An Anthropolinguistic Study on Local Wisdom Embodied in Lexicons
of Community System in Kampung Adat Urug
Mahmud Fasya and Seimma Nurul Prahikmahtin
Departement of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidika Indonesia, Dr. Setiabudhi Street,
Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Anthropolinguistic, Community System, Lexicon, Local Wisdom.
Abstract: The paper reports a study on local wisdom embodied in lexicons of community system in Kampung Adat
Urug. The location of Kampung Adat Urug is in Bogor region, West Java. This study used
anthropolinguistic approach by focusing on communication using ethnography model. The results showed
that lexicons of community system in Kampung Adat Urug can be categorized into five groups, namely
community organization system, community event, place of community event, community system, and
community rules. In relation to the function, the lexicons reflect seven functions, namely individual, social,
knowledge, economic, reliance, social stratification, and leadership (surveillance). As it talks about local
wisdom, the lexicons displays the values of welfare, discipline, health, mutual cooperation, cultural
preservation and creativity, environmental concern, commitment, and positive thinking (gratefulness). The
present study evinces the noteworthy of preserving the lexicons. It is a counteraction to language attitude
performed by the people of Kampung Adat Urug. As in the context of community system, they start to use
modern lexicons. The respective situation will indirectly intimidate the existence of local lexicons and local
wisdom successively.
Local wisdom is a labyrinth issue. However, the
reflection of local wisdom can be seen from existing
lexicons used by a community. Wierzbicka (1997)
stated that word reflects and describes speaker’s
characteristic in life or in thinking, even more so,
provides invaluable clue to understand speaker’s
Kampung Adat Urug is an indigenous village in
Sukajaya, Bogor Regency, West Java. In this place,
the people produce lexicons, for many contexts, that
reflect their tradition or local wisdom. One of which
is in the context of community system. In the
community, the leader, called ketua adat, is elected
by wangsit. Wangsit is a whisper from supernatural
force. The people of Kampung Adat Urug believe
that wangsit comes from their ancestor spirit.
Therefore, they believe that disaster will happen by
disobeying wangsit.
The example above proves that language is
interrelated to culture. Sibarani (2004) stated that
culture is a collection of practices which display the
capacity (knowledge, action, or thing) of people to
form social harmony. It is undeniable that culture
preservation is important. Culture needs to be
transmitted to the later generation. The media to
make it happen is language.
Through language, the experience of people in a
community can be transmitted. The transmitted
experience will be eternal as long as the community
exists. In this sense, what we name as local wisdom
is our ancestor experience (Fajriani, 2014).
Some previous studies have discussed this issue.
It is Prasetyadi et al. (2005). The research title is
Kearifan Orang Sunda di Kampung Urug yang
Terpencil: Tinjauan Psikologi Sosial dan Arsitektur.
By doing indepth interview, partisipant observation,
and documenting some photos, the study displayed
the description of how the people live
psychologically and how that issue relates to the
architecture matter.
Meanwhile, Dewantara (2013) produced a paper
entitled Peran Elit Masyarakat: Studi Kebertahanan
Adat Istiadat di Kampung Adat Urug Bogor. The
study focused of social-cultural change from
empirical data, describing local value, and
Fasya, M. and Prahikmahtin, S.
An Anthropolinguistic Study on Local Wisdom Embodied in Lexicons of Community System in Kampung Adat Urug.
DOI: 10.5220/0007172506440648
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 644-648
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
explaining the role of ketua adat to preserve their
local wisdom.
However, Abdullah (2015) inspired the
researchers by conducting a research entitled Local
Wisdom of the Fishermen’s Language and
Livelihood Tradition in Southern Coast of
Kebumen’. The paper evinced that local knowledge
reflected from the way fishermen make use of the
natural environment to make a living. This point
strengthens that there is a close relationship between
human, language, and culture.
As the limited literature demonstrates, this
research to demosntrate a study on local wisdom
embodied in lexicons of community system in
Kampung Adat Urug. By The lexicons will be
classified and analyzed to see the function and the
wisdom embodied in the lexicons. Under the
concept of anthropolinguistic, the present study will
fill the unseen issues about threat of modern lexicon
infiltration and the counteraction to it.
2.1 Research Design
This research mainly adopted communication
ethnography mode. It was used to study the variation
and the use of language in the context of time, place,
communication, family, ethic custom, reliance, and
ethics of language, custom, and all patterns in a
This research used anthropolinguistic approach.
Anthropolinguistic focuses on the relation between
language and culture in a certain community
(Sibarani, 2004). Furthermore, anthropolinguistic
also concerns about the relation between language
and culture as language is used in social action.
2.2 Research Site
The location of this study was in Kampung Adat
Urug, Sukajaya, Bogor Regency, West Java. This
site is a tourism area. In this site, the community
treat local wisdom as a legacy of the ancestor.
2.3 Data
The data of this research were Sundanese lexicons
used by people in Kampung Adat Urug. The
lexicons were categorized into community
organization system, community event, place of
community event, community system, and
community rules.
2.3.1 Data Source
The data of this research were categorized into
spoken data and written data. The spoken data were
derived from observation and interview. The
respondents were the people of Kampung Adat
Urug, caretaker, and the elders. Furthermore, the
written data referred to ancient references regarding
community system and culture of Kampung Urug.
2.3.2 Data Display
This study used two data display methods, namely
observation and involved conversation. In
observation, the researchers were notinvolved in
conversation. The researcher focused on making
note and recording. In involved converstion, the
researchers were actively involved in conversation.
2.3.3 Data Analysis
In analyzing the data, this study used correlation
method. Rakhmat (1993) stated that this method
explains the relationship of object of study with the
context of situation, social, and culture. In
anthropolinguistic research, language is a dependent
variable, whereas context of situation and context of
social (culture) are independent variable.
The analysis was initiated by studying all data
fro observation, interview, notes, picture, recording,
etc. After that, data reduction was done by
formulating abstract or summary for selecting the
item. Data validation was then implemented.
Furthermore, data translation and data interpretation
to the discourse took into account. In analyzing teh
data, the researchers were accompanied by a key
The people of Kampung Adat Urug are also
renowned as Kasepuhan. The term refers to the word
sepuh, which in Sundanese, means kolot (old). It
shows a model of leadership system of a community
based on ancestor's will. Kasepuhan is a term from
an outsider to the social group.
At present, the leader of Kampung Adat Urug is
Ki Kolot Ukat Raja who is the 9
generation of the
ancestor. Besides, there are Ki Kolot Amat and Ki
Kolot Tengah who help the leader to govern the
The lexicons of community system in Kampung
Adat Urug can be categorized in five groups, namely
An Anthropolinguistic Study on Local Wisdom Embodied in Lexicons of Community System in Kampung Adat Urug
community organization system, community event,
place of community event, community system, and
community rules.
Lexicons of community organization systems are
ketua adat, wakil ketua, sekretaris, wakil sekretaris,
bendahara, wakil bendahara, juru basa/kuncen,
kesenian, juru masak sayur/daging, amil, juru
mawsak nasi, paraji, bagian cai,
pamakaian/pertanian, pengurus daging/ikan, canoli,
pengurus kue, bagian kebersihan, pengurus leuit,
tukang para, pengurus kepegawaian, ketua
pengawas, wakil ketua pengawas, and anggota.
Furtheremore, lexicons of community event are
siekah bumi, sidekah ponggokan, seren taun,
sidekah ruwahan, and maulud nabi.
Lexicons of place of community event are
gedong ageung (gedong), gedong alit, gedong
pangkaleran, leuit, and pawon. There are also
lexicons of community system in terms of babasan
(certain expression). They are hiji sapamili, two
sakarupa, tilu sapamalu (it represents the concept of
life which is guided by the three pillars of life and
mipit amit ngala menta (it represents the concept
that greedy is not acceptable and it is important to
get permission of doing something from the power
of attroney)
In regard to community rules, the lexicons are
mainly about the concepts of life, such as younger
generations are responsible to preserve the velue,
appropriate outfit is neccessary to come in leuit, it is
prohibition to exploiting natural resources, it is
prohibition to dry clothes in the afternoon, it is
prohibition to whistle at home, and it is prohibition
to move trash on Tuesday and Saturday.
The existence of lexicon reflects the life of a
community (Wierzbicka,1997). In relation to the
function, the lexicons reflect seven functions,
namely individual, social, knowledge, economic,
reliance, social stratification, and leadership
Individual function refers to the role of lexicons
of traditional tool in daily life. Traditional tool icons
in Kampung Adat Urug have individual functions.
The lexicons relate to individual work and activities
that take place as an effort to meet one's individual
needs. As in the lexicon of the Ketua Adat, it relates
to in charge person of preserving the forest and
Social function refers to the lexicon of social
system in Kampung Adat Urug that acts as a unifier
and marker of cohesiveness. The social function
emerged as inter-indigenous community activities in
Kampung Adat Urug. One of which is the lexicon of
juru masak/daging. Juru masak/daging take care of
everything related to vegetables and meat. One of
the juru masak/daging will act as a boss. He leads all
the cooking activities with his subordinates. It
explains how each united element forms a unity in
carrying out the duties of the Ketua Adat who takes
place for generations. It is under the social function
of society, to build unity and cohesion among human
The function of knowledge refers to how the
social system lexicons can describe people's
knowledge about how to build a traditional
government. All existing customary devices are
accountable to the supreme leader, the traditional
leader. All positions in the structure of government
are born based on heredity system. The community
cannot vote and set the leader of Kampung Adat
Urug. The rule of government belonging to the
Kampung Adat Urug community is similar to royal
government system. The election of traditional
leader and all other layers of social system comes
from wangsit and the heart of the indigenous Ketua
Adat’s consciousness.
Literally, wangsit means a whisper or a
supernatural sound. The people of Kampung Adat
Urug believe that the wangsit is a whisper of the
ancestor spirits. Wangsit comes from generation to
generation who have blood relation with the
previous traditional leader. Wangsit comes through a
dream or a supernatural whisper.
Economic function refers to the lexicons
associated with the economic system in Kampung
Adat Urug. Lexicon bendahara is a lexicon related
to the money circulation in Kampung Adat Urug.
The duty of bendahara is to receive, store, and
account for the budget out on the implementation of
various activities in Kampung Adat Urug. After the
labeling as a cultural heritage area, Kampung Adat
Urug has national state budget (APBN) from the
government. The bendahara takes care of various
financial matters relating to the APBN.
The social system lexicon used by Kampung
Adat Urug community has a reliance value. The
reason is that the lexicon of the social system is
related to the values of reliance that exists in society.
One of these is the lexicon of Ketua Adat.
The lexicon of ketua adat refers to the title of
traditional leader. Ketua adat controls the social
system, religious system, economic system, and
people's welfare. Ketua adat is elected by wangsit.
Wangsit means a whisper or a supernatural voice.
The people of Kampung Adat Urug believe that the
wangsit is a whisper of the anchestor spirits.
Social stratification based on social criteria
appears in the lexicon of a social system. The
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
lexicon relates to the working class, religion, age,
gender, ethnicity, ancestry and others. The lexicon
groups that show the working class, such as juru
basa, paraji, canoli, and juru masak/daging. The
lexicon ketua adat shows a customary leadership in
Kampung Adat Urug. Furthermore, social
stratification is also a stratification related to the
system of government. In social stratification,
political media can be one of the criteria of
classification. People who occupy positions in the
world of politics or government will occupy the
highest strata. People will respect them. People
believe that people who occupy positions in
government have a higher class than others. It results
a social stratification type based on political criteria
that divide social life into two major groups. First,
the upper layer group which is the power elite (also
called the dominant group). Second, the lower layer
group, i.e. people or groups of people who are
dominated. The concept confirms that local wisdom
is understood as ‘a device’ of knowledge and
practices that can be used to resolve to encountering
problems in a good and right way (Putra, 2007).
The lexicon of ketua adat is a form of leadership
and surveillance function. Ketua adat has the highest
social control function. Ketua adat has full authority
to prohibit, order, and sanction people's problems.
Ketua adat also has the authority to appoint or
dismiss the customary devices in Kampung Adat
Urug. Ketua Adat has the right to replace the
employee with another community who still has
blood relationship with that employee. The
community respects the Ketua Adat. The honor is
not only because of his power, but also because of
his capacity as a traditional leader.
As it talks about local wisdom, the lexicons
displays the values of welfare, discipline, health,
mutual cooperation, cultural preservation and
creativity, environmental concern, commitment,
and positive thinking (gratefulness).
Welfare-related cultural values are presented in
the leuit lexicon. Leuit refers to buildings that serve
as a place to store rice. It is only a leuit handler who
can open it. Leuit officials are responsible for
collecting rice stocks or checking the condition of
rice. Leuit usually contains decades-old rice and is a
food reserve of Kampung Adat Urug community for
the next few years. It reflects the condition of
Kampung Adat Urug community which id
prosperous of food availability.
Disciplinary cultural values are presented in the
lexicon of waste disposal on Tuesdays and Saturdays
referring to unwritten rules about the ban on littering
in those days. Although garbage has piled up in the
dustbin or the courtyard of the house, the people of
Kampung Adat Urug will leave the waste on
Tuesday and Saturday. In this prohibition, there is
the concept of order or discipline that will create a
law-abiding society.
Health-related cultural values arepresented
through the paraji lexicon. This lexicon refers to
dukun beranak. The duty of paraji not only helps,
but also takes care of the baby and his mother.
Paraji also searches and dispenses the ingredients of
the necessary herbs. Paraji in Kampung Adat Urug
is currently working with local midwife. It reflects
adequate health management on the life of Kampung
Adat Urug community.
The cultural values associated with mutual-
cooperation are presented in some traditional
ceremonial lexicons. The lexicon among them are
sérén taun, maulud nabi, sidekah ponggokan,
sidekah bumi, and sidekah ruwahan. Through these
ceremonies, all layers of society unite in managing
the ceremony.
Cultural values, related to cultural preservation
and creativity, are presented in art lexicons that refer
to someone who has more knowledge of the arts. He
also has the responsibility to guide and organize art
events when ceremonial activities or other activities
in Kampung Urug take place. The arts officers have
a duty to determine the art activities that take place
during traditional ceremonies. It reflects the social
situation of Kampung Adat Urug community that
retains tradition and develops their artistic culture.
Cultural values related to environmental
concerns are presented in the lexicon of prohibition
of entry and taking of natural resources in hutan
larangan. The lexicon refers to the unwritten rule of
prohibition on taking wood, leaves, stones, or any
other material in hutan larangan. The prohibition is
given as an effort to protect the forest against the
greed of human hands. Communities who violate the
ban will receive sanctions. This shows the concern
of Kampung Adat Urug community to their
The cultural values associated with commitment
are presented in the lexicon of Ketua Adat. Ketua
Adat is elected by wangsit. The new Ketua Adat
must be willing to accept the power with sincerity.
Society as a subordinate must be willing to accept
the existence of their new traditional leader. It
reflects the commitment and responsibility of
Kampung Adat Urug community.
The cultural values associated with positive
thoughts and gratefulness are presented in some
traditional ceremonial lexicons. These lexicon
include sérén taun, maulud nabi, sidekah
ponggokan, sidekah bumi, and sidekah ruwahan. All
An Anthropolinguistic Study on Local Wisdom Embodied in Lexicons of Community System in Kampung Adat Urug
societies express gratefulness and apology to God
and the ancestors through the ceremonies. This
shows that the people of Kampung Adat Urug have
positive thoughts and gratefulness.
The results show that lexicons of community system
in Kampung Adat Urug can be categorized in five
groups, namely community organization system,
community event, place of community event,
community system, and community rules. In
relation to the function, the lexicons reflect seven
functions, namely individual, social, knowledge,
economic, reliance, social stratification, and
leadership (surveillance). As it talks about local
wisdom, the lexicons displays the values of
welfare, discipline, health, mutual cooperation,
cultural preservation and creativity, environmental
concern, commitment, and positive thinking
The present study evinces the noteworthy of
preserving the lexicons. It is a counteraction to
language attitude performed by the people of
Kampung Adat Urug. In the context of community
system, they start to use modern lexicons. The
respective situation will indirectly intimidate the
existence of local lexicons and local wisdom
We would like to thank all parties that make this
paper happen.
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education