Hot Potatoes Media in Learning Japanese Language Listening
Luza Qodriyanti
Postgraduate School, Japanese Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Hot Potatoes, CALL, Japanese Language Media, Usage Constraints.
Abstract: This paper aims to explain the steps of arranging CALL-based Japanese language media with listening
materials using Hot Potatoes software as well as to determine the level of difficulty and constraints that
occur in its application in the classroom. Media product produced by Hot Potatoes software is an HTML file
that can be opened in any computer browser. To hone the listening ability of Japanese language, Hot
Potatoes media products are made in such a way that students can hear and interact with the media. This
research used a descriptive qualitative method to describe systematic, actual and accurate facts and
relationships between phenomena investigated by the author. The study involved 34 senior high school
students as the users of the media. Based on the results of questionnaires and observations and interviews, it
is known that the Hot Potatoes medium works well in any browser. The difficulties encountered when
applying media are lack of adequate facilities such as the available computers and the sound quality of loud
speakers. This greatly affects the respondent's assessment of the Hot Potatoes media used.
Many factors become obstacles of language teachers
in computer-based learning. One of them is the lack
of teacher knowledge of information about
appropriate technology that can be used in language
learning. It begins from the interest of learning
English as the second language in every country in
the world, the technology created to help learning a
language called CALL (Computer Assisted
Language Learning) should also be used for
language learning in general. However, due to the
limited ability of teachers so that information about
CALL technology is very little known by Japanese
language teachers. That's why the author will
explain one of the steps in arranging CALL-based
media creation that feels easy to be followed by
Japanese language teachers. In addition, the authors
will share their experiences on the application of
CALL media using Hot Potatoes applied to students
of SMAN 5 Cimahi in academic year 2017- 2018.
This discussion will describe about the steps in
arranging the Hot Potatoes media by using JQuiz
only. Hot Potatoes media application research is
conducted on the students of class XI SMAN 5
Cimahi academic year 2017- 2018 in one class only,
given the limited time available.
3.1 Understanding CALL and its Types
Computer-assisted language learning or known as
CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) is
the application of computers in teaching and
language learning (Levy, 1997). CALL covers the
application of various information and
communication technologies for teaching and
learning languages, ranging from traditional to
modern learning models such as Internet use for
virtual learning / remote web-based. CALL also
includes the use of corpus, interactive whiteboard,
communication with computer media and others.
Warschauer and Healey (1998) distinguishes
CALL into three stages, namely; behaviouristic
CALL, communicative CALL and Integrative CALL
(Warschauer and Healey, 1998). Behavioristic CALL
is also known as the traditional CALL (Warschauer,
1996). Computers are used to help teachers in the
learning process so that students do not get bored
with the drills that teachers usually do manually in
Qodriyanti, L.
Hot Potatoes Media in Learning Japanese Language Listening.
DOI: 10.5220/0007169904990504
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 499-504
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
language learning. Technically, the computer is
connected to the projector, so that students can see
the subject matter. With this computer, the display
of subject matter can be made interesting with full
color and image so students are enthusiastic to
follow the lesson. Software that is often used for
CALL media is the power point.
Communicative CALL was developed in the
1980s. At that time, behavioristic approaches were
opposed in the pedagogical and theoretical levels.
Communications experts at the time argued that
learning is a process of discovery, expression and
development. The use of activity-based CALL
should provide more tangible feedback on learning.
Finally, computer experts develop CALL that can be
used interactively and communicatively. In
communicative CALL, the goal focus is not on what
the learner does with the computer, but what the
learner does with a fellow while working with a
Integrative CALL is a CALL based on multimedia
computer and internet. Multimedia enables a variety
of media (text, graphics, sound, animation and
video) on one machine or in the form of a CD-ROM.
The example of CALL media in integrative CALL
type is Longtion Autorun Pro. The software can
create auto play interfaces and presentations on CD /
3.2 Hot Potatoes as CALL Media
According to Winke, Paula and MacGregor (2001),
the Hot Potatoes program produced by Half-Baked
Software, Inc., and created by the Research and
Development team of Computer and Humanities at
Media Center, University of Victoria-Canada, is
designed to enable teachers to create interactive
web-paced exercises accessible to students on each
computer using a standard Web browser. Hot
Potatoes uses HTML and Java Scrips to create Web-
based exercises. Hot Potatoes consists of six types of
Web-based exercises that can stand alone or be
associated with other exercises to form task
sequences. The six types of interactive programs are
JBC, JQuiz, JCloze, Jmix, Jcross and Jmatch.
Students can improve their own work based on
instruction and feedback set by the teacher.
Furthermore, language teachers can use the Hot
Potatoes program to create their own interactive
computer-based exercises. The program provides
templates of various forms of practice such as
multiple choice, matching exercises, short answer
quizzes, composing words into sentences, crossword
puzzles, and so on. Teachers can also insert sound,
images, video or text into the program so that the
learning activities are more interesting.
Figure 1: The front part of Hot Potatoes software.
Hot Potatoes program can actually be used by all
subject teachers because in that program, there is
already templates available from various types of
exercises. Teachers only need to fill in the template
with the questions and answers that the teacher has
prepared before. Then the teacher can export the
question or exercise to HTML form which can be
stored in file in flask disk or CD (Example of Hot
Potatoes program’s front page is as seen in Figure
Once the question has been made, the teacher
must export or compile the multiple-choice exercise
file and make it a web page that will be seen on
browser Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or other
browsers. When it is done, it means that the teacher
has made the Hot Potatoes exercise ready to be
distributed to the students. This exercise can be
viewed offline from CD or file in flash.
3.3 Past Research on Hot Potatoes
A teacher can develop his or her technical skills and
skills through a range of creative activities such as
learning activities without using CALL at all (such as
doing book exercises), activities using several
different CALL devices and then combining and
integrating, designing CALL activities and creating
tests, as well as evaluation activities with CALL
(Torsani, 2015). Hot Potatoes open opportunities for
teachers to learn technology and explore the ability
to create an interesting teaching material / media by
utilizing all the original sources (generic).
Lots of previous researches that discussed the
use of Hot Potatoes in teaching. Emmasari (2015)
used descriptive method that aims to determine the
level of difficulty of Ganbarimon Internet-based
learning media made using Hot Potatoes software.
This study focuses on making the media itself, not
for knowing the level of ability of Japanese language
students of UPI after using Ganbarimon media made
using Hot Potatoes software. Ganbarimon Media has
advantages and disadvantages in terms of its use.
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
The advantages of Ganbarimon media are interactive
and internet based. Ganbarimon media specializes it
in learning kanji training media.
Viviani and Kurniasih (2016) also uses Hot
Potatoes as a learning media in her research
conducted on students of SMAN 1 Gedangan-
Sidoarjo. The research was qualitative descriptive
and data analysis was done qualitatively. Data were
collected through natural observation. Based on the
data obtained, the implementation of "Hot Potatoes"
software by teachers from SMAN 1 Sidoarjo
Gedangan has gone well and following the
construction procedures. Meanwhile, with regard to
student outcomes, referential and inferential
questions are the most difficult type of question
among 15 to 20 other questions given in each
exercise question. Overall, student outcomes from
each meeting show that most of them are in the
Good Group. Viviani and Kurniasih (2016) is
intended to illustrate how the implementation of
teachers from software "Hot Potatoes" as a media in
learning to read the text of the story (recount) for
students of grade X SMAN 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo
and also to illustrate how the student's results during
the "Hot Potatoes" Software's implementation in
teaching of reading the story text (recount).
Research on Hot Potatoes has also been done on
elementary level students (SMP / MTS). Akhsan
(2014) has conducted research on the use of Hot
Potatoes to improve the comprehension of reading
comprehension to the students in MTS Nurul Ulum
Welahan Jepara. The purpose of the research is to
know whether there is a significant difference
between the reading ability of grade VIII students
MTs Nurul Ulum Welahan Jepara in academic year
2012/201 before and after being taught using hot
potatoes application device as media. The research
design is experimental research. This is done on the
students of class VIII MTs Nurul Ulum Welahan
Jepara in academic year 2012/2013. The researchers
took VIII B as a quasi-experimental research sample
using cluster random sampling. Quasi experimental
research is taught with Hot Potatoes app device
media. After they were taught for five meetings they
did post-test to compare the results. Based on the
results, it means that the hot Potatoes tool
application medium is working well to develop
students' reading ability. It can be concluded that
there is a significant difference between the reading
ability of grade VIII students MTs Nurul Ulum
Welahan Jepara in academic year 2012/2013 before
and after being taught using hot potatoes application
Besides being applied to language learning, there
are also researchers who have applied Hot Potatoes
on non-language learning. Saputri (2015) conducted
a study using Hot Potatoes on physics learning at
Muhammdiyah University Purworejo. The type of
research done was research development to produce,
know the feasibility of evaluation program
development results and know the student response.
The subjects of the research were 30 students who
took Basic Physics Lecture 2, Study Program of
Physics Education. The research method used by
Saputri (2015) was a development method, with
ADDIE development design (Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation, and Evaluation).
CBT with Hot Potatoes software could and feasible
to be used as a Basic Physics evaluation program 2
at Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.
From previous research on Hot Potatoes that had
been done, It can be known that there is no
application research of CALL Hot Potatoes media in
Japanese language lessons in high school level. Hot
Potatoes research has been done on English and
Arabic subjects, but it still discusses the reading
skills while using Hot Potatoes by focusing on
listening skills, is still rarely done. Therefore,
research on the use of CALL media with Hot
Potatoes on Japanese language listening skills is
very worthwhile to do.
Torsani (2015) describes the success of CALL-based
learning depends on the teacher in 3 areas, namely
linguistic area, procedural area and technical area. In
the linguistic area, teachers are expected to
understand the importance of ICT / computer
technology in its influence on language learning.
Also, giving students opportunities to prove
themselves through practice and experience
learning, improving student learning outcomes,
enhancing authentic subject matter, encouraging
greater interaction between teachers and students
and students and peers, emphasizing individual
need, and enlarge global understanding. Other
researchers also argue the same that the results of
research on foreign language learners in Turkey is
known that 58% of students have a high level of
motivation to computers (Ge and Selami, 2010).
From here it is known that ICT is very influential on
learning. In the procedural area, teachers are
expected to know how to operate software and
hardware. While in the technical area, teachers are
expected to integrate ICT into language education.
Hot Potatoes Media in Learning Japanese Language Listening
In line with Torsani, Warchauer (1998) also said that
teacher's computer competence influences the effect
of teaching. In the process of teaching and learning,
teachers act as facilitators, designers, guides and
assistants. Therefore, the technological competence
of teachers should be improved. If teachers are lack
competence, teachers may not integrate technology
into teaching efficiently. Internal obstacles often
experienced by teachers such as lack of time in
preparing teaching materials and teaching media
should be minimized if teachers have found tools /
right to shorten the preparation time of learning.
Teachers need to think creatively how to apply
CALL multimedia well in accordance with the three
areas described by Torsani above those are the
understanding of the importance of ICT for language
learning, knowledge of computer operate and
combine it in an implementation of language
learning (see figure 2).
Figure 2: Linguistics, procedures and techniques; gray
areas show areas of knowledge most mastered by language
On the other hand, Mukhtar (2014) has a
different perspective on teacher constraints in the
application of CALL in Indonesia. According to
Mukhtar (2014) the condition of internet network
facilities and infrastructure in Indonesian schools are
still relatively low, so to conduct CALL-based
learning with the internet becomes very inadequate.
Mukhtar (2014) argues that the traditional CALL is
more likely to be applied in Indonesia than pure
100% internet-based CALL This traditional CALL
requires a number of tools such as computers,
speakers and software (Mukhtar, 2014). Considering
software and computers for learning, teachers and
schools need to be selective about the materials /
equipment to be purchased to foster learning,
monitor work and student progress in learning
(Hancock, 1985). A computer with good software is
a very useful tool for education, otherwise a
computer with a bad tool would be bad for education
(Hancock, 1985).
4.1 How to Create Listening Questions
with J Quiz on Hot Potatoes
This is alternative way to create listening question
with J Quiz on Hot Potatoes.
1. Prepare listening files in mp3 format. (Use Adobe
Audition to create a recording).
2. Save the files in one folder.
3. Open Hot Potatoes Program, click J Quiz.
4. Save the Project to be created by click Save As in
5. Enter the audio / image file that will be used in the
project in one folder
6. Write the Questions’ Title and the question’
command on the Q.1 questionnaire for number 1.
7. Insert the image in the answer options box A, B,
C and so on by clicking insert - Picture - Picture
from local file.
8. Type this code into the question box like this.
<audio controls><source src = "horse.ogg" type=
"audio / ogg"><source src = "Neko.mp3" type =
"audio / mpeg"> Your browser does not support
the audio elements. </ audio>
Edit the bolded word with the appropriate audio
file name in the prepared folder.
9. Check the correct answer in the Correct box.
10. Make the next questions in column Q2, Q3 and
so on like steps 6-9.
11. Do not forget to save the project.
12. Export the project in HTML form by clicking the
sign, write its filename.
13. Then click save - Yes - View the Exercise in My
14. Check the results in the browser.
4.2 Result of Questionnaire,
Observation and Interview
This research was conducted to find out how big the
level of difficulty and obstacles that happened in the
application of Japanese language learning using Hot
Potatoes media. This research was conducted on 34
students of grade XI IPA 4 SMAN 5 Cimahi. This
study was conducted on November 21, 2017. The
instrument used in this study was a questionnaire
containing 10 questionnaires with answers that had
been provided by researchers and 1 questionnaire
question with free answers.
Based on the questionnaire data processing, it
could be seen that all students stated that they had
computers and personal smart phones. This could be
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
seen from 34 respondents, all 100% answered that
they had computer and smart phone. Although
almost all respondents had electronic devices such as
computers and smart phones, it turned out from the
questionnaire note that 3 people from 34 respondents
admitted that they never used computers / smart
phones for learning Japanese.
In terms of the use of Hot Potatoes media for this
Japanese language learning, after the respondents
were given the opportunity to use the media and
were asked about the impressions during its use, 22
people from 34 people stated that they were easy to
use Hot Potatoes media. 8 people from 34 people
said that it was not easy to use and only 4 people
who answered did not know. From the results of
observations made by the authors during the
respondents using this media, it was known that the
constraints on the application of Hot Potatoes media
on learning Japanese language was, the lack of
computer facilities used in the classroom. Although
all respondents claimed to have a computer, but
when the data collection on the application of Hot
Potatoes media was taken, only a few students who
brought the computer, so there were some
respondents who answered did not know about the
easy use of the media because they might not have
time to try for themselves.
In terms of media appearance, according to the
results of the questionnaire, it was known that the
actual media made with Hot Potatoes software was
indeed less attracted attention of respondents. This
was seen from 55.88% of respondents assume that
the media display was ordinary. Authors could not
make the media look even more interesting, because
the default view of Hot Potatoes software was just
like that. Regarding about navigation / guidance on
this media, the results of the questionnaire stated that
almost half of the respondents as many as 15 people
felt able to understand the way of media usage. 10
respondents found it very was easy to understand
their usage and only 9 people from 34 respondents
found it was difficult to understand the use of Hot
Potatoes media. From the results of observation of
the author, the number of students in a single class
with a lot of minimal computer facilities greatly
affected the concentration of students when the
author explained about how to use Hot Potatoes
media, so there were students who have difficulty in
running this media.
In terms of content of subject matter in Hot
Potatoes media made by the author, it turned out that
11 of 34 respondents considered the material on the
media was difficult to understand. At the time of
trying this Hot Potatoes media, the author took the
material about the lesson of listening to the Japanese
language. So all the problems that existed in the
media were a matter of listening. From the results of
observation and interviews conducted by the authors
to the respondents, it was known that the
respondents were rarely given a lesson to listen to
the Japanese language by teachers in the classroom,
so their listening ability was very low, although the
actual material issued in the matter on Hot Potatoes
media had been studied all in class.
Regarding the resilience of the product, most
respondents were as many as 28 people from 34
people said that Hot Potatoes media could be opened
in their computer browser, while only 6 people who
answered did not know about it. According to the
author's observation, respondents who answered that
they did not know this, because they were not sure
whether Hot Potatoes media could be opened on
their own computer or not, the article mentioned that
they did not bring their own computer at that time.
Most respondents were 79, 41% said that they could
open the media through Google Chrome browser
and as many as 20.59% of respondents opened the
media using Mozilla browser. From this, it was
known that the Hot Potatoes media was not
problematic with its use because it could be used
through a common browser on each computer
When respondents were asked whether the media
could help better absorb Japanese lessons, 16
respondents said yes. 11 respondents said no and 7
respondents said did not know. From this, it was
known that positive responses to the use of this
media was not much accepted by the authors of the
respondents because no half of the respondents who
helped with the existence of this media. From the
results of observations and interviews conducted by
the author, inadequate classroom facilities such as
lack of numbers of computers and loud speakers that
greatly affected the mood of students in learning and
absorbing the subject matter in the classroom. In
addition, because this media was applied only once
in the class, that was when the data retrieval took
place, most likely the students felt that there had
been no change that occurred in absorption of
subject matter. Nevertheless, the authors were
optimistic that this media will have a significant
impact when applied to better facilities conditions
and more conducive class atmosphere.
Hot Potatoes Media in Learning Japanese Language Listening
Based on the results of research on the use of Hot
Potatoes media in learning Japanese language with
material listening in SMAN 5 Cimahi in 2017, it can
be drawn conclusion that the steps of preparation of
Hot Potatoes media development for Japanese
language listening material starts from the collection
of materials that have been taught in the classroom.
Furthermore, the material is organized into exercise
questions using the features contained in the Hot
Potatoes software. The exercise questions are made
then put together into a media in the form of HTML
files that can be opened in a common browser that is
on the student's computer without having to connect
to the internet. Moreover, Hot Potatoes Media has
advantages and disadvantages in terms of its use.
The advantages of this media according to the
results of observation, questionnaires and interviews
is that the user can immediately know the results
once finished doing the exercises by pressing the
"check". In addition, users can use this media on
computers with any browser. The most commonly
used and easy-to-use browsers are Google Chrome
and Mozilla. The disadvantages of this media
according to the results of the questionnaire are less
attractive appearance and seem ordinary. The
questionnaire issue stating that not many
respondents perceive this medium can help better
absorb the lessons, according to the authors, this
does not necessarily prove that the Hot Potatoes
media is a bad medium. Many factors influence
students in absorbing the subject matter. As many as
47.06% of students who consider this media can
help better absorption of the lesson, the writer is
already a good thing, considering external factors
such as inadequate computer facilities and
loudspeakers in the classroom also influence the
respondent's assessment of Hot Potatoes media.
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education