attenuating, releasing, freeing, or eliminating. A
word that is closely related to the word ruwat which
is sukerta (someone who must be ruat-ed). The word
sukerta appears in some Old Javanese texts,
including Hariwangs, Sumanasantaka,
Korawasrama, Nawaruci, and Sudamala stories.
From the word sukerta which appear in the tales, the
terms bocah sukerta and wong sukerta emerge. That
is why, at the period of time when bocah sukerta
circumcised or married, the occasion was celebrated
with a wayang show which performed overnight and
told the story of Murwakala (Soebalidinata, 1984) or
As the era advanced, NT and CBK will someday
be forgotten. This is the reason why this study aims
to: 1) document the components the oral forms of
NT, 2) inventory NT devices, 3) reveal the implicit
meaning, and 4) seek for the alternative way of
socializing CBK as an interesting literary work.
This study used qualitative method which tries to
comprehend and interpret the meaning of an event or
human interaction in a particular situation (Denzin
and Lincoln, 2005). The data collection was through
literature and field studies in various libraries and
places where NT and CBK could still be found.
Through in-depth and open interviews, the data were
gathered from traditional figures, puppetry artists,
and those who had experience or were familiar with
NT and CBK. In addition, the data were also
collected by recording an ngaruat ceremony with
CBK. The data were reduced by abstracting and
arranging them in units, and then categorization and
coding were conducted. The data analysis was
finished by checking the data validity and
interpreting it according to the semiotic approach.
Ngaruat tradition (NT) is actually an effort to refuse
misfortunes for the sake of achieving salvation and
prosperity in leading a life. At least, that is what
Peursen and Hartoko (2000) state that ceremonies
from primitive tribes do not only function to repel
dangers, but also to console each other; also as a
preparation so that they can withstand adversities,
such as plagues, dry season, and many more. Ruatan
ceremony are hybrid, a mix; meaning that basic
myth about a classification of two elements, which
underlies all wayang play that has been mixed with
foreign elements. In this case, wayang play as a rite
of affirmation towards ancestors’ myths is mixed
with ngaruwat ceremony for its own purposes.
3.1 Ngaruat Tradition with Cerita
Batara Kala
Ngaruat tradition (NT), whether in Sunda or Java, is
not only meant for humans. It can also be used to
ngaruat a place. The difference between ngaruat
someone (sukerta) and ngaruat a place is the story
performed for the ceremony: Cerita Batara Kala
(CBK) or Murwakala is meant for ngaruat people,
whereas Babad Alas Amer and Bumi Loka is meant
for ngaruat a place. However, if sukerta’s
characteristic and group are observed, ngaruat
ceremony performed for a place is essentially meant
for people; the example is what Rosana (1964) says
to a sukerta on number 32, “People who, without
ethics, clear rice paddy fields, lands, places, and
forests; as well as establish buildings, houses, barns,
and sheds; are called Kalaamer”. In relation, in
ngaruat a place, still uses CBK at the end of the
CBK is a story in puppetry (pewayangan) which
is specially performed in ngaruat ceremony; in NT
in Java, this story is known with Murwakala as the
title and performed using shadow puppets (wayang
kulit) as the medium. Ngaruat tradition is
Sundanese’ life is generally conducted by
performing CBK through a puppet show (wayang
golek). However, in some places, there are also
people who perform this story through art
performance of wayang pantun, pantun, and beluk
without reducing the sacred nature of the ritual. In
Majalengka, as an instance, besides using a shadow
puppet show, ngaruat ceremony is also performed
throughpantun and/or gaok (another term for beluk)
show. According to several puppet masters and
locals, these performances are done to simplify the
requirements in order to ease those who are
incapable of paying a wayang group.
The aforementioned simplification of ngaruat
ceremony is not only in terms of the performance
media, but also in terms of the requirement such as
offerings and a series of rituals.
3.2 Ngaruat Tradition with Cerita
Batara Kala
There are five components that (must) be present in
NT, they are Sukerta, CBK as the medium, a
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education