Promoting Multicultural Literacy through Learning Materials in
EFL Classroom: Benefits and Challenges
Laxmi Mustika Cakrawati
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Multicultural literacy, learning materials, teachers’ perception, EFL classroom.
Abstract: Multicultural education should be integrated into the classroom to cope with the changes in the global world
and to foster students’ multicultural awareness. Teachers can utilize learning materials to develop students’
multicultural literacy. Therefore, the study tried to investigate teachers’ perception on promoting
multicultural literacy through learning materials and to figure out difficulties encountered in developing the
materials. The data for the study were obtained from questionnaire and interview and were analyzed using
mixed methods approach. The questionnaire, consisting of open-ended questions and closed-ended
questions using the Likert scale, was administered to 50 teachers to find out their perceptions. Meanwhile,
the interview was conducted to gain in-depth explanations of promoting multicultural literacy through
English learning materials. The participants of the study have already shown high awareness on
multicultural education and the importance of promoting multicultural literacy in EFL classroom. The
findings of the study indicate that carefully selected teaching materials such as videos, podcast, and literary
works can help teachers in promoting multicultural literacy. Thus, it is suggested that teachers should
creatively choose teaching materials that not only can enhance students' language skills but also can foster
their multicultural awareness.
In today’s world, it is very common to see people
from different races and ethnic groups live together
in a society. However, living in a multicultural
society is not easy. In some cases, racial prejudice
and conflict between the groups may happen.
Indonesia as one of the multicultural countries
encounters the similar challenge. The country, which
is enriched by more than 240 ethnic groups and
more than 300 languages, is widely known for the
national motto of “Bhineka Tunggal Ikato describe
the diversity in Indonesia. Nonetheless, multicultural
awareness is definitely needed to prevent interethnic
conflict. Interethnic conflict in the country possibly
happens due to the lack of mutual understanding that
can actually be developed through empowering
multicultural education (Alwasilah, 2014).
Multicultural education should be integrated both
in the schools and in teacher education programs to
enhance students’ multicultural literacy. As
mentioned in one of the 21
century education
framework, one of the skills that is highlighted as a
core competency for learners is multicultural literacy.
Multicultural literacy can be defined as the ability to
understand and appreciate the customs, values, and
beliefs of one’s culture and others (enGauge, 2003).
Therefore, to cope with the one of the requirements
of 21st skills, school as an educational institution
play significant roles in promoting multicultural
literacy to the students.
Integrating multicultural education can be done
in various ways. One of them is through learning
materials. The role of materials is essential in
ensuring the teaching and learning process in the
classroom can run well. Comprehension of the
subject taught and meaningful learning experience
can be enhanced by providing appropriate teaching
Little research has been conducted on integrating
multicultural education in schools through materials
development, especially in the Indonesian context.
Reflecting on the previous elaboration, this study
intends to explore teachers’ perception on promoting
students’ multicultural literacy through materials
development and to figure out kinds of materials that
can be developed to promote students’ multicultural
Cakrawati, L.
Promoting Multicultural Literacy through Learning Materials in EFL Classroom: Benefits and Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0007164702130218
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 213-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Therefore, the issue to be discussed in this paper
will be summarized in the following research
1. How are teachers’ perceptions on promoting
multicultural literacy through learning
2. What kind of materials can be developed to
promote students’ multicultural literacy?
3. What are the benefits and challenges of
promoting multicultural literacy through
learning materials?
2.1 Research Design
The study employed mixed method approach which
enables the researcher to combine both quantitative
and qualitative data. The collection and analysis of
quantitative and qualitative data are expected to give
better insight in answering research questions will be
investigated in the study (Malik & Hamied, 2016).
In addition, Creswell (2009) mentioned that mixed
methods take advantage on the strength of both
qualitative and quantitative research. The concurrent
triangulation design was adopted in the study.
Through the design, the researcher may concurrently
gather the gather both quantitative and qualitative
data. Finally, the design allowed the researcher to
examine the data to find out if there is convergence,
differences, or some combination (Creswell, 2009).
2.2 Data Collection
The study involved 50 teachers as the participants.
Questionnaire and interview were used to obtain the
data for the study. The questionnaire was adapted
from Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey (TMAS).
The questionnaire was divided into two sections and
is intended to figure out teachers’ perceptions on
multicultural literacy and their opinion on using
learning materials as one of the ways to promote
students’ multicultural literacy. Meanwhile, an
interview involving five teachers was conducted to
gain in-depth explanation and description on
promoting students’ multicultural literacy.
2.3 Data Analysis
The data from closed-ended questionnaire were
analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The
percentages obtained from the questionnaire were
interpreted to figure out how teachers perceive
materials development as a way to promote students’
multicultural literacy.
Meanwhile, to support the data from closed-
ended questionnaire, the data from open-ended
questionnaire were analyzed thoroughly. The data
from the interview were transcribed and analyzed for
repeating patterns which are related to ways in
promoting students’ multicultural literacy through
learning materials. The data gained from the
questionnaire and interview will be used to provide
descriptions of teachers’ perceptions on promoting
students’ multicultural literacy through learning
3.1 Teachers’ Perceptions on Promoting
Multicultural Literacy
The questionnaire administered to the participants
consisted of some parts. The first part is related to
teachers’ awareness and perceptions on students’
Table 1: Teachers’ Awareness and Perceptions.
Teachers should have
sufficient knowledge
related to various social and
cultural backgrounds of the
I enjoy interacting with
people and students from
different social and cultural
As a teacher, I can respect
the differences on students’
various social and cultural
I believe that various socio-
cultural backgrounds should
be considered in teaching
and learning process.
The more students know
and understand cultural
diversity, the more tolerant
they will be.
Table 1 showed what teachers believe, think, and
feel towards integrating culture in foreign language
classroom. From the result of the questionnaire, it
can be seen that the participants have already shown
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
high awareness on students diverse social and
cultural background. As mentioned in The
Ministerial regulation No. 16 of the year 2007, there
are four competencies should be possessed by
teachers: pedagogical, professional, personal, and
social competences. In personal and social
competences, it is clearly stated that teachers should
appreciate students without distinguishing them
based on their beliefs, ethnic groups, culture, region,
and gender.
While 70% of the participants stated that they
enjoy interacting with people and students from
different social and cultural background, 64% of
them strongly agreed that teachers should have
sufficient knowledge related to students’ background.
Furthermore, 92% of the participants mentioned that
they believe that various socio-cultural backgrounds
should be considered in teaching and learning
process because they think that the more students
know and understand cultural diversity, the more
tolerant they will be. The high percentages shown in
agree and strongly agree categories indicate that the
participants are aware of the diversity and consider
multicultural literacy as a crucial issue. Similar to
this finding, the previous study conducted by
Kuykendall (2012) revealed that it is crucial for
teachers to understand ways in promoting students’
engagement to counteract cultural disharmony.
Besides, by understanding students’ culture, teachers
can bring fair perspective to their teaching.
Table 2: Teachers’ Awareness and Perceptions.
I give my students chances
to share their opinion and
experiences about their
culture and tradition.
I have sufficient knowledge
about how teachers should
teach in multicultural
Teachers’ education
program should prepare
teacher students to teach in
multicultural setting.
I believe that integrating
culture is important in
learning foreign language.
Table 2 showed that teachers participated in the
study generally have knowledge related teaching
English as a foreign language in multicultural
settings. The data showed that 90% of the
participants tend to give their students chances to
share their opinion and experiences about their
culture and tradition. They also believe that
integrating culture is important in learning foreign
language teaching. Therefore, they mentioned that
teachers’ education program should prepare teacher
students to teach in multicultural settings. It is in line
to the statements of Banks (1991) who states that
good teacher education programs should also
encourage pre-service teachers to explore their
cultural identities and foster positive attitudes
towards other groups in terms of their race, ethnic,
or culture. In a multicultural classroom, teachers
need to possess at least three major kinds of
knowledge: social science knowledge or teachers’
awareness on diverse cultural societies, pedagogical
knowledge, and subject-matter content knowledge.
A study conducted by Sharma (2005) also
indicated that training and experience in
multicultural education are needed by teachers who
teach in culturally diverse classrooms. The teachers
also mentioned about the needs in introducing
multicultural education through workshop, seminars,
and presentation for practicing teachers.
Table 3: Teachers’ Awareness and Perceptions.
Learning foreign
language should be
able to develop
students’ critical
thinking towards the
culture of target
language, global
culture, and their own
English learning
materials should be
adapted and
developed while
considering cultural
diversity in Indonesia.
I always try to
introduce the culture
of target language,
cultural diversity in
Indonesia and other
countries in English
I use learning
materials (textbook,
articles) which show
The following part of the questionnaire explored
teachers’ experience related to integrating culture in
English language learning. Since 78% of the
Promoting Multicultural Literacy through Learning Materials in EFL Classroom: Benefits and Challenges
participants strongly agreed that learning a foreign
language should be able to develop students’ critical
thinking towards the culture of the target language,
global culture, and their own culture, 96% of them
agreed that English learning materials should be
adapted and developed while considering cultural
diversity in Indonesia. In addition, more than half of
the participants often try to introduce the culture of
the target language and cultural diversity in
Indonesia and other countries. The data also showed
that the teachers often use learning materials which
portray socio-cultural diversity.
3.2 Materials in Promoting
Multicultural Literacy
There are many cultural aspects that likely can be
explored in foreign language classrooms. Table 4
showed cultural aspects that likely can be explored
in foreign language classroom.
Table 4: Cultural Aspects.
Cultural aspects that can be explored in foreign
language classroom:
History, geography, and governmental system 32%
Ethnic group diversity, tradition, and culture 78%
Daily life 88%
Youth and pop culture 66%
Education 56%
Tourism sites 54%
Literature 58%
Values and beliefs of the society 56%
Most of the participants think that ethnic groups’
diversity, tradition, culture, and daily life customs
can be interesting to be explored in language
classroom. The table shows that more than 80% of
the participants choose daily life as a cultural aspect
that can be elaborated in the learning materials.
Besides, teachers also consider other topics such as
youth and pop culture, education, tourism sites and
literature can be used to introduce culture.
Table 5: Activities in Introducing Culture.
Activities that can be explored in introducing culture
in foreign language learning:
Lecturing 48%
Having discussion on differences and similarities in
culture 74%
Having discussion on the latest issues in a country/
region 74%
Watching videos 82%
Listening to songs/ radio program 18%
Reading and discussing articles from newspaper and
magazine 52%
Reading literary works and discussing intrinsic and
extrinsic value in the literary works 54%
Doing projects 34%
Related to learning activities, table 5 showed
activities teachers prefer to do in the classroom
related to promoting multicultural literacy. In
promoting multicultural literacy during the learning
process, the teachers tend to choose watching videos,
having discussion on differences/ similarities in
culture, and having discussion on the latest issues in
a country/ region as activities that can develop
students’ multicultural awareness.
Table 6: Sources for Introducing Culture.
Sources that are possible to use/ explore in
introducing culture in foreign language learning:
Textbook 66%
Articles from newspaper and magazine 70%
Literary works novels, poem, folklores, drama 56%
Video and podcast 82%
Websites 68%
Realia 42%
Table 6 showed learning materials that can be
explored in introducing culture and promoting
multicultural literacy in the language classroom. The
participants mostly chose video, podcast, articles,
and literary works.
However, in preparing teaching materials,
teachers should consider some criteria of good
materials. Good materials should be well planned
considering whether or not the materials can
introduce students to the real context of the language
as well as provide opportunities for students to
communicate in the target language. Good learning
materials also have to be able to raise students’
curiosity and attention and stimulate them in terms
of intellectual, aesthetic, and emotional involvement
(Tomlinson, 2011).
Furthermore, related to multicultural education,
in order to achieve purposes in improving students
cultural awareness, teachers are suggested to do
activities such as asking students’ experience related
to culture, providing cultural encounters through
video, songs, literature, and simulation, facilitating
connections between the old and the new,
stimulating multi-dimensional representation of
cultural experiences, providing focused discovery
activities, and contributing teachers’ interpretation
and personal experience related to other culture
(Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2004).
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
Some participants also mentioned that they
usually use legend and local folklore and discuss the
value contained in the story and figure out the
differences between each culture. By reading
literature, students will begin to learn that there are a
lot of perspectives and they should try to see other
perspectives when they encounter certain problems
in life (Lawson, 2013). In addition, incorporating
multicultural literature can expose children to
cultures, values, and tradition around the world. The
knowledge about particular culture will allow them
to figure out similarities between themselves and
other people (Hartmann, 2011).
Two teachers also mentioned that sharing
experience is a beneficial activity to promote
multicultural literacy. For example, one of the
teachers shared his experience when he lived in
different areas in Indonesia and he also asked his
students who had lived in different areas in
Indonesia or abroad to share their experiences.
Moreover, other activities that can be done to
promote multicultural literacy is a sharing session
related to customs, holidays, etiquette and doing a
project such as post crossing project. According to a
participant in the study, by doing post crossing,
students can send their postcards and introduce
Indonesian culture around the world. They also can
get abundant knowledge of diverse culture through
the postcards they receive from others.
3.3 Benefits and Challenge in
Promoting Multicultural Literacy
Promoting multicultural literacy is essential in
language learning classroom. The participants agree
that the more students aware of differences and
diversity, the more tolerant they will be. However,
there are some challenges that usually encountered
by teachers. Some of the participants mentioned that
time is one of the challenges. Teachers usually have
certain targets to accomplish during the learning
classroom and sometimes, they do not have enough
time to accomplish the target. Thus, if it is not well
managed, some of the participants argue that
integrating culture can be time-consuming. Few
teachers also mentioned that selecting appropriate
cultural materials are quite challenging since there
are some cultural aspects that should be considered
before using the materials in the classroom.
Some teachers are busy and spend much time in
finding appropriate and relevant materials which are
in line with learning objectives mentioned in the
curriculum. Few of them even do not consider the
social and cultural biases in the materials. However,
every teacher needs to be aware of their students’
different background in terms of cultural, levels of
proficiency, social, and economic background. Thus,
teachers need to have a critical analysis on the
materials they are going to give to their students by
raising their own awareness and sensitivity
regarding issues of cultural content in English
language teaching practice (Sudartini, 2011).
The findings of the study indicate that teachers
showed positive responses on promoting
multicultural literacy through learning materials.
The participants have already been aware of the
importance of considering students’ diverse culture
and background, integrating the culture into learning
materials, as well as introducing the target culture.
Teachers can provide learning materials through
videos, podcast, articles, or even literary works.
Various cultural aspects from traditional to pop and
youth culture can be explored in the classroom.
However, several things should be considered in
choosing learning materials. Therefore, it is
suggested for teachers to carefully select, adapt, and
develop the learning materials.
I would like to express my great appreciation for
contributors in this study. Special thanks should be
given to LPDP for being a sponsor for my master
study. This research was also supported by LPDP
(Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education).
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education