maxim is maxim of relation which
reaches up to 57 times occurrences in acute phase and 23 times occurrences in quiet phase.
Schizophrenia is cognition disorder which causes
excessive suspicion, delusion and hallucination
which has impact in patients’ utterance coherency
(Boyle 2002). In Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders (2000), Schizophrenia is divided
into five types. Those five types are catatonic,
paranoid, hebephrenic, residual, and unspecified. In
addition, schizophrenics are divided into four phases,
namely prodromal phase, acute phase, quiet phase,
and recovery phase. Among schizophrenia types,
hebephrenic type is a type which shows disruptions
of discourse planning. In Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (2000) mentioned that
people with hebephrenic schizophrenia has a
prominent linguistic features, namely irregular
speech (disorganized speech), uncertain talks
(rambling) and incoherent sentences, and reiterated
Researches about discourse incoherence which is
produced by the hebephrenic schizophrenia have
been done in Europe, those are by Barch and
Berenbaum (1996, 1997) and Berenbaum, Kerns,
Vernon and Gomes (2008). However, the same
research has not been done in Indonesia. In addition
there has been no research which use comparison of
schizophrenia patients’ phase as a determinant
variable. There is research that has been done by Aini
in 2015 about schizophrenic speech (all types and
without age limit). The results of the study shows that
speeches and writings made by informants are far
from perfect sentences. Informants are also unable to
form a unified discourse. This is reflected in the
absence of markers of cohesion and coherence.
However, because the criteria of informants are less
specific and not all informants are schizophrenic with
the same type, then the results of the research cannot
be used as a general benchmark. In addition, there is
also a case study research of schizophrenic patient
conducted by Nugroho in 2014 that analyzed Tony
Blank's speech based on the cooperative principle
from Grice. From the research it can be seen that
Tony Blank violated the maxim of quantity the most.
This research is well targeted because it examines the
unfamiliarity of speech by using the theory of Grice,
but because the informant used as the data source is
only one, so it cannot be used as a main benchmark in
researching the unfamiliarity of schizophrenic speech
in Indonesia. From several studies that have been
done above, researcher took the initiative to examine
patients with schizophrenia by considering some
aspects that were not included in previous researches.
The aspect is the number of patients who are not just
one (case study), but six patients by giving a
restriction of the patient's criteria based on the type
and phase that the patient is suffering from. This
research uses the Cooperative Principles theory of
Jati, D., Muslim, M. and Aryanti, U.
Gricean Cooperative Principles Infringement in Hebephrenic Schizofrenia Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0007162700980103
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 98-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Grice as a tool to analyze data. Thus, this study will
identify and classify what maxims are violated the
most by hebephrenic schizophrenia both in the acute
and quiet phase.
The process of collecting data is done by
interviewing one by one informants naturally by
hiding the recorder to make the conversation seem
less artificial. The researcher used a cross-sectional
approach for data retrieval. Cross-sectional technique
was performed in this study by taking data from six
hebephrenic schizophrenia patients. Six patients are
divided into two phases, namely the acute phase and
the quiet phase. In addition, the six patients
interviewed were six different patients. Thus, data
collection is done at the same time to save the time
spent, so that is why data collection technique
conducted in this study is cross-sectional.
After interviewing the informants, the researcher
transcribed and sorted them by its phase. After the
data were separated, the researcher began analyzing
the infringement of the maxims and the type of
violation that occurred in both phase. After all data is
analyzed, calculations are performed for each phase
of quiet and acute phase. After getting the number of
maxims infringe from each phase, the researcher will
compare the results and make a conclusion from the
comparison of the error number obtained.
This study requires the frequency of occurrence of
speech irregularity which is reflected in the maxims
infringement produced. Therefore, the main method
used in this study is a qualitative method that is
supported by the data quantification to support the
depth of explanation that can be taken from data that
has been analyzed. In line with Creswell (2013, pp.
215), the mixed method will provide a stronger
understanding of the problem or question.
Researchers sort out the informants in the acute
and the quiet phase based on the criteria that have
been determined by the mental hospital. The
informants were six persons with details of three
acute phase patients (Ro, In, Yo) and three quiet
phase patients (Si, To, Da).
For retrieving the data, researchers prepare five
mandatory questions and some free questions. The
data is recorded using a recorder. The recording
procedure requires the licensing of the doctor in
charge at the mental hospital. Since this research is a
cross-sectional study, the researcher took the data in
the acute and quiet phase at nearly the same time.
The data obtained through the recording is
transcribed. Transcription is done by listening the
recording that has been obtained and write it in a
Microsoft word file with the provision of transcript as
Cutting put forward in his book Pragmatics and
Discourse (2008).
The concept used to analyze data is the concept of
cooperative principles summarized in four maxims
from Grice. The four maxims are:
1. The maxim of quality is the maxim which
expecting the speaker to say the truth, to say
what they feel which is correlated with the
2. The maxim of quantity is the maxim which
expecting the speaker to say something
informative but not excessive.
3. The maxim of relation is a maxim which
expecting the speaker to say something relevant
from the previous speech.
4. The maxim of manner is the maxim which
expecting the speaker to say something
clearly and unambiguously.
3.1 Total Findings
From 20 minutes interview transcripts to six
informants, this research found 124 total
infringements, both from the quiet phase and the
acute phase. The breakdowns were 70 findings from
maxim of relation violations, 41 findings from maxim
of quantity violations, 8 findings of maxim of manner
violations, and 5 findings on maxim of quality
violations. In other words, the most infringed maxim
is the maxim of the relation 70 times out of 124 total
occurrences. The second violation is a maxim of
quantity which reach 41 times, then the third is a
maxim of manner and the last is the maxim of quality
that appears 5 times out of 124 total occurrences.
Table 1: Total Maxim Infringement.
total occurrences
Gricean Cooperative Principles Infringement in Hebephrenic Schizofrenia Patients
3.2 Maxim Infringement Comparison
Acute and Quiet Phase
Table 2: Both Phases Maxim Infringement.
From the results of the analysis that has been done
by researcher, cooperative principles maxim which is
infringed the most is the maxim of relations that
reached 49 times of 84 total occurrence of acute
phase. The details each is broken down to 19 maxim
of relation infringement maxim by Ro, 15 by In, and
16 infringement by Yo. In addition, there are 21 times
out of 40 total occurrences of the quiet phase. Ta and
Da were doing each of them 8 maxim of relation
violations, and Si committing 5 violations, with total
occurrences (acute and acute phase) maxim of
relation violations 70 times.
The second maxim which is infringed the most is
maxim of quantity by acute phase is 31 times (Ro 8
times, In 12 times, and Yo 9 times infringement) and
maxim of manner by quiet phase occurs 8 times (Ta
commits 4 violations, Da 4 violations and Si does not
commit maxim of manner violation). In the acute
phase, the maxim of manner violation is not found at
all, whereas for the occurrence of maxim of quantity
violation by quiet phase only reaches 8 times (Ta
commits 2 violations, Si commits 6 violations and Da
does not commit maxim of quantity violation at all).
the maxims that are least violated by both phases are
the maxim of quality and the maxim of manner, while
the acute phase violates the maxim of quality four
times (each informant performs a maxim of quality
violation), while for the quiet phase occurs only once
by Si.
It can be concluded that the two phases equally
perform a maxim of a relation infringement with an
equal percentage. Both phases are equally dominated
by the presence of a maxim of relation more than
50%. An acute phase of 49 occurrences while a quiet
phase 21 occurrence of each total maxim of violation,
whereas in the acute phase of maxim of abnormalities
that occur least is the maxim in which there is no
acute phase that violates the maxim of the manner,
while in the quiet phase the least infringed maxim is
the maxim of quality which found only once.
In addition to numerical data obtained by the
researcher, it can be concluded that the phase does not
almanners affect the number of maxim of relation
perpetrated by the patient as in the maxim of
infringement of a manner that is not found in the acute
phase, but the maxim of manner abuse is found 8
times in the patient quiet phase. A new finding on the
8th maxim of violation of the manner can be a re-
evaluation of the classification in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2000)
regarding the general characteristics of
schizophrenia, the physiologic group phase
classification in which general characteristics appear
only in certain phases, such as as well as giggles or
chaos that the data found only in patients with quiet
phase alone. However, overall maxim of
infringements were done by the acute phase, where
the acute phase totalled maxim of violations 84 times,
while the quiet phase performed 40 total maxim of
The maxim of relation violation dominates the
occurrence of maxim of infringements of the acute
phase informant with a percentage of 68% of the total
occurrence. It can be concluded that acute phase
schizophrenia violate the maxim of relation a lot
which indicates the lack of interest in responding to
the relevant speech of the partners. It can be
concluded that acute phase schizophrenia many
violate the maxim of relevance which indicates the
lack of interest or lack of interest in responding to the
relevant speech of the partners as in the findings
P : Kalau kata dokter krisman kenapa? (What
did dr. Krisman say about you?)
I : Aku ngajar akuntansi (I taught accounting)
The example from the above dialog shows the
irrelevance between the answer from I and question
from P. Just as the maxim of relevance violations that
arise in the quiet phase, the indication given is an
answer that is inconsistent with the question. The
context of the above conversation is P who wants to
ask what happened to I so that I can be admitted to the
asylum, but the answer from I is far from the
estimation. I answers with the answer of another
discourse that is not discussed earlier. From the
analysis that has been done, the above dialogue is a
violation of the maxim of relation.
After maxim of relation there is maxim of
quantity violation which reach up to 28.5% which
indicating that, although schizophrenics have limited
cognition, but they are still capable to produce a long
discourse even though it is not necessarily all
speeches are cohesive and coherent to the questions
by the partners. Basically, not all maxim of quantity
violations almanners produce excessive speech, but in
the phenomenon that occurs in schizophrenics all
findings of maxim of quantity violations indicate
excessive speech. Examples of maxim of quantity
queuing from the acute phase as below:
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
P :Boleh ngerokok di sini? (Can you smoke
I :Boleh.. nggak apa-apa. Tapi nggak krusial
buat aku sih. Jadi ya rokok satu bungkus bisa.
(Yes I can, but it is not that crucial for me. So
I can have one pack of cigarette a day)
Based on the maxim of quantity infringement
previously described, with answers that exceed the
required information is one of the indications. With
the answer "can" is sufficient to answer questions
from P. But how do I respond to question from P even
provide information that is not asked by P. So the
above dialogue agreed to be classified as a violation
of maxim of quantity.
The next maxim violation is the maxim of quality
found 4 times from the total occurrence of 84. The
maxim of quality violation done by the acute phase
informant indicates that the ability to manipulate the
information conveyed or the act of rejecting what has
happened to him still exists or even provide
information according to what he believes such as
delusions and hallucinations, although it is less
dominant. Examples of maxim of quality violations
performed by the acute phase are as below
P : Emang stressnya gimana pak? (What kind
of depresion?)
I : Aku itu waras mbak, tapi stress. (I am fine, I
just depress.)
The maxim of quality violation in the dialogue is
seen from the answer given by I to answer the
question P. The context of the dialogue is I explained
that he was sentenced of "depression" by the hospital
so it must be hospitalized in the asylum, but I feels
that he is okay, so that raises a contradictory speech
like above dialogue. The statement is a rejection that
he suffered from schizophrenia and claimed that he
was still "sane" and just "stress". If you look at the
facts that exist, if I just stress, then the doctor will
only provide outpatient medication and weekly
control advice. But for the case of "stress" that has
been suggested for hospitalization is usually more
than just a regular stress and requires special
handling. When compared between field facts and
statements of I, it appears that I tried to make a fake
imaging that I was consciously spoken to his partner
(P). Therefore, the above dialogue is included in the
maxim of quality violation.
The next maxim that will be elaborated is the
maxim of manner. The maxim of the manner is the
maxim which is not at all violated by the acute phase
pasie. In the data analyzed there was not found a
single maxim of manner violation in schizophrenic
type of acute phase hebephrenic type. This indicates
that in the acute phase, symptoms of giggling do not
appear and more to the character of disorganized
speech only.
Of all the features mentioned in the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2000),
the most prominent features of language in the acute
phase are symptoms of disorganized speech and
rambling and non-coherent. The giggling symptoms
indicated by the occurrence of maxim of manner
abuses were not found at all in the acute phase
phlebophrenic type schizophrenia.
Slightly different from the acute phase, the
dominance of maxim of relation violations in people
with quiet phase schizophrenia is not surprising that
it reaches 21 heads from the total occurrence
indicating a uniformity of field fact with the
characteristics of schizophrenic patients described in
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (2000) as non- erratic (rambling) and
irregular speech (disorganized speech). Examples of
conversations that contain a violation of the relevance
of patients with quiet phase schizophrenia, are as
P : Oh makassar.. Di jogja ngapain Pak?
(Oh makassar.. What did you do in Jogja?)
I : Di Jogja di Klaten (In Jogja in Klaten)
In the dialog above shows that the researcher (P)
asked about what activities conducted by the
informant (I) while in Jogja, but responses from I was
irrelevant to the questions asked. I answered with the
answer where he lived in Jogja, not the activities he
did in Jogja. If the answer from I refers to an activity
will be more relevant to the question of P as well as
"work" or other answers referring to a verb. So the
dialogue falls into the criteria of maximizing relation
violations that answer irrelevant partner questions.
The second most prevalent maxim which is
violated is a maxim of relation, in which there were 8
occurrences. This indicates that the characteristics of
people with schizophrenia listed in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2000),
giggling, are also seen in this quiet phase informant.
In addition, there is also a maxim of quantity
infringement that appears as much as 8 occurrences
of 40 total occurrences. It can be used as a parameter
in which hebephrenic-type schizophrenics prefer to
tell long story although it is not cohesive and coherent
to the questions from the partners. Although basically
the maxim of violation of quantity is not almanners
indicated by the production of large or excessive
speech, however, the findings shown in schizophrenic
type hebefren's speech indicate this for all data of
maxim of quantity infringement found.
The last is the maxim of quality violation which
only appears once from the total occurrence. This
Gricean Cooperative Principles Infringement in Hebephrenic Schizofrenia Patients
explains that in the quiet phase, hebephrenic type
schizophrenia can distinguish between hallucination
and reality. One of them is the fact that they were
sentenced as a mental disorder who must be handled
in a mental hospital.
By observing at the data that has been analyzed,
the quiet phase has a tendency to break all the
maxims. Maxim of manners that are not even found
in the acute phase, are found in the quiet phase. This
provides a new view of the presence of symptoms of
generalized schizophrenic there is a new emerging
when it entered the phase of quiet. Nevertheless, the
average occurrence of total violations present in the
quiet phase is relatively less than in the acute phase,
either per maxim of occurrence or overall occurrence.
The two most infringed maxim indicate that what is
written in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (2000) concerns the general
characteristics of schizophrenic type hebephrenic in
the form of disorganized speech production as well as
unambiguous and uncertain conversations real
presence for informants both in the phase of quiet and
the acute phase. In addition, other common
characteristics of schizophrenia such as giggling are
also seen from 8 maxim of violations of the manner
produced by the informant.
In the acute phase of maxim of infringements the
most common is violation of the relevance to the
frequency 49 times out of 84 total occurrences.
Followed by maxim of quantity which is found 31
counts violations, and the third is a maxim of quality,
ie 4 times and the infringement is not found even once
in maxim of manner.
In the quiet phase, the most violated violation is a
maxim of relevance violation that reaches 21 times
out of 40 total occurrences. After the maxim of
infringement of the second most prevalence violation
is the maxim of quantity infringement that appears 8
times, the third is the violation of maxim of manner
that appears 8 times and the last is the maxim quality
infringement that is only found one time.
This explains that the same as the conclusion on
the total findings that the schizophrenic. In the acute
phase meet the general characteristics of
schizophrenic type hebephrenic in the form of
production of disorganized speech (disorganized
speech) as well as the conversation that is uncertain
(rambling) and not solid. Given the small-scale
appearance of a maxim of quality violation, it
indicates that the acute phase still has a lot of
consideration that makes it difficult to prove or even
By looking at data that has been analysed, quiet
phases tend to violate all maxims. Maxim of manner
that is not even found in the acute phase, is found in
the quiet phase which gives a new view of the general
symptoms of schizophrenia, a newly emerging
phenomenon when it has entered a quiet phase.
However, the average number of occurrences of
violations in the quiet phase is relatively smaller than
the acute phase. Still the same as in general violations,
in the quiet phase the most infringed maxim is the
maxim of relevance and the maxim of quantity, I.e.
21 findings for the maxim of relevance and 8 for the
maxim of maxim of quantity infringement of the total
findings 40 times the maxim of violation of the quiet
This indicates that the phase is still very
influential on the speech that was said schizophrenic
patients at Puri Nirmala Hospital Yogyakarta. Can be
seen from the maxim of relation and the quantity of
the most violated indicates that the patient's speech
still meet the general characteristics of people with
schizophrenia in the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (2000) such as
disorganized speech and erratic conversation
(rambling) and unreal.
In addition, the emergence of common features
such as giggling only in the quiet phase also indicates
the need to re-evaluate the general characteristics of
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (2000) or even phase classification.
However, when it is seen from the number of findings
of maxim of outbreaks that tend to be relatively small
in the quiet phase, it is worth to re-evaluate for the
grouping of general characteristics of schizophrenia
hebephrenic type both in the acute phase and the quiet
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
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Gricean Cooperative Principles Infringement in Hebephrenic Schizofrenia Patients