view positively toward the outlining activity as it is
considered useful to develop content and organize
information in their writing. Other findings also
encourage teachers to provide more time in the stage
of prewriting, including outlining. (Andrew, 2016;
Zúñiga & Macías, 2006)
This paper explores how the prewriting stage –
specifically outlining – influences L2 learners in
producing better academic essays. It also investigated
how far the students can apply unity in their writing.
According to Zemach & Ghulldu (2011) pre-writing
stage is when students plan what they will write. This
stage includes choosing a topic, gathering ideas, and
organizing ideas. Outlining can be classified into the
final step, which is organizing ideas. Joaquin, Kim, &
Shin (2013) suggest that an outline is “an organized
list of main ideas, in which subordination occurs
representing supporting examples or ideas that the
writer may intend to follow for the final product.” The
outline should follow a certain structure of
organization which is developed similar according to
a number of authors. (Folse et al., 2014; Oshima &
Hague, 2014; Zemach & Ghulldu, 2011) It consists
Introductory paragraph: in which the thesis
statement is presented. By stating the thesis
clearly, the writers can show the specific topics
and controlling ideas they want to discuss.
Body paragraphs (the number of paragraphs
may vary): the development of the topics stated
in the introductory paragraph.
Concluding paragraph: the restatement of the
thesis, summary or review of the main points
discussed in the body. It can also present the
writer’s concluding remarks about the topic.
These three parts are basic and important parts of
an essay. All ideas among paragraphs must be well
connected to the thesis statement, and the supporting
ideas in a body paragraph. This is called “unity”.
(Zemach & Ghulldu, 2011)
This is action research which has recorded the
activities in an Academic Writing class. The
participants were 20 second semester students
majoring in English. The stages applied in this course
included prewriting, writing, and post-writing
activities. However, due to the limited time and
energy, the study focuses only on the prewriting –
specifically outlining – and writing activities.
There were several steps taken. First, the teacher
provided explanation about how to write in an
academic context, including the organization of the
essay and the use of proper vocabulary in academic
context. Then the students were asked to brainstorm
a certain topic which was provided by the teacher. In
this stage, the students could freely write what they
knew about the topic. Afterwards, they were asked to
write the first draft of the outline. In this activity, they
must follow the organization of academic essays:
introduction, body, and conclusion. The writing of the
thesis statement was considered highly important in
the introduction part since it comprised the whole
idea of the essay. The writing of the thesis statement
was evaluated based on the topics and controlling
Next the teacher checked the first draft of the
outline to see whether the students follow the
organization of the essay. In this stage, the teacher
provided feedback for the students to revise their first
outline. Then when the outlines were confirmed
correct, the students could write their first draft of the
essay. In this stage, the essay were mainly assessed
based on the organization, whether it followed the
outline. Thus, the outline and the essay were
compared whether they were in line or not. The unity
among paragraphs is also assessed to find whether the
ideas in the paragraphs are well developed.
The discussion in this section mainly deals with
whether the students accurately wrote their outlines
and essays. The topic that the teacher provided was
“traditional market vs modern market in your
The following is the summary of first outlining
activity in terms of the number of students.
Table 1: Summary results of first outlining.
nt needs
(follow the
Less or not
accurate (not
follow the
need revision)
In the first activity, after the teacher provided
some explanation about academic writing, the
students were asked to brainstorm about a certain
Strengthening the Outlining Process to Improve EFL Students’ Academic Writing Competence