books showed the following results: (1) all three
adjectives most frequently appears in the i-form; (2)
tanoshii tends to appear in the attributive form and
ureshii tends to appear in the dictionary form, while
omoshiroi takes the attributive and dictionary forms
with similar frequency; and (3) each word has its own
collocation such as “tanoshii omoide” (pleasant
memory), “ureshii himei” (happy busy days),
“ureshii kagiri” (extremely happy), and “omoshiroi
hanashi” (interesting story).
Fujita (1991) compares tanoshii and ureshii in
terms of time and causes that trigger each of the
feelings. She proposes that tanoshii has to do with
duration of time and refers to an on-going process.
She points out that one must be conscious of what
provokes him/her to feel ureshii, while it is
sometimes difficult to grasp what makes one feel
tanoshii. To put it differently, the feeling of tanoshii
may arise naturally without specific causes or reasons.
This means that ureshii is bound to the relation of
cause and effect. By contrast, tanoshii is not
necessarily so.
Word happy can be translated into senang,
gembira and bahagia in Indonesian. Moreover, these
meaning in Indonesian are similar to ureshii, tanoshii
and yorokobashii in Japanese. The similarity of these
words sometimes give difficulty to Japanese learner
to translate the words, because their lack
understanding of the meaning. Sakoda (2002) said
that the differences between mother tongue (bogo)
and target language (mokuhyougengo) is one factor
that cause error and give difficulty for learners to
comprehend the meaning of those words. This error
may cause negative transfer that affected learners’
target language acquisition. As one attempt to solve
this problem, this research is conducting a semantical
analysis in contrastive context in Indonesian as the
first language, and Japanese as the target language
focusing on the expressing of joy. In this study, the
expressions of joy in Japanese and Indonesian will be
compared from their function and semantic meaning
to find their similarities and differentiation, which
results can be utilized to help Japanese’s learners in
understanding the expression of joy in Indonesian and
This research is a descriptive research with qualitative
approach. This study uses two types of data source.
The first data source was lexical meaning of joy in
Japanese and Indonesian language. These data were
collected from several bilingual dictionaries which
are the main sources of research, i.e., Kamus Besar
Bahasa Indonesia and Indonesian Thesaurus for the
exploration the meaning of expression of joy in
Indonesian, while in Japanese Kenji Matsuura
dictionary, Goro Taniguchi dictionary and
Tsukaikata no Wakeru Ruigo Reikai Jiten were used
for the exploration the meaning of expression of joy
in Japanese. The second data source is sentences
obtained from several papers in newspapers,
magazines, and some online sites that contain lexical
units of meaningful pleasure in both Japanese and
Indonesian languages such as Lifenesia, Radar
Cirebon, Tribun Jogja and Corpus data.
Data analysis in this study are conducted using
five steps as follows: (1) Describe forms of
expressions of joy in Japanese and Indonesian
language.; (2) Gathering sentences containing
expression of joy lexicons, then analyzing sentence
context which aims to find in what context an
expression of joy lexicon can be used by native
speakers of each language; (3) Recording and re-
arranging the expressions of joy that have been
determined; (4) Contrasting the vocabulary meaning
of expressions of joy in Indonesian language and
Japanese; (5) Seeking generalization of similarity and
differentiation forms of expressions of joy in
Japanese and Indonesian.
3.1 Expressions of Joy in Japanese and
Its Semantic Meanings
3.1.1 Ureshii
From the data, some examples of lexicon ureshii is as
Example 1to 4.
Example (1)
2016 nen kansei shita shinchiku bukken de sōfa ya
beddo, shokki-rui nado ga shinpin na no mo ureshii
It is also nice point to have sofas, beds, crockery etc
as new in the newly property completed in 2016.
From example (1), it is shown that the individual
pleasure expressed by the author if the latest property
in 2016 is a nice point for him. Shogakukan Jiten
Henshuubu (1994, p.245) define that ureshii is used