The second open-ended question on the study
concerns the answers of the students to the question
“Do you agree with the statement “Using role playing
can increase my speaking motivation in the class”?
All students agreed with the statement. One
hundred and fifty two (90.48%) students claimed that
role playing activity can build their self-confidence,
so they were more confident to speak in front of the
class. Moreover, 109 (64.88%) students also stated
that they always got feedback from the lecturer, so
they became more confident with their grammar and
pronunciation. Ninety eight (58.33%) students
claimed that they had more preparation before
performing in front of the class, and it could decrease
their anxiety.
3.1.2 Positive Characters Building
Four questions in the close-ended questionnaire
directly related to how the students’ see role playing
activities to build their positive characters. Table 3
gives the percentage on how the students’ perception
toward the use of role playing to build the characters
of cooperation/teamwork, creativity, responsibility,
and discipline.
Table 3: Role playing to build students’ positive characters.
The data showed that responsibility is the most
well-built character, followed by cooperation,
discipline, and creativity.
3.2 Findings from the Interview
The data from the interview supported the finding
from the questionnaire. They revealed the proof that
the students had positive perception towards using
role playing to build their higher speaking motivation
and positive characters.
They enjoyed the fun and exciting role playing
activities, in which they could avoid the textbook-
based and conventional learning strategies. However,
they still followed each stage in the role playing
activities (sharing roles, preparing script,
practicing/rehearsal, and performing/recording the
final plays) seriously because it was part of the
speaking class assignment. Therefore, they believed
they had to force themselves to increase their
speaking motivation.
Besides the four characters (discipline,
responsibility, cooperation/teamwork, and
creativity), the data from the interview showed that
the students’ self-confidence, tolerance, and
leadership skills are other positive characters that can
be built using role playing.
3.3 Discussion
The results of this study indicate that students had
positive attitudes towards the use of role-playing
during their speaking class. They claimed that the use
of role-playing method during the class could lead
them to have better communication, interpersonal
skills, and management development since they had
to interact most of the time with one another starting
from preparing for the roles/script, practicing, to
performing the plays.
Students had fun working cooperatively to plan
and act out because most of them agree that
enjoyment leads to better learning. They gained
higher self-confidence, so their motivation to speak
increased. Having adequate preparation and feedback
also led to the students’ higher speaking internal
motivation. Furthermore, since role playing was one
of the projects/assignments compulsory for the
speaking class, some students claimed that their
speaking motivation was forced to increase due to this
In addition, preparing for a role play project
requires a great deal of time and effort to be
successful. However, the class atmosphere was
considered fun and engaging, although some students
would claim that it was too noisy. Indeed, having a
classroom full of students having fun while learning
can be loud, but it is actually productive noise (Wong,
Working together as a team in a role play project
put students in an engaging as well as uncomfortable
situation. Therefore, students then learn to manage
themselves for the sake of their individual and group
needs, in which they could still gained higher
motivation and well-built good characters.
Responsibility, cooperation, discipline, and creativity
are the most well-built character besides self-
confidence, tolerance, and leadership skills. It is in
line with Joyce and Well (1986, cited in Somervill,
1995), who believe that role playing plays an
indispensable part in human development and offers
a unique opportunity for resolving interpersonal and
social dilemmas.
Role playing provides an authentic learning
experience for students. Using role playing to learn
English results in real communication, involving
The Effect of Role-Playing for Building Students’ Speaking Motivation and Positive Characters