assumption seems to be inspired by the process of a
child who learns his/her mother tongue. According
to Siahaan (2008), speaking is a productive language
skill. It is a mental process. This means that it is a
psychological process by which a speaker puts a
mental concept into some linguistics form, such as
word, phrases, and sentences used to convey a
message to a listener. Pollard (2008) states that
speaking is one of the most difficult aspects for
students to master. This is hardly surprising when
one considers everything that is involved when
speaking: ideas, what to say, language, how to use
grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation as well as
listening to and reacting to the person
communicating with.
So, based on the theory above the writer can
conclude, speaking means that the second process of
language learning where used to convey the message
orally into linguistics form such as word, utterances,
phrases, and sentences to the listener.
According to Artanti (2009) there are several
factors which can influence ability in using English
language they are: vocabulary, pronounciation,
listening, grammar, and braving in using English
2.2 Concept of Teaching Speaking
There are two key elements to remember when
planning and setting up speaking activities, which
are language use and preparation.
2.3 Concept of Discussion
Discussion is one of formal activity in speaking.
Because, the theme that we talk focus to the material
(Solahudin, 2008, p.92)
According to Baker (2005, p.84), discussion
involves several elements of democratic. Discussion
also different with talk, because in discussion the
students given free chance to develop their idea.
2.4 The Concept of Story Telling
According to Hill (2008, p.105), story-telling is
completely different from reading aloud. There are
no pictures or text to focus on, props such as puppets
or a toy may make a brief appearance, but just as it
was in times gone by, the art is the telling.
Storytelling is a task shared by storyteller and
story listeners,- it is the interaction of the two that
makes a story come to life.
This research used quasi-experimental study.
According to Cohen (2005, p. 214) quasi
experimental study is compromise design, an apt
description when applied to much educational
research where the random selection or random
assignment of schools of classroom is quite
impracticable. In this design there are two
experimental groups which both of them gave pre-
test and post-test design. Those of group also
received treatments. The sample of this research are
administration class of SMK Negeri 1 Buay Pemuka
Bangsa Raja. Each of class consists of 33 students.
Sample taken by using cluster random sample.
In collecting data, researcher used test. In this
research there were two tests, which are: pre-test and
post-test. As in analyzing the data, researcher used
the following formula:
the number of the students
standard error for the first
experimental class
standard error for the first and
second experimental class
t-obtained (Fraenkel, Wallen and
Hyun, 1993)
4.1 The Students’ Score in the Pre-test
and Post-test in the First
Experimental Class through
In the first experimental through discussion method,
the average of pre-test in discussion method was
18.62, and post-test score’s was 20.80. The total
score of the pre-test of discussion was 614.5 while in
post-test was 686.5 (see table 1).
The Comparative Study in Teaching Speaking Through Story Telling and Discussion