Synectis Models in Writing Stories by Using Augmented Reality to
Increase Verbal Creativity
Deasy Aditya Damayanti, Syihabuddin Syihabuddin, Munir
and Isah Cahyani
Universitas Pendididkan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Synectics Models, Writing Stories, Augmented Reality, Verbal Creativity.
Abstract: Based on preliminary tests, almost none of the students start to write stories using figurative language like
metaphors. Metaphors is a manifestation that the story we write is a creation which is allegorical (long
metaphors). Metaphorical statements are able to optimize the ability of understanding and reasoning in
conceptualizing certain concepts. The aims of the study were to see synectics model to be able to reason
verbal creativity (metaphors). This quasi experiment research aimed to investigate how synectics model to
be able to reason verbal creativity in writing stories. The result of this study indicates that the students who
get augmented reality aided synectics models have a verbal creativity improvement better than the students
who get conventional synectics models. The implications of this study are expected to make further
synectics model research to improve verbal creativity in each sub-section of the synectic phase as well as
provide an overview of the characteristics of the ideal metaphor in each phase.
Starting techniques in writing greatly affect writing
skills, especially writing stories. In STKIP Garut,
students have much weaknesses to initiate writing
with symbols. Almost none of the students start to
write stories using symbols. Whereas, start writing
by using symbols is a manifestation that the story we
write is a creation which is allegorical or long
metaphor (Sumiyadi, 2014). Symbols likes metaphor
plays a strong role in conveying author messages to
readers. Metaphors are generally defined as the
transfer of meaning from one element to another
(Gove, 1966). Metaphor is an attempt to describe an
idea or problem in a concrete way, so it is easier to
The use of creative metaphors in writing will
help writers and readers to understand the issues at
hand and develop solutions to overcome them. Thus,
the metaphor is useful in helping the reader to
conceptualize the issues that the story character
faces and facilitate the collaboration of authors and
readers in appropriately appreciating the story
(Robert and Kelly, 2010). Metaphors can also
significantly facilitate the change of reader / reader
response perspectives (Hundley and Montserrat
Casado- Kehoe, 2007; Babits, 2001; Chesley et al.,
2008). There is a wide variety of research that
demonstrates the benefits of metaphor in improving
communication effectiveness and the creation of
meaning (Lyddon, Clay and Sparks, 2001).
Metaphora is useful for understanding the reader's
experience in a way that is less threatening to the
reader (Babits, 2001; Shinebourne and Smith, 2010).
Although correlational results have suggested a
reliable relationship between creativity and
synectics, few studies have examined this
relationship using empirical methods. However, few
studies have used hypothesis driven and empirical
methods to examine the link between verbal
creativity and augmented reality. To our knowledge,
this is the first study to compared to verbal creativity
and augmented reality.
We investigated the verbal creativity in relation
to synectics model and augmented reality in writing
stories using quasi experiment research. Our data are
also consistent with other studies that found support
for verbal creativity is associated with synectics.
There is overwhelming support for a positive
relationship between creativity is associated with
synectics (cf. Widiarti, 2013; Warnandi, 2002;
Seligmann, 2007; Nalini, 2013; Fatemipour, 2014).
These result shows (1) the synectics model can give
Damayanti, D., Syihabuddin, S., Munir, M. and Cahyani, I.
Synectis Models in Writing Stories by Using Augmented Reality to Increase Verbal Creativity.
DOI: 10.5220/0007171806070614
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 607-614
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the students imagination to experience to facilitate
their composing task, (2) the synectics model invites
students to think creatively and use their imagination
to make the writing of short story more creative and
quality, (3) more effective synectics model in
learning to write short stories, (4) synectics models
can foster self confidence in writing stories based on
students imagination that emerge from the actual
experience they have experienced, (5) the use of
synectics models helps students find stories ideas,
(6) the background use and creation the conflicts of
story are quite well done by the students after
applying the sinectics model, and (7) with the
synectics models, the students become more
attentive to the use of language styles and good
writing mechanics of story short.
Research Widiarti (2013) unfortunately does not
review how the elements of verbal creativity in
synectics for detail such as the highest development
is in the element of fluency, followed by elements
flexibility and elaboration and the lowest
development is in the element of originality
(Warnandi, 2002). These result suggest that
enhanced verbal creativity while synectics model is
After comparing with the research that has been
done has differentiation and novelty because this
research is more comprehensive to reveal the
learning model of cinematic writing from various
benefits such as develop verbal creativity.
The theoretical basis for the selection of
synectics learning models by Augmented Reality
(AR) is the theory of Social Constructivist Learning
(Vigotsky, 1978), the theory of Community of
Practice (Wenger, 1998), and General Interest
(Eisenberger and Armeli, 1997). The theory of
Social Constructivist Learning (Vigotsky, 1978)
says that learning in collaborative situations can
produce better results than self-study. Based on this
theory, Dillenbourg (1999) proposes aspects of
collaborative learning support in the form of
collaboration environments, collaboration
interactions, and collaboration mechanisms.
Collaborative interactions such as peer review
(Armiati and Sastramiharja, 2007) or Wenger (1998)
are conducted online in a community of practice that
has domain, community, and practice characteristics.
General Interest Theory (Eisenberger and Armeli,
1997) states that rewards have great potential to
increase learning motivation while meeting the
needs of students. Meanwhile, the narrative writing
theory adapted from Gerot and Wignel (1994),
Anderson & Anderson (2003), Knapp and Watkins
(2005), Martin and Rose (2008), Emilia (2011). This
quasi experiment research aimed to investigate how
synectics model to be able to reason verbal creativity
in writing stories.
2.1 Participants
Thirty four students (16 students, typically
developing for control students and 18 age-matched)
between the ages 18-20 participated in the study.
The students in the synectics models aided
augmented reality met the standard classification
criteria of performance on writing stories measures
that was one or more standard deviation for the
mean on writing stories measures. In addition, the
students provided independent testing to insure that
the children in the experiment group met student
identification criteria.
2.2 Sentence Writing Task
The design of learning to write with Augmented
Reality (AR) synectic learning model which can be
developed procedurally is: (a) at the time of
prewriting, students scan Augmented Reality (AR)
card followed by brainstorming of the story content
of Augmented Reality (AR) marker image, (b) at the
writing stage of the concept, the student writes the
idea without the intervention of the lecturer, (c) at
the revision stage, the student with his or her friend
and lecturer revises the paper, either the mistake of
the notion or the mistake of the paragraph
placement, (d) at the editing stage, the student along
with the lecturer edits writing in terms of mechanical
form of spelling and punctuation errors.
Steps synectic models are first, students are
asked to make nouns and adjectives as much as they
relate to the scanned animal image. Second, make 3
to 5 sentences a direct analogy of the noun in the
adjective situation to present a new view. Third,
make 3 to 5 personal analogy statements by
identifying the first person with emotion in the form
of facts. Fourth, make 3 to 5 sentence conflict by
making a contradictory identification between one
object with another object. Fifth, students are asked
to make a direct analogy of human characters who
are unfamiliar with familiar objects.
The sentences were controlled for length
vocabulary complexity and vocabulary image ability
(Montgomery and Evans, 2009) using Guilford
theories (1967, pp.1-14). Based on Guilford's
analysis, there are five factors that characterize the
ability to think creatively:
Fluency (fluency) is the ability to generate
many ideas. The idea is in the sentence, not on
the level of the word;
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
Flexibility (flexibility) is the ability to propose
a variety of solutions or approaches to the
Originality is the ability to trigger ideas in
original and non-cliche ways;
Elaboration is the ability to decipher in more
Redefinition is the ability to look at a problem
from a perspective different from what is
known by many people.
Verbal creativity was assessed using Guilford
(1967) Creative thinking paradigm has also been
shown in verbal creativity task (Bechtereva et al.,
2004). Fluency was measured using verbal (Spreen
and Strauss, 1998). Creativity tasks we used the
remote associates test (RAT) (Mednick, 1962) and
developed a novel divergent thinking task based on
earlier models of creativity (Guilford, 1959;
Torrance, 1988; Wallach and Kogan, 1965).
Creative potential is usually assessed by means of
test that measure divergent thinking ability (Runco
and Acar, 2010) such as the Torrance Test of
Creative Thinking (TTCT; Torrance, 1988), the
Guilford test (Wilson, Guilford and Christensen,
1953), or the Wallach and Kogan test (Wallach and
Kogan, 1965). Divergent thinking is hereby defined
as “the kind that goes off in different directions”
(Guilford, 1959). Accordingly, divergent thinking
tests involve open problems for which a variety of
possible solutions can be found, The RAT is a
paper-and-pencil task. Thirty sets of three words are
presented and subject are required to find a word
that links the two target words in the set. For
example, given the word set of an animals and
person, the correct answer would be ‘adjectives’.
The RAT requires association generations and
convergent thinking in order to link the remote
associations. The novel Divergent Thinking Task
(DTT) required subject to generate uses for real
objects. Two major established theories define the
process and products of creative thinking. Guilford
(1959) has emphasized divergent thinking (DT) and
the use of generative, flexible responses that
redefine or elaborate upon an existing product or
idea. Mednick (1962) built upon this definitions,
showing that creative thinking emphasizes
generating novel associations. DT has emerged as a
valid core element in the creative thinking process
(Bartlett and Davis, 1974; Torrance, 1988).
Creativity, in its simplest literal definition is a
process to produce something new that requires
intelligence and imagination (Oxford Dictionary of
English, 2010). It is the ability to create, by the
originality of thought, showing imagination (Mc
Leod and Hanks, 1982). It emphasizes more on
process than the end result. A process that is
different from one existing before can be categorized
as the result of one’s creativity.
In the psychological context, creativity is the
ability to produce a composition, product, or idea of
what is essentially new, previously unknown, and
original (Wang and Cheng, 2010). It can be
imaginative activity or synthesis of thought
originated not only by summarizing. Creativity may
cover the establishment of patterns, the combined
information derived from previous experience and
transplantation of old ties to the new situation
including the creation of a new correlation.
Creativity must have a specified purpose or
purposes, not mere fantasy, although as a result, it is
perfect and complete. Creativity may take the form
of artistic, literary, scientific or product which may
be procedural or methodological. Creativity is a
mental process that is unique- something that is
solely to produce something new, different from the
original that includes a specific thought that
constitute different ideas and thoughts freely
(convergent thinking). It follows the path of
convergence where the idea uses the information
available to reach the conclusion and leads to the
correct answer.
Guilford (1967) creativity means divergent
thinking and convergent thinking during the
introduction, as the two forms of human thinking,
convergent thinking with intelligent, creative and
divergent thinking associated with the ends.
Difference them is that convergent thinking, there is
no definitive answer, and there may be many
possible answers logically they are all true. In theory
of Guilford, divergent thinking is comprised of
several factors, the most important of which are:
Fluid (psychological): individual responses to
a question about the quantity of fluid (generate
ideas at a time);
Flexibility (stretching) of varied and unusual
Originality (novelty or originality): a unique
and innovative solutions;
Expansion: the ability to pay attention to
details while doing in activity (Seif, 1380).
Synectis Models in Writing Stories by Using Augmented Reality to Increase Verbal Creativity
To provide context, which leads to creative
thinking in college, there is a wide range of
changing attitudes to extend methods. The most
important of these methods can be, welcomed the
suggestion of students, problem solving skills and a
rover, putting people in difficulties and unknowns,
education, creativity, use of brainstorming, the habit
of asking questions, flexibility, emphasis on
observation and experimentation and creating
thinking, and evaluation pointed analytics. It is also
possible that many of these cases leads to creativity
in teaching methods synectic help learners to
accomplish that in this study has the effects of
education model.
According to Munandar (2009, p.25), creativity
is the ability to create something new, the ability to
provide new ideas that can be applied in problem
solving, or the ability to see the new relationship
between or among pre-existing elements. One's
creativity can be seen from his or her behavior or
activities. What is more important in the emergence
of creativity is not something that has never been
known before, but the products of creativity which is
new for themselves and do not have to be something
new for others or the world in general. Based on the
above definition, the researcher has concluded that
creativity is the potential of individual’s creative
power as a form of thinking in finding the
relationship between or among existing elements or
new ways to deal with problems that appear in the
form of self-motivation and a strong desire to be
In the area of education, the metaphor is a tool
that can help teachers to teach and learn the
implications are obvious. Metaphor is a part of the
thinking and learning processes of its fundamental
role in education has not been paying much attention
it. Synectics teaching distracted, like other forms of
creative teaching methods (Kepes et al., 2013),
guidance and education through creativity will
prosperity uses simile metaphor and analogy are
taught, and this had led to the development of the
skills students will be based on creativity.
Creativity is an issue that has proved its impact
on the success and progress of the people (Mallin et
al., 2013). There are many training methods that take
advantage of the teacher in the learning process will
increase the student’s creativity. One of these
methods is synectic. This model increases the power
and creativity of the students because their
strategies, their minds thinking about the different
aspects of the issue and encourage at every
opportunity, and understanding the relationship
between the concepts of generation of new ideas
available. In the model, for new concepts and their
application, are simulated and compared through
various activities followed (MyIntyre et al., 2014).
During the implementation of this model, the teacher
guides the students to do a comparison of direct and
The model develop by Wiliam Gordon and his
colleagues (1973) was designed, which can be used
to foster creativity. Gordon synectic based on the
four story (Joyce et al., translated by Behrangi,
1386) that ordinary ideas are about creativity to take
the criticism, contemporary. First, creativity is
important in everyday activities. Many of our
creative process to the creation of great works of art,
or perhaps a clever invention relates feeds. Gordon
on the fact that creativity is part of our daily work
and leisure is part of our life’s stressed. Second, the
creative process does not mysterious. It can be
described as direct train individuals to enhance
creativity is possible. The conservative ideas,
creativity is innate and cannot be taught. Gordon
Contrary to the belief that if people have the
knowledge to understand the creative process, can
be used to increase creativity in your life and your
job is to identify use of. Third, creative innovation in
all fields such as arts, sciences and engineering, and
similar to the same fundamental processes are based
(Hernandez et al., 2013). This idea is different from
what is generally believed, in fact, for many people,
the unique creations of art. Gordon believes that the
linkages between reproductive thinking in art and
science is very strong. Gordon fourth assumption is
that innovation (creative thinking) individuals and
groups are similar to each other. It opens with
individual theories that creativity is not participatory
experience is different.
Synectic teaching model based on a concept.
Concepts such as metaphor, analogy, direct, and
personal than intense conflict this fall (Joyce et al.,
translated Behrangi, 1386). This model is an effort
in the form of metaphors activities of learners using
the flow of creativity to create.
The steps of the conventional synoptic learning
model are as follows. First, create table categories A
and B to describe yourself. A label for example a
fairy tale character, label B state icon. Second, list as
many positive words as possible that describe
yourself. Third, create a direct analogy that describes
you. Fourth, create a personal analogy from category
A that acts as your best description. Fifth, construct
a conflict of identification descriptions that intersect
with category A. Sixth, make another direct analogy
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
from the list of conflicting conflicts that describe
category B.
AR is a technology that allows computers to display
virtual objects appropriately in a real object directly
(Milgram and Kishino 1994; Milgram et al., 1994).
AR is a merging of virtual objects with real objects.
Javornik (2016) says augmented reality has emerged
as a new interactive technology and its
unprecedented way of complementing the physical
environment with virtual annotations offers
innovative modes for accessing commercially-
relevant content.
The study was carried out to the test the hypothesis
that the performance of the experimental group and
control group mean scores were significantly
different between AR-aided synectic and
conventional synectic model.
Table 1: synectics models in writing stories.
Synectic subdivision
(per 265
Direct analogy
Personal analogy
Compressed Conflict
Direct analogy
Total= 397 metafora
Table 1 showed that synectics models in writing
stories was 397 metaphors with details subdivision
of the synectic phase Fluency-Direct Analogy as
much 96 (36.22%), Personal Analogy-Flexibility as
much 105 (39.62%), Compressed Conflict-
Originality as much 96 (36.22%), Direct analogy-
Elaboration as much 100 (37.73%).
Table 2: synectics models in writing stories by using
augmented reality.
Synectic subdivision
(per 265
Direct analogy
Personal analogy
Compressed Conflict
Direct analogy
Total= 815 metafora
As table 2 showed that synectics models in
writing stories by using augmented reality was 815
metaphors with details subdivision of the synectic
phase fluency- direct analogy as much 184
(69.43%), Personal Analogy Flexibility as much 198
(74.71%), Compressed Conflict -Originality as much
206 (77.73%), Direct analogy -Elaboration as much
227 (85.66%).
Table 3: Descriptive Analysis.
synectic model
Standard Deviation
Based on table 3, the average of verbal creativity
of students who get AR-aided synectics model is
better than the verbal creativity of students who get
conventional synectics model.
Figure 1: the average of verbal creativity
Inferential Analysis
Normality test
Ho: Student verbal cretifity data is not normally
Ha: Student verbal cretifity data is not normally
Test Criteria:
If the sig value is greater than 0.05 then Ho is
accepted and if the sig value is smaller than 0.05
then Ho is rejected.
Figure 1 showed that the students’s verbal
creativity who got AR-aided synectycs model is
better than the students who got conventional
synthetic model. The result of metaphor normality
calculation to see student's verbal creativity by using
SPSS is as follows.
Table 4: Test of Normality.
*, This is a lower bound of the true significance
a, Lilliefors Significance Correction
Synectis Models in Writing Stories by Using Augmented Reality to Increase Verbal Creativity
Based on table 4 the conventional class obtained
sig (1tailed) = 0.113 / 2 = 0.0565> 0.05 then Ho
accepted means the data is normally distributed.
That for the class obtained by the value of sig
(1tailed) = 0.102 / 2 = 0.051> 0.05 then Ho accepted
means the data is normally distributed.
Test t
Ho: There is no difference verbal creativity of
students who get AR-artificial aided synectic model
with verbal creativity of students who get a
conventional synectic model
Ha: Verbal creativity of students who get AR-
aided syncope model is better than verbal creativity
of students who get conventional synectic model
Test Criteria:
If the sig value is greater than 0.05 then Ho is
accepted and if the sig value is smaller than 0.05
then Ho is rejected
The results of metaphor calculations to see the
students' verbal creativity by using SPSS are as
Table 5: Independent Sample Test
Verbal Creativity
Levene’s Test
for Equality of
t-test for
Equality of
sig (2-tailed)
Based on table 5, it is seen that the value of sig =
0.00 <0.05, then Ho is rejected. Means Verbal
creativity of students who get AR-aided syncope
model is better than the verbal creativity of students
who get a conventional synectic model.
Therefore, a future study with a full range of handedness
in relation to verbal creativity and augmented reality.
Discussion the major findings of this study were that
verbal creativity is associated with synectics aided
augmented reality may play an especially important role in
synectics model. Because the augmented reality is
involved in processing of novelty, it is not surprising that
we observed verbal creativity activation during synectics
models, which involves implementing novel associations.
Our hypothesis was supported. These result support
previous synectics studies that showed a significant
synectics model advantage in creative thinking. The
results showed that synectics models in writing stories was
397 metaphors with details subdivision of the synectic
phase Fluency-Direct Analogy as much 96 (36.22%),
Personal Analogy-Flexibility as much 105 (39.62%),
Compressed Conflict- Originality as much 96 (36.22%),
Direct analogy- Elaboration as much 100 (37.73%).
Meanwhile synectics models in writing stories by using
augmented reality was 815 metaphors with details
subdivision of the synectic phase fluency- direct analogy
as much 184 (69.43%), Personal Analogy Flexibility as
much 198 (74.71%), Compressed Conflict -Originality as
much 206 (77.73%), Direct analogy -Elaboration as much
227 (85.66%). The implications of this study are expected
to make further synectics model research to improve
verbal creativity in each sub-section of the synectic phase
as well as provide an overview of the characteristics of the
ideal metaphor in each phase.
Students thanks to Allah Swt, Prof. Dr. Syihabuddin, Prof.
Munir, M.IT, Dr. Hj. Isah Cahyani, Dr. H. Andoyo
Sastromiharjo, Dr. Vismaia S. Damaianti, Dr. Yeti
Mulyati, Dr. Sumiyadi, reviewer ICOLLITE (especially
Mrs. Nuria) Dr. Hj. Lina Siti Nurwahidah, Dr. Puji
Lestari, M.Pd, Tina Sri Sumartini, M.Pd, Ramdanul
Barkah, S.Pd, and Irena Puji Luritawaty, M.Pd.
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education