
structure includes three structural elements, namely
the structural element of I (initiation), the structural
elements of Ir (re-initiation) and R (response).
(7) Questioner: Tanya Ustadz, ini kalau penyembe-lihan
qurban tidak di masjid gimana? Tidak
sekitar masjid, sebab tempat saya ada itu
tempat pengajian tapi bukan masjid (I)
[May I ask for question, Ustadz] how if the
slaughtering for qurban is not undertaken in
mosques? Out of the mosque either,
because my home is a place for studying,
not even a mosque].
Da’i: Kalau tadi saya sampaikan itu di mushola.
(R) [I just said in mushalla]
Questioner: Bukan mushola itu. (Ir)
Da’i: Lha iya, sebentar. Kalau di masjid itu
ada… ada segi negatifnya menjadikan bau
mesjid tidak enak tidak sedap dan kita
dianjurkan untuk memperwangi masjid
kita. Jadi sebalik sebaiknya itu tidak di
sekitar masjid. Tapi kalau ndak ada
tempatnya, jadi malah bagus Pak kalau
di... (R) [Of course, wait a minute, in case
there is a mosque ... there would also be
negative aspects that probably will
generate smell on our mosque area while
we are recommended to decorate our
mosque with fragrance. Thus, the opposite
should not be around the mosque. But if
there were no place, so it is even better if
Questioner: Boleh? (Ir) [So is it permissible?]
Da’i : Tempat di mana ... (R) [what places
(do you mean)?]
Questioner: Jadi… jadi lebih jauh dari masjid (Ir)
Da’i : Lha iya... Nabi juga
melaksanaknnya di tempat sholat itu
tidak di masjidnya. kalau disini ya tempat
kosong mungkin ada… ada halaman, a…
ada apa… pekarangan yang kosong kita
sembelih di sana. Sebab yang sudah-
sudah itu di samping masjid kemudian
karena daging yang kecil-kecil itu sulit
untuk disapu, dianu itu wis dikei karbol
barang telung dina jik mambu mesjide.
Kalau itu diusahakan jangan sampai
begitu. Mangga bagaimana caranya. (R)
The above interaction is an exchange beginning
with the acts of asking for attention, elicitation, and
the acts of giving information by the questioner,
responded by the act of unanswering by the da’i,
responded by the act of elicitation by the questioner,
exchanged by the act of responding by the questioner,
interrupted by the act of giving information by the
questioner, ending up with the act of responding by
the dai or preacher. The series of actions established
the I R Ir R Ir R Ir R structure. This structure was
found 3 times].
From the findings, it can be concluded that the
structure of exchange in the discourse of dialogical
preaching is more dynamic so as to find various
modifications of structural exchange from the theory
of origin put forward by Sinclair and Coulhard
(1975). The six regular structures comprise of the
regular exchanges reflected in the discourse of
dialogical preaching in Surakarta city.
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education