be considered to highlight vital points within the text,
one of which is through text structure.
Based on the aforementioned background of the
research, this study attempts to answer the following
research questions (1) what is the text structure of
expert’s narrative text? what is the register of the text?
how is it described? (2) what is the structure of
narrative texts written by students? what is the
register of the text? how are they different from the
expert one? (3) what is the pedagogical implication
drawn from the analysis of expert’s and students’
narrative texts?
2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics
According to Eggins (2004:3), the growing interest of
SFL has led the approach to advance four important
theoretical tenets about language underlying
functional language use, the function of language that
is to make meanings, the meanings are conceptualised
by the social and cultural context, and the process of
using language is a semiotic process that is making
meanings by choosing. Moreover, the systemic
approach to language is functional in two essential
domains, namely how people use language and how
the language is structured.
Eggins (2004:8) further explains that how people
use language covers the relationship between
language and context. Language and context are
interrelated. It is possible to depict how people are
utilising language by comprehending the context of
use, for instance, the language is used to write a recipe
(Eggins, 2004:8). By reading the choice of words,
people can easily interpret that the piece of text is a
recipe since it employs the words commonly used to
describe how to make a certain dish.
Context of language includes register, genre and
ideology in SFL. Register is defined as the same
context of situation that is shared by texts realised by
the same goals and connections, also patterns of
lexicogrammar. Register is important to construct a
certain type of text (Butt et al. 2000:9). Register is a
functional variety of language (Halliday and
Matthiessen, 2004). It explains the impact of
dimensions of the immediate context of situation of a
language circumstance in which how the language is
employed (Eggins, 2004:9). The context of situation
can be realised by three main dimension, namely
field, tenor, and mode (Butt et al. 2000:9). Field is
defined as the topic or focus of a particular situation
(Eggins, 2004:9). Tenor emphasises the relationship
between the language user and the receiver (Butt et
al., 2000:5) and mode is the form of the language use.
2.2 Why Narrative?
Among many text types, narrative becomes an
important text type to be learnt as it has always been
central in life since any particular matter people say
and think about at certain time or place would
naturally become narrative (Herman and Vervaeck,
2005:1). Furthermore, they argue that narrative also
unveils fundamental culture-specific opinions about
reality and humankind. In a similar vein, Refnaldi et
al. (2010:385) state that narrative deploys cultural
values through unfolding the way characters behave
to solve the problem or to act upon a crisis point in
problem of the story.
Another definition of narrative is proposed by
Derewianka (1990:34) who states that basically,
narrative is a text type to entertain though it also may
seek to teach or inform or embody the writer’s
reflections on experience, and to nourish and extend
reader’s imagination.
Since the present study was aimed to identify the
genre moves in narrative texts, document analysis
using the framework of Halliday’s SFL was
employed as the tool for the analysis of text. Bowen
(2009) defines document analysis as structure
procedure for assessing documents (both printed and
electronic) materials. Document analysis using SFL
framework was employed to identify the genre
moves: ideational, interpersonal and textual meanings
in both expert’s text and students’ texts. SFL serves
to provide insightful understanding into texts
(Martínez Lirola, 2006, in Arancón, 2013). It has
been explained as a functional-semantic approach to
language which considers both how people use
language in various contexts, and how they organize
language to use it as a semiotic system (Eggins,
One narrative text written by an expert was
selected as the sample for the study. The title is The
Origin of Cianjur. The rationale for taking the text as
the sample are: (1) the text was taken from a
compilation of text types including reading exercises
for students in English practice book entitled
Membongkar Habis 1000 Soal Bahasa Inggris; (2)
the text introduces the origin of a region; and (3) the
text promotes culture. Moreover, three students’
narrative texts from the tenth grade of one of senior