the second sentence. The second sentence has no
carrier, contains only the attribute as its keyword.
The sentence puts attributes more important than the
carrier. The word love is the focus of both sentences.
The interpretation of the sentence is that the author
considers the love affair to be an important part of
human life.
3.3 Active-Passive
Active and passive is a matter of voice. Relates to
the way of expressing the relationship between the
phrase verb and the noun phrase, as well as the
various things associated with that relationship
(Richards et al., 1992). Two sentences may be
different in the voice, although they have the same
basic meaning. It relates to changes in emphasis
according to certain considerations (ideological).
There are various reasons for expressing the
emphasized meaning (Van-Dijk, 1988). The use of
passive phrases without an agent is often intended to
allow a non-authoritative mutuality. The difference
between active and passive expressions indicates the
difference in focus emphasized. The focus emphasis
is related to the purpose of messaging.
Agen polisi itu mengangkatkan barang-barangku
dan dibawa keluar (Toer, 2010). The sentence is an
example using an active-passive sentence. It consists
of two clauses with a subject which also plays the
perpetrator, the police agent, and the target object, ie
my goods. Two processes lifted and carried. Both
verbs are manifested in active clauses and passive
clauses. Active clause actors are explicitly stated,
while passive clauses are implicitly implied.
Although the offender is not shown the passive
cluster can be traced from the previous sentence
object. The purpose of the sentence is not only to
highlight the perpetrators, but also to highlight the
actors' actions. In this case, the perpetrator is a
police agent who performs the act of lifting and
carrying goods from someone he picks up. It can be
interpreted, that the author demeaned position a
police agent than my character who should be
positioned as a prisoner. Humility indicates that
one's education and position can create inequality
among people
3.4 Pronouns
Expressing a textual representation of concrete
actions, events, circumstances, and relationships or
imagination, underlying the different types of
processes and participants, and the selection made
has a certain ideological significance. Furthermore,
the use of greetings indicates power, solidarity,
intimacy, familiarity, distance equation, reverence
and others (Braun, 1988).
In Bumi Manusia, the use of pronouns referring
to general forms, such as manusia, orang, and
mereka indicate that the concepts or ideas conveyed
are widely viewed and generally agreed upon by the
author. Meanwhile, the mention is specifically used
to express ideas that are specific to represent the
views of authors who are not parallel to the views of
the community, ie pribumi, tuan, papamu. Self-
esteem pronouns are used in order to position certain
parties as rulers or controlled in an event. The
existence of pronouns strengthens the construction
of ideology, in particular, expressed equality,
kinship relations, educational differences, racial
differences, social status differences, and
humanitarian concepts
3.5 Nominalization
Nominalization is a strategy to eliminate the
participants, both the offender and the target of an
action. Nominalization transforms the action into a
concept or thing, as well as an event. The event does
not require concrete information, ie the subject and
the object. The author ideologically uses
nominalization to convey the concepts of humanity.
This way is used to reinforce the author's arguments
that contradict the views of society. The following
sentence is excerpts of the use of nominalization
Kasihan hanya kemewahan, atau satu kelemahan
(Toer, 2010).
In that quote, there is a nominalization, kasihan
merely kemewahan, atau kelemahan. The sentence
calls the concept of pity to be positive, but also
negative. The explanation of the subject of pity is
expressed in the following sentence, ie my
character/Jean Marrais who has no ability to love
and thus needs to be pitied.
3.6 Modality
A text can be understood coherently if there is the
coherence of its parts. Coherence is a semantic
device of discourse based on the interpretation of
intercostal links. Coherence is a mental process that
represents text (Givón, 2005). Coherence is
manifested by a combination of sentences and
sequence of sentences. To declare the intercostal
relationship is used a device called cohesion with
modalities. A modality is a form of language that
describes judgment based on the speaker's reasoning,
feelings, or desires regarding the perception or
expression of his soul (Bally, 2003).
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education