Association Meaning in Identifying Pleasant Tweets
Diyas Puspandari
, Syihabuddin Syihabuddin
and Wawan Gunawan
School of Postgraduate, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
School of Computing, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
{dyaspuspa, aawagun}@gmail.com, syihabudin@upi.edu
Keywords: Association Meaning, Semantic Analysis, Pleasant Meaning.
Abstract: Social media, such as Twitter, can be used by the government to analyze netizens’ opinions. From
thousands of tweets, certainly it will take time if the analysis is conducted manually. Therefore, an analysis
tool is needed to know current opinion in a fast and real-time way. The purposes of this research are: 1) to
describe the association meaning formed from pleasant tweets in Bandung, 2) to build a classification
system based on semantic analysis to find out pleasant tweets of society in Bandung in near real-time way.
The step conducted was by filtering words from the tweets to examine which words experience changes in
meaning (have pleasant association meaning), mainly on words which convey places then change by getting
additional meaning because of undergoing association process. The results of this research are 1) the
database of association meaning of tweets from society in Bandung, 2) the application to analyze pleasant
tweets in near real-time way based on association meaning.
Research on the use of Twitter for the measurement
of happiness index has been widely studied. Curini,
Iacus, and Canova (2014), built a measure of the
level of happiness at the provincial level using
statistical techniques which is innovative with data
from Twitter Italian society. Another study related to
happiness index has been done by Mitchell, et.al.
(2013) which the results suggest that social media
can potentially be used to estimate real-time rates
and changes in measuring the population scale.
Ponilan, Herdiani and Selviandro (2016) measured
the happiness index in Bandung on social media
Twitter using Top-Down Hierarchy ontology
method. The research described how to build
ontology to calculate happiness index of Bandung
citizens. However, there is no study that analyzes the
tweets semantically to know the happiness index.
Because the happiness index factor is so complex,
this research just analyzing the semantic meaning of
the tweets to identify the pleasant meaning. Based
on this gap, the purposes of this research are: 1) to
describe the association meaning formed from pleasant
tweets on tweets in Bandung, 2) to build a
classification system based on semantic analysis to
find out pleasant tweets of society in Bandung in
near real-time way.
Commonly, tweets contain statement and
frequently involve adverb of places, for example
“walking around@Lembang”. The word Lembang in
this case is not only to declare the name of region
instead it gets additional meaning such as exciting
place for nature tour and culinary tour. In
consequence, the data will be analysed based on
association meaning from the tweets.
Association meaning can occur in several types
of words, such as noun and adverb of place. In this
research, however, the analysis is limited to adverb
of place.
Leech (in Chaer, 2012) divides meaning into
conceptual and associative. Conceptual meaning is
from lexeme which is without any correlation to its
context and other associations. Another division,
associative meaning is from lexeme which has
correlation with the thing out of the language itself.
Based on those definitions, association is the
relationship between the original meaning, meaning
in the environment where the original word grows
with the new meaning; i.e. meaning in the
environment in which the word is transferred into
language usage. Between the old meaning and the
Puspandari, D., Syihabuddin, S. and Gunawan, W.
Association Meaning in Identifying Pleasant Tweets.
DOI: 10.5220/0007168904460449
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 446-449
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
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