Teaching Machines to Recognize Idiomatic Expressions
A Comparative Analysis of Compound Word Recognition Results
between Human and Machine Annotation
Totok Suhardijanto, Zahroh Nuriah and Setiawati Darmojuwono
Department of Linguistic, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: corpus, compound, compositionality, machine annotation.
Abstract: This paper presents our research progress in building an automatic recognition system for compound words
in Bahasa Indonesia. Our goal is to develop a system that is able to distinguish significant multiword
expressions and other insignificant groups of words. For instance, rumah tangga ‘household’ should be
considered as a significant cluster of words rather than rumah kayu ‘wooden house’. It is not easy to
differentiate a compound word and an ordinary phrase in Bahasa Indonesia because there are no specific
phonological markers like accent in German or Dutch. The orthographical markers are not always present,
rumah tangga is written with a space while kacamata ‘glasses’ not. In this paper, we compare and analyze
the results of machine and human annotation. The automatic annotation system is built with a statistical
machine learning algorithm called conditional random field. Data for annotation task is collected from
newspaper and magazine articles. In this analysis, the mixed method was applied to reveal the differences
between human and machine annotation. The result showed that the machine still performed 69% of accuracy
and had several error patterns in compound word recognition tasks. Human annotation is trivial due to
personal annotator backgrounds.
Electronic standard corpora of a language are very
beneficial not only for linguistics but also for other
social researches. There are several number kinds of
corpora such as standard corpora, comparable
corpora, or parallel corpora. The most important of
those corpora to be used maximally is that the corpora
are grammatically and semantically annotated so that
the corpora can be easy automatically processed. For
researchers, annotated corpora would ease them to
dig up knowledge behind the texts.
Up to now, Indonesia has not got any sufficient
electronic annotated corpus. There are several Part of
Speech (POS) tagging systems developed by INACL
(Indonesia Association for Computational
Linguistics), but the application can not recognize
compound yet. In this study we tried to develop an
application to recognize idiomatic expression. With
this recognition a language can be explored more
This paper presents our attempt to develop a part
of speech tagging system that has an ability to
recognize a compound word in Indonesian. The
system is built based on the investigation of
Indonesian compound words by using a corpus study.
This research was conducted to determine the
shortcoming in our automatic annotation system by
comparing the results of human and machine
Until today, Indonesian linguistic experts have not
reached an agreement on the definition of the
Indonesian compound word. To determine a
compound word, phonological criteria are often used
which is not applicable in Bahasa Indonesia
(Muhadjir, 1980: p.61; Badudu, 1980: p.16). In
Bahasa Indonesia there are no specific phonological
markers like accent in German or Dutch. The
orthographical markers are not always present, rumah
tangga is written with a space while kacamata
‘glasses’ not. In this section, morphosyntactic and
semantics perspective of compound words,
Suhardijanto, T., Nuriah, Z. and Darmojuwono, S.
Teaching Machines to Recognize Idiomatic Expressions - A Comparative Analysis of Compound Word Recognition Results between Human and Machine Annotation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007167603760380
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 376-380
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
particularly in relation to the development of
compound word applications for Indonesian
corpora, will be discussed. As Chaer (1980: p.48)
noted during the symposium Tata Bahasa, which is
held by the Lembaga Linguistik Fakultas Sastra
Universitas Indonesia in celebrating Sumpah Pemuda
28 October 1979, that it is necessary to reanalyze
Indonesian compound words based on big corpora.
More than twenty years ago, Kridalaksana (1980:
p.32) argued that all elements of compound words
must be a basic morpheme and at least one of them
must be a bound morpheme. This opinion is still
relevant in distinguishing compound words from
word groups. Kridalaksana also stated that
constructions that contain forms such as eka-, panca-
, multi-, tuna- etc. are compound words, since those
forms have no grammatical function, but they have
lexical functions. Hence, it can be concluded that
elements of the compound words must be a basic
morpheme and at least one of them must be a bound
morpheme which is not an affix. This definition
cannot retain if we accept the concept potential words
of Booij (1998: pp.52-53) since those morphemes
have lexical functions.
Some Indonesian linguist (Badudu, 1980; Keraf,
1980; Kridalaksana, 1980) distinguished compound
words morphosyntactically, namely that a compound
word undergoes a derivation process such as
reduplication and affixation as one unit. Sapu tangan
‘handkerchief’ and tanggung jawab ‘responsibility’
are compound words since the reduplication of sapu
tangan is saputangan-saputangan, and the deverbal
noun of tanggung jawab is pertanggungjawaban. But
this is not always the case. Keraf (1980: p.59) noted
that the form sapu-sapu tangan and pertanggungan
jawab is also acceptable. Badudu (1980; p.15)
mentioned another characteristic of compound words
namely that they cannot be inserted by other element.
A word like rumah sakit ‘hospital’ shall not be
acceptable if it is inserted by -nya ‘his’, *rumahnya
sakit. Nevertheless, Kridalaksana (1980: p.26) argued
that these words can actually be inserted by a
preposition, for example rumah untuk orang sakit.
With regards to the identification of compound
words from semantic perspective, there is still
ambiguity on the concept of compound words’
definition. For instance, the construction of
compound word has a high degree of closeness, what
is meant by "high degree of closeness" is vague, but
the criterion “compound words do not refer to the
referent of each constituent element but to a new
referent" in terms of semantics can be interpreted that
the combination of the words’ meanings in a
compound word has a united idiomatic meaning
referring to a denotative meaning.
In this research, the development POS annotation
system with compound word recognition was
conducted based on a conditional random field (CRF)
algorithm that is derived from Hidden Markov Model
(HMM). This algorithm is a class of statistical model
method that applies structured prediction. It means
that CRF algorithm uses discriminative approach.
According to Sutton and McCallum (2011), CRF is a
type of discriminative indirect probabilistic graphic
model. In the implementation of CRF in POS tagging,
it is necessary to determine first a set of fi feature
function. In this algorithm, a POS label decision can
be determined through its context, that is the
preceding and following words.
In the comparative analyze, several corpus
techniques were implemented to explore data. These
techniques consist of word frequency list, collocation,
and concordance (see Lindquist, 2011 and Cheng,
2011). The frequency list was applied to reveal
common error patterns either in human or in machine
annotation result. Furthermore, the collocation
method was implemented to elaborate the error
patterns. Finally, it was also applied to find out the
contexts of erroneous annotation in the corpus.
In dealing with compound word recognition from
morphosyntactically perspective, a semantic
characteristic can be very useful. A compound word
refers to one referent that acts as unit that cannot be
inserted by another element. The argument of
Kridalaksana with the example rumah untuk orang
sakit cannot retain since rumah putih ‘white house’ as
a phrase can also not be inserted by the preposition
untuk ‘for’ (*rumah untuk putih). It is not only a
matter of insertion, but it is a matter of what you
insert. Consider the following examples:
rumah sakit rumah putih
*rumahnya sakit rumahnya putih
perumasakitan *perumahputihan
Based on the characteristics of compound words
as stated by Suwarso (1980), compound words and
word groups can be distinguished. According to
Suwarso (1980: p.38) groups of words can be
identified by the nature of the word relationships: the
Teaching Machines to Recognize Idiomatic Expressions - A Comparative Analysis of Compound Word Recognition Results between
Human and Machine Annotation
attributive relationship and the coordinative
relationship (equal relationship). Attributive
relationships are specified as allocative (rumah
makan, ‘restaurant’), instrumental (meja tulis,
writing desk), possessive (hulubalang ‘guard’),
final/aim (bina marga ‘road development’), partitive
(luar negari ‘overseas’), ablative (orang Jawa
‘Javanese people’), comparative (merah jambu
‘pink’), quantitative (penuh sesak ‘crowded’).
After the distinction between word groups and
compound words have been established, the next
challenge is to find criteria to differentiate idiomatic
relations among compound words. Idioms can take
various forms, from word to sentence, e.g. tikus
kantor ‘office mouse (=corruptor)’, suara emas
‘golden voice (=good singer)’, besar kepala ‘big head
(=vain)’, badan Amran setelah sakit tinggal tulang
berbalut kulit ‘After being sick, the body of Amran is
only bone and skin (=Amran is now getting slim)’.
Compound words can be distinguished from
semantic perspective. For instance, an idiomatic
phrase kambing hitam is a full idiom, because the
meaning of the idiomatic phrase cannot be traced
from the meaning of its element and the new
meaning/change of meaning is unrelated to the
meanings of the elements (opaque). Kambing hitam
can mean (1) black goat (a group of words) or (2) a
person who is blamed (idiom). Therefore, kambing
hitam could be a phrase or compound words with an
idiomatic meaning. Semi idioms can be recognized
by the meaning of one of its constituent elements,
such as daerah hitam ‘black area’, the meaning of
daerah still refers to a place but the meaning of hitam
changes from a colour to an environment where
people commit a crime, prostitution etc. Based on
these examples it can be concluded that, idiomaticity
can be regarded as a feature of compound word in
Bahasa Indonesia.
In relation to the need for tagging to identify word
groups and compound words, the following steps are
consists of more than one word;
Is there attributive or coordinative relationship?
If yes, it is a group of words, if not there is a
possibility of compound words;
(3) Idiomatic construction shows a high
degree of closeness so that it is an integral part
and its elements cannot be replaced with another
element (e.g. duta besar cannot be substituted
by duta kecil*, or duta tua* etc, duta besar
means ambassador). One element or both of
them have metaphorical meaning (e.g. besar is
not a size but its meaning is idiomatic).
If points 2 and 3 are the case, the word
construction is a compound word.
In this research, once the development of the POS
tagger was accomplished, we conducted an
experiment to apply the tagger onto our training
corpus. The experiment was applied to a corpus with
2 million words.
Along with the machine annotation experiment,
we also conducted a human annotation experiment on
the same corpus. The results of the POS and
compound annotation then were comparatively
analyzed by using corpus methods. The use of corpus
methods is chosen to make the comparative analysis
more practical, robust, and fast.
In this research, we conducted an experiment with
dataset consisting of 2 million corpus. The result of
annotation system showed that the machine
annotation accuracy reached 69,229%. The reference
set is a work of compound word annotation done by
experts in Indonesian linguistics. Among the correct
annotated results, some recognized compound words
are related to multiple expression words (MWEs)
with high frequencies in Sketch Engine
(https://www.sketchengine.co.uk/). It means that the
more frequent a compound word in a corpus the more
identifiable by machine annotator is.
Aside from the experiment with machine
annotation, in this research we also set a group of
students to do an annotation task with the same
corpus. As predicted before, the result of human
annotation is much higher than those of the machine
annotation. However, in few cases, when human
annotators made a mistake by mislabelling a phrase
as a compound word, e.g. jalan raya ‘main road
(jalan ‘road’; raya ‘big, large, main’), the machine
left it unlabelled.
In the experiment, there are 92 erroneous
annotated results that can be classified into four
different types of errors: incompleteness,
miscategorization, contextual error, and other.
Incompleteness refers to annotation errors due to non-
completion of annotation, e.g. (bekerja, VB) ‘to
work’, (sama, COMP) ‘together’, > bekerja sama
(COMP) ‘to collaborate’. In the example, the machine
only labelled sama correctly, but the other component
bekerja was failed to be recognized.
Miscategorization is an error due to a failure in
recognizing a compound word. This error consists of
two different types that is over identification and
under identification. Over identification refers to a
situation when the machine recognized a compound
word to excessive degree, for example: ('jangka',
'COMP'), ('pendek', 'COMP'), > not labelled. In this
case, the machine should not categorize jangka
pendek as a compound word, but rather as a phrase
because of its compositional meaning. Meanwhile,
under identification refers to a contrast situation to
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
over identification when the machine was unable to
identify a compound word, e.g. ('minuman', 'NN'),
('keras', 'JJ'), > minuman keras (COMP). In the
example, all components minuman and keras should
be tagged as COMP (compound word), not as NN
(noun) and JJ (adjective) respectively.
Contextual errors refer to an annotation mistake
due to a surrounding environment, for example, a
structural pattern which occurred in a passage or
sentence. There are four types of contextual errors
found in data: pattern-related, serial verb, proper
noun, and sequential error.
The first type is the pattern related error that
shows a correlation with a grammatical pattern. In
this case, it is a collocation or compound word
pattern, e.g. ('meninggal', 'COMP'), ('mendadak',
'COMP') > should not be tagged as a compound. This
error occurred several times in data so it means that
this error occurred in relation to the word meninggal
that is closely related to a compound word pattern of
meninggal dunia.
The second type is similar to the first type, but the
pattern is related to a serial verb. For instance,
('gagal', 'VB'), ('bayar', 'COMP') > should not be
labelled as a compound because gagal bayar ‘fail to
pay’ is a serial verb.
The third type is an annotation error that related to
a proper noun. This error occurred when the machine
wrongly recognized a proper noun as a compound
word, for example, ('Baldwin', 'COMP'), ('Lonsdale',
'Z') > should be annotated as a proper noun or NNP.
The fourth type is an annotation that is wrongly
implemented to adjacent words around or next to a
compound verb. For example, ('gembira', 'COMP'),
('kerja', 'COMP'), ('sama', 'JJ'), > annotation should
be applied to kerja sama ‘cooperation’, and not to
gembira kerja that means nothing.
Table 1: Types of annotation errors.
e Fre
lete 80 17,97752809
orization 230 51,68539326
Contextual Erro
130 29,21348315
5 1,123595506
TOTAL 445 100
Table 2: Subtypes of miscategarization errors.
Type Frequency Percentage
Over identification 165 71,73913043
Under identification 65 28,26086957
TOTAL 230 100
Table 3: Subtypes of contextual errors.
e Fre
Pattern Relate
50 38,46153846
Serial Verbs 20 15,38461538
Sequence Relate
45 34,61538462
Proper Nouns 15 11,53846154
TOTAL 130 100
Table 1, 2, and 3 show the number of errors that
are related to annotation. Table 1 shows that the most
significant error is the miscategorization error with
51,685% of the total error number. Among
miscategorization errors, over identification errors
are the most frequent phenomena. Over identification
errors are characterized by a wrong annotation of a
high frequent phrase, so it indicates that over
identification is related to a statistical significant
collocation. It means that the machine ability to
distinguish between a compound word and a
statistical significant phrase such jangka pendek.
The big problem with regard to compound words in
Bahasa Indonesia is that there are no adequate
grammatical and phonological and orthographical
markers with regard to compound words. For this
reason, it is quite tough to build an automatic
annotation for a compound word in Indonesian.
In this research, the annotation system was built
based on a conditional random field algorithm. This
system was implemented to a 2 million dataset to
evaluate the results. The machine performed quite
well with medium accuracy (more than 69 %) in
recognizing compound words.
Among annotation errors, the most dominant error
is miscategorization. It means that the machine has a
problem in classifying and clustering a group of
words whether it is belong to a compound word or
just a phrase. In the future, the algorithm needs to be
reviewed to improve its performance.
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Indonesia, in Masinambouw, E.K.M., Kata Majemuk:
Beberapa Sumbangan Pikiran. Jakarta, Fakultas Sastra
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Teaching Machines to Recognize Idiomatic Expressions - A Comparative Analysis of Compound Word Recognition Results between
Human and Machine Annotation
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education