Developing English Language Skill for Children through
Information and Communication Technology in Early Childhood
Ririn Hunafa Lestari
and Badru Zaman
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudhi Street No.229, Bandung, Indonesia,
Keywords: ICT, English Language, Early Childhood Education.
Abstract: The growth of language aspect is an important role that needs to be developed for Early Childhood
Education in the aim of stating and understanding mind and feeling not only people but also the children
themselves. The children language ability for understanding information is fast, such as understanding
English as a foreign language. English for young children has been introduced as international language.
The introduction of foreign language to children especially English makes have more chance to learn other
knowledge, such as science, to expend their social life in the international scale and also to prepare the
children so that they can be ready for the international competition. The growth of Information Technology
(ICT) influence to language skill for children. The learning based on Information Technology that integrated
with English for young children that adapted based on their age stages as an innovative media between
teacher and children. This method use the literature review and analysis by collected other information and
research before.
Education is a conscious human effort in creating a
learning environment in which they developing their
potential (Law No. 20. 2003). Education can be
given to children from an early age, when they were
in the golden stage. This stage will affect the life of
child as a whole, has become the basis for the
development of their competence and potentials
(Wahyudin and Agustin, 2011).
According to 2003 Act, Number 20, on National
Education System, Article 1 Section 14 states, that
Early Childhood Education is a coaching effort
aimed at children from birth up to the age of six that
is done through the provision of educational stimuli
to assist the physical and spiritual growth and
development in order for the children to have
readiness in entering further education.
The early childhood education programs
encompassing the cognitive, physical-motor,
linguistic, emotional, spiritual (religious and moral)
and artistic skills (Wahyudin and Agustin, 2011).
This study examines the language competence of
early childhood. Language is a means of
communication, to express and understand the
thoughts and feelings of the individual to other
individuals around them, in the for moral, writing,
facial expressions, symbol, gestures, pantomimes,
and art, such as drawings or paintings (Wahyudin
and Mubiar, 2011; Astuti and Habibah, 2015).
Based on the above statement this can be
concluded that the development of language is
something that need to note, because the language
competence of children derived from direct
interaction with both humans and objects - such as
pictures, books and others - hence the impact is
faster than the competence associated with logic.
Language becomes a challenge for children who
are living in the modern era, because they are
expected to have the quality resources to compete
nationally and internationally. In this modern era,
children are expected to be able to use English as an
international language, to communicate and expand
their association globally, and learn various
disciplines (Wasitohadi, 2014; Gunawan, 2014).
The development of information and
communication technology (ICT) affects the lives of
children nowadays, especially during their growth
and development stage. A research conducted in
Indonesia by UNICEF with partners, including the
Lestari, R. and Zaman, B.
Developing English Language Skill for Children through Information and Communication Technology in Early Childhood Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0007169404690474
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 469-474
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Ministry of Communications and Informatics and
Harvard University (2014) showed that many
children still use computers (69%) or laptops (34%)
to access the internet, however mobile phones and
smart phones playing an increasingly important role
(52%), with children and adolescents have been the
major driver of this shift (Panji, 2014; UNICEF,
2014). It constitutes an issue that requires children
who were born in the 21st century are expected to be
affiliated to the Z generation and alpha, the
generation who were intensely familiar with
technology and sophisticated gadgets, which
indirectly affect their lives and personalities (Putra,
2016; Wasitohadi, 2014).
The information and communication technology
(ICT) is a combination of information technology
and communication technology. The information
technology is an electronic equipment that serves as
a tool in processing, storing, analyzing, and
transmitting information, either in the form of
words, numbers and images. While communication
technology is a technological device used in
processing and transferring communication through
hardware’s, software’s, processes and systems
(Niarsa, 2009; Ermayani and Rusdi, 2016; Herman
and Rusmayadi, 2016). NAEYC (2012) claimed that
technological tools include a variety of devices, such
as computers, tablets, multi touch screens,
interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, cameras,
DVDs and music players, audio recording,
electronic games, and analogous equipment.
ICT can be integrated into the learning process as
an innovative and creative learning medium that
assists children to apprehend a particular concept.
ICT-based learning used in the learning process has
a positive impact on the future success of children -
specifically in the academic fields, enhancing the
readability of study and self-concept. The integration
of ICT in the learning process has delivered impact
on the developmental and growth aspects of
children, one of which is language outgrowth. The
effective utilization of ICTs can improve the
language teaching and learning activity, especially
English, for children. (Blackwell, Lauricella and
Wartella, 2014; Wang,, 2010; Keengwe and
Onchwari, 2009; Ghasemi and Hashemi, 2011).
Based on the above statement, ICT-based
learning can develop children's English competence,
in accordance with the principles of learning and the
children’s developmental theory (Wahyudin and
Agustin, 2011). ICT-based learning can guide
teachers in teaching English, which is considered the
less attractive subject matter all the time (Gunawan,
2014; Nomass, 2012).
Language is an intermediary utensil for
communicating by using symbols, in the forms of
oral, written, facial expression, gesture, pantomime
and art, to utter and apprehend the thoughts, feelings
and desires that are expected (Delfita, 2012;
Wahyudin and Mubiar, 2011). According to Hurlock
(2008), the important thing in developing the
language is the physical and mental preparation to
speak, the model that is good to imitate, the
opportunity to practice, as well as motivation and
The children’s competence to learn the language,
especially foreign languages, can be developed by
the time the child is about two to six years old
starting from using symbols to describe the
surrounding environment for at this age the
development of the language of children was
intensely rapid. One of the foreign languages that
can be introduced to children is English. English is
an international language used to communicate and
interact with people from around the world (Sophya,
2014; Gunawan, 2014). The English language
competence can be classified into the language
processes that include listening and reading and the
capability to speak and write as a result of the
language process (Nomass, 2013). Aside from the
ability to hear, speak, read and write, there are also
linguistic scopes that need to be considered in
teaching English to children, i.e. the components of
vocabulary, pronunciation and word structure
(Sophya, 2014).
The implementation and development of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
in education is one of the Ministry of National
Education's policies in order to improve accessibility
and quality of education services for the community.
The ICT-based learning in early childhood education
is part of a learning process that can be tailored to
the children's developmental abilities and the
developmental stages based on age groups, early
childhood learning principles and functions, and it’s
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
capable to create a child-centered learning process
(Wang,, 2010; Ermayani and Rusdi, 2016;
Kara and Cagiltay, 2017; Law No. 20, 2003).
According to the Child Care Initiative (in NAEYC,
2012), children less than two years old are not
recommended to use ICT to stimulate their
ICT is a set of tools to process - create, manage,
distribute, and store - the various information used to
communicate (Niarsa, 2009; Ermayani and Rusdi,
2016; Ghasemi and Hashemi, 2011). NAEYC
(2012) stated that the technology tools include a
variety of devices, such as computers, tablets, multi
touch screens, interactive whiteboards, mobile
devices, cameras, DVDs and music players, audio
recordings, electronic games, and analogous
equipment such as tape recorders, VCRs, VHS tapes
record and cassette players, table lamps, projectors
and microscopes. The utilization of computers, the
internet, broadcasting technology (radio and
television) and telephony has been widely used in
the recent years, to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of education at all levels, both formal
and non-formal (Ghasemi and Hashemi, 2011).
The ICT-based learning serves as an aid in the
learning of various disciplines, and as a stimulant in
the achievement of certain ICT-assisted
developments (Herman and Rusmayadi, 2016). The
function of ICT in the study of early childhood
education can be applied in kindergarten, by
considering the principle of learning and the
facilities and infrastructure provided by the school.
In addition, ICT-based learning needs to be planned,
implemented and evaluated, to achieve the learning
objectives accordingly.
The utilization of ICT in the learning process has
delivered a positive impact on the academic field
and the life of the child in the future, such as the
accretion of ability to solve problems, the
improvement of learning readability, the
improvement of self-concept, and enhancing the
learning attitude of children (Blackwell, Lauricella
and Wartella, 2014; Wang,, 2010; Keengwe
and Onchwari, 2009).
The teaching for early childhood education students
uses the thematic learning compiled in the
curriculum, it serves as a guidance for the teacher(s)
in performing the teaching and learning process.
This is intended to make it easier for children to
know and understand the various concepts that are
tailored to the characteristics of the holistic child
development. The selection of themes as learning
materials should be focused on the principles of
interest, closeness, simplicity and incidental
(Directorate of Early Childhood Education, 2015;
Sarahaswati and Kusumahwati, 2016).
The English competence development of early
childhood education students can be integrated with
thematic learning. The theme selection for
introducing English using the same principles of the
learning theme selection (Sophya, 2014; Kurikulum
Taman Kanak-kanak, 2010), namely:
Proximity; the theme chosen based on
concepts, topics and ideas closest to the child's
life, such as part of body, part of house, family,
Interest, the theme chosen based on the
interests of children, such as animal,
occupation, transportation.
Simplicity, the themes selected sequentially
from simple to more complex themes, such as
nature, weather, outer space.
Incidental, the theme is chosen based on events
occurred around the child, although those
events are not in accordance with the theme of
learning, such as the big days or celebrations.
Based on the statement above, the selection of
themes has an important role in a learning process. It
is should become a consideration for teachers when
introducing English to children. Moreover, these
themes can be developed in accordance with local
conditions, culture, as well as the applicable values
and norms.
The utilization of ICT as a learning mediatory in
developing English competence is an effort of
teachers in overcoming the limited skills and
knowledge in teaching English well and
appropriately (Naidoo, 2003; Tabatabaei and Gui,
2011). The utilization of media that have features of
audio, visual, audio-visual and interactive features
was expected in learning English for children
Developing English Language Skill for Children through Information and Communication Technology in Early Childhood Education
(Sophya, 2014). In addition, the use of ICT as a
medium could develop four language skills, namely
the ability to speak, hear, read and write with respect
to vocabularies, pronunciation and word structure
(Nomass, 2013; Sophya, 2014). The ICT that can
help teachers introduce English, namely:
4.1 The Utilization of Computer
The utilization of computers supports children in
developing their ability to hear, write and read
various information. The selection of its software
need to be considered in this case, for the principle
of children's learning is to play while learning and
learn while playing, hence it is advisable to the
teachers to choose the software in accordance with
that principle and the age of children. The computers
can be connected to other devices such as speakers
or projector when learning activities are conducted
at a large space with large capacity (Nomass, 2013;
Wahyudin and Agustin, 2011).
4.2 The Utilization of Broadcasting
The broadcasting technology that is often
encountered currently, either at home, school and
community environment around children is
television and radio. Through those technology
devices, children can access various programs to
obtain information. Watching TV and listening to
the radio could developed the children’s ability of
hear and speak English. The selection of programs
on that technology needs attention and supervision,
in accordance with the learning objectives of
children (Nomass 2013; NAEYC, 2012).
4.3 The Utilization of DVD Player
DVD Player is an electronic device that can be heard
and seen to stimulate children's thoughts, feelings,
attention and willingness to understand the content
of theme. The use of DVD Player can help children
learn through educational songs and videos tailored
to the theme of learning (Nomass, 2013; NAEYC,
4.4 The Utilization of Tape Recorder
The tape recorder is one of the oldest technology
that has been rarely used in learning. However, in
some cases, the use of tape recorders can aid
learning, especially in early childhood education
(Nomass, 2013; NAEYC, 2012).
4.5 The Utilization of Mobile
Technology is growing rapidly. Currently the use of
mobile equipment is accessible to children. The use
of this mobile device must be under adult’s
supervision, hence the purpose of its use can be
appropriately achieved. Software provided by this
mobile device can help adults in introducing
concepts to children, especially the concept of
English, such as letters, numbers, or colors
(NAEYC, 2012)
Based on research conducted by Kara and
Cagiltay (2017), the ICT that is commonly used by
teachers in a learning activity is computer and
projector. In addition, technological equipment that
uses audio visual learning media is also suitable for
early childhood education’s students, because this
technology is the easiest, and most commonly used,
such as television, radio and tape recorder. The
audio learning media that helps children listen to the
content to be delivered, this listening activity affects
the child directly. Visually, verbal messages such as
written and non-verbal words such as symbols can
help the child in developing the sense of sight
(Herman and Rusmayadi, 2016).
According to these explanations, it can be
concluded that with audio and visual technology,
teachers can teach a variety of guidance and
direction for children, such as teaching English. The
teaching method that used is storytelling, games,
show and tell, music and movement in which
include singing, chants and rhymes. These teaching
methods can be mastered in the form of ICT. The
utilization of audio, visual and interactive features
can help children in learning English. ICTs help
children and teachers to learn English empirically
(Sophya, 2014).
Based on the results of the literature review and
analysis of previous research, it can be concluded
that the use of ICT can support teachers in
developing children’s English competence, with the
limitations they have. The introduction of English
can be done early, because the ability of early
childhood in receiving various concepts was
growing rapidly at this phase. The things that
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
teachers need to be aware of in introducing English
to children are the methods of teaching and learning
media that used. ICT helps teachers in introducing
English to children through fun learning activities, in
line with the learning objectives of English that is
taught vocabulary, pronunciation and good word
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education