The Quality of Course Subject Test Items In Sundanese Language
Education Program
Haris Santosa Nugraha, Temmy Widyastuti and Ade Sutisna
Department of Sundanese Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
{harissantosa89, temmy.widyastuti, ade.sutisna}
Keywords: Validity, Reliability, Difficulty, Discriminating, Feasibility.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of test items of course subjects in the even semester of
2016/2017 academic year in the Department of Sundanese Language Education of Language and Literature
Faculty, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The evaluation is based on the validity, reliability, difficulty, and
discriminating power as the basis for determining the feasibility of the test items. This research used
quantitative approach with descriptive-analysis method. The data source in this study were taken
purposively on the subjects of the categories of learning, language, literature, and culture, that used 160 test
items of multiple choice questions type. Documentation Study Technique is used in collecting the data.
While data processing technique is processed by compiling, tabulation, scoring, and interpretation. The
results of this study are as follow: 1) the test items tested level of validity is 59% valid and 41% is not
valid; 2) the test items reliability level is mediocre; 3)the test items difficulty level consisted of 58%
moderate, 20% easy, 14% difficult, 7% very easy, and 2% is very difficult; 4) the discriminating power
distributed to 2% is very good, 10% is good, 43% is adequate, 39% is inadequate, and the remaining 6% is
very inadequate; and 5) the test items analysed feasibility level distributed to 67% is feasible, 12% must be
revised, and 21% must be changed.
Learning evaluation test is one way to measure the
achievement of the implemented learning process.
By learning evaluation, educators will be able to
recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the
learning process that has been done. Thus, the
results of the evaluation can be used as a benchmark
for the improvement of the insufficiency existed. As
meant for improving the teaching method, choosing
the right learning method, the use of instructional
media, and so forth.
The purpose of the learning evaluation test is to
obtain information about the lack of the items test,
as a "guide" in making improvements (Arikunto,
2013). This can be completed by processing the test
results properly. According to Purwanto (in Sridadi,
2002) proper processing of learning outcomes can be
done by means of test items analysis and calculate
the validity and reliability of the items that aimed to
identify the test items used, whether the items are
good, mediocre or insufficient.
According to Nurgiantoro (2013) a good and
qualified test items is supported by qualified test
items, its effectiveness, and its accountability.
Quality test items evaluation activities conducted by
educators as a means of determining the feasibility
of the test items in order to improve the quality of
test items that have been made. This activity is
conducted as a process of collecting, summarizing,
and using the information from students' answers as
a basis for making decisions about each assessment
(Nitko, 1996). In addition, the purpose of the test
items analysis also helps in improving test items
evaluation result through revision or disposing the
ineffective test items, as well as recognizing the
student's diagnostic information about the
comprehension of the teaching material already
taught. Therefore, to determine the quality
estimation of the test items it is necessary to analyse
the validity of the test instrument, overall test
consistency, difficulty level balance and good
discriminating power.
The validity test is usually used in measuring the
validity of the test instrument. According to
Nurgiantoro (2013) the process of testing the
validity of the test instrument is done based on some
consideration; (1) validity refers to the feasibility of
Nugraha, H., Widyastuti, T. and Sutisna, A.
The Quality of Course Subject Test Items In Sundanese Language Education Program.
DOI: 10.5220/0007172806580663
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 658-663
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interpretation made based on the test result score
associated with a particular use rather than the
instrument itself. (2) validity is a matter of degree
then prevent to think that the test results are valid
and invalid. (3), the assessment of the test validity
should be related to the intended use of the test
results. Based on the above facts, the validation
process is done by collecting all evidence that show
the scientific basis of the interpretation of the
projected score of the test scores results.
Interpretation of the test result is used as an attempt
to interpret whether the test instrument can be used
to measure what should be measured or not
(Sugiyono, 2010).
To measure the consistency of the test items with
the whole test, it can be done by testing the
reliability of the test items. Reliability tests are
subject to trust, reliability, consistency, or stability
tests based on predefined criteria. A test is believed
to be reliable if it always gives the same result when
it is tied to the same group at different times or
occasions (Anastasi and Urbina, 1997). Based on the
above facts it can be concluded that the test
reliability is the level or the degree of consistency of
the test itself. A test instrument has good reliability
when the measuring instrument has a reliable
consistency even though it is implemented and tied
to the same group at different times or occasions.
A balanced difficulty level is a matter that is not
too easy or too difficult. The test items that are too
easy caused students unchallenged to try to solve it,
causing boredom and blocking students' cognitive
development. Conversely, if the test items are too
difficult it will cause students desperate or less
motivated to try to do the test because it is
considered beyond their ability. But even so, it does
not mean that those test items cannot be used. This
depends on the purpose of using it. Therefore, the
proportion of the test items difficulty levels should
be considered by analysing the test items index
difficulty 0.0 1.0 (Arikunto, 2013).
Based on the discrimination power, a good test
item is an item that can distinguish between high
achiever and low achiever students or among
students who have and have not mastered the
learning material (Arikunto, 2013). Discriminating
power index of each item is usually expressed in
proportion. The higher the discriminating power
index of the test items, the more capable the test
item distinguishes students who have and who have
not comprehended the learning material.
Based on the above explanation, testing the
quality of test items are very important to do at the
Department of Sundanese Education (DPBD) of
Language and Literature Faculty (FPBS),
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). Based on
the results of pre-research observation, the test items
used in each semester in DPBD FPBS UPI are
periodically updated by lecturers, although the
process of updating the questions is done without the
process of evaluating the test item primarily.
Revitalization of test items is only based on the
argument that the questions must be different from
the previous test. To a certain extent, it may initiate
good quality test items are replaced and insufficient
quality test items are kept. This condition may occur
because lecturers understanding of quality test of test
items is still inadequate.
If this problem is continually occurred, it may
cause the evaluation process will not run optimally.
The impact is assessment on the students becomes
less objective, because the test instrument used may
not have good quality. So that, the measurement of
the test instrument needs to be performed to examine
and to review each item before the items are used.
This test is expected to measure the accuracy of the
test items, the level of consistency of the test items,
the level difficulty of the test items (difficult,
medium, or easy), the discriminating level of the test
items (very bad, bad, sufficient, and good), and
interpretation of the feasibility of the test items
(qualified, need to be revised, or rejected to use).
Based on the background above, the problems
identified in this study are still lack of empirical and
controlled testing of test items in DPBD FPBS UPI.
This should be a concern in order to maintain the
quality and objectivity of processes and outcomes of
lecturing. In order to make the study to be more
focused and measurable, the test items analysed in
this study are limited. It is only the test items of
Final Exam that are grouped into learning, linguistic,
literature, and culture subject that carried out in
Even Semester of 2016/2017 academic year.
The benefits of this research are to provide
information as a reflection for test items makers
about several aspects i.e. the accuracy of test
instruments, consistency, difficulty, and
discriminating power. Those can provide
interpretation of the test items quality, whether
feasible to be used or not, and as a source of test
items planning of learning pedagogy, linguistics,
literature, and Sundanese culture at DPBD FPBSD
UPI in the future.
The Quality of Course Subject Test Items In Sundanese Language Education Program
This research uses quantitative approach with
descriptive-analysis method. The steps of descriptive
method are organized by adopting Stephen's theory
(2004) i.e.: (a) collecting factual information in
detail and describing the indications in the field; (b)
identifying the problems faced; (c) making
comparisons; and (d) determining the implications
of experience in planning further improvements.
Object of this research is the test items of DPBD
FPBS UPI in 2016/2017 academic year. The sample
in this study are the Multiple Choices type test items
of DPBD FPBS UPI on Even Semester of
2016/2017 academic year. The sampling technique
is executed by using purposive sampling technique.
The data used as the sample of this study consists of
four groups of subjects (MK), namely learning
pedagogy, linguistics, literature, and culture. The
objects in this study developed naturally and it is not
manipulated by researchers and existence of
researchers does not affect the dynamics of the
object. This research is ex post facto, it means that
the data is collected after all the events occurred
(Azwar, 2004). This is because the student's answers
that analysed are the data which has been
implemented before.
The instrument used to capture the data used was
the analysis program in Microsoft Excel 2013. The
instrument was developed by the researcher to get a
picture that can answer the purpose of this research.
Student answers are expected to provide ideas of the
test items quality. To obtain good results, before the
research instrument used, it was validated by a
professional judgment and learning evaluation
Data collection was accomplished by
documentation study of the final exam test items on
even semester of 2016/2017 academic year by using
research instruments that had been prepared. If the
research data had been collected, then the data was
analysed. Data analysis technique used was
descriptive statistical analysis technique. Descriptive
statistical analysis is used to analyse all the data by
describing the data that has been collected. Then, the
collected data was processed by using descriptive
statistics that (1) compiled, (2) tabulated, (3) scored
and percentage, and (4) interpreted.
The analysis program in Microsoft Excel 2013
was used to analyse the question items in this study.
Excel is a data-solving program commonly called
"spreadsheet", because it can be used to process
numbers form data or others. There are two ways to
process data in Ms. Excel, namely (1) through a
special statistical auxiliary program and (2) through
statistical functions contained in Excel. However,
because the validity test, reliability, difficulty level,
discriminating power, and the feasibility are not
available in this program, so this program is made to
simplify the data processing by using statistical
This section describes the results that have been
achieved on study of the test items quality of DPBD
FPBS UPI on Even Semester of 2016/2017
academic year. There are four groups of test items
tested. Those are learning pedagogy, linguistics,
literature, and culture. The test items are tested
quantitatively by analysing the validity, reliability,
difficulty level, discriminating level, and feasibility
of the test items on Odd semester of 2016/2017
academic year.
3.1 The Validity of The Test Items
The validity of the test items is conducted to
measure the level of validity of measurement
instrument. Valid test items are used to measure
what should be measured (Sugiyono, 2010). The
purpose of validity test in this research is to
recognize the accuracy of measurement instruments
in performing its function, so that the test items
obtained are the items that are relevant with the
purpose of measurement. The support of each test
item is expressed in correlation, so that to obtain the
validity of a test item the analytical program in Ms.
Excel 2013 is used.
The interpretation of the validity refers to the
opinion of Djiwandono (2011) which sorts the level
of correlation related to the coefficient of validity.
The coefficient of validity index ranges from 0.0
1.0. The validity test results from 0.0 0.19 are very
low, 0.20 0.39 are low category, 0.40 0.59 are
medium category, 0,60 0,79 are high category, and
0,80 1,00 are very high category.
Based on analysis result the test items of validity
test of DPBD FPBS UPI which cover group of
learning pedagogy, linguistics, literature, and culture
field. The validity levels of test items of DPBD
FPBS UPI i.e. 38% are low, 29% are extremely low,
21% are moderate, 11% are invalid, 1% is high, and
0% is extremely high. Base on the above data, the
low criteria of validity level has dominant position
than others criteria. The criteria are obtained based
on the Product Moment correlation test on test items
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
that are interpreted based on the result of
comparison between t
value and t
. The greater
than t
the higher the validity level of a test
item, and vice versa. Whereas if the data are grouped
based on valid and invalid criteria, then 59% of test
items are valid and 41% are invalid. Percentage
description of the validity test is based on the
correlation of coefficient interpretation of each item.
It shows that the test items are still low and cannot
measure what should be measured yet. So, based on
the explanation above, it shows that the validity of
test items of DPBD FPBS UPI on Even Semester of
2016/2017 academic year is generally still in the low
3.2 The Reliability of Test Items
Reliability test is performed to identify the
consistency level of the answer in the test
instrument. This analysis essentially examines the
reliability of test items which is a set of questions
being given repeatedly on the same object. Good
instruments have consistent answers with relatively
similar results (Arikunto, 2013). The reliability
index ranges from 0.0 1.0. The higher the
reliability coefficient of a test or it approaches 1.0,
the higher the test accuracy. The reliability levels
categories are considered very low category is 0.0
0.19, low category is 0.20 0.39, medium category
is 0.40 0.59, high category is 0.60 0.79, and
extremely high category is 0.80 1.00.
Based on the analysis results, the test items
groups that have high coefficient category is the
linguistic group that has 0.75 points and literary
groups that has 0.67 points. The test items group
with medium category is culture group that has 0.52
points. The problem group with low category is
learning pedagogy group that has 0.28 points. The
category of reliability found shows that the
reliability of the test items is "good", but those are
still "need improvement". The reliability includes
the accuracy of measurement results, and the
stability of the measurement results. So that, if test is
conducted several times on this test items, it will
give a predetermined result. According to that
statement, it is necessary needed a revision of the
test items used. So that, the reliability of the test
items used is trustworthy.
3.3 The Difficulty Level of Test Items
The level of difficulty (TK) is an index that states
the level of difficulty of an item for the test
participants. According to Arikunto (2013), the
difficulty index is often classified as difficult,
moderate, and easy. The difficult question is the
question that has difficulty level (P) 0,00 0,30,
moderate question has (P) 0,31 0,70, and easy
question has (P) 0,71 1, 00.
Based on the result of analysis, the difficulty
levels of DPBD FPBS UPI are 57% moderate, 27%
easy, and 16% difficult. The proportion of difficulty
level distribution is good, because a good test item is
a question that ranges from not too difficult to not
too easy level. If the test item is too difficult the
participant cannot answer the question. If the test
item is too easy, so that all students can answer
correctly. It means that the test item cannot reflect
the students learning achievement. In other words,
the test items cannot discriminate between high
group test participants (test takers who answered
many questions correctly) and low group test
participants (test takers who answered many
questions incorrectly).
3.4 The Discriminating Power of Test
The discriminating power test are performed to
determine whether or not the questions can
discriminate between high-ability students and low-
ability students (Arikunto, 2013). Number that
indicates the magnitude of the discriminating power
is called the discriminative index (D) which is
ranging from 0.00 to 1.00. Questions that
categorized as question with extremely bad
discriminating power is question which have 0.0
0.19 discriminative index, the low category is 0.20
0.39, the moderate category is 0.40 0.59, the high
category is 0.60 0.79, and very high category is
0.80 1.00.
Based on the results of the discriminating power
analysis, there are found five categories that include
43% questions are good enough category, 39% are
bad category, 10% are good category, 6% are
extremely bad category, and 2% are extremely good.
The data shows that the discriminating power of
questions tested is dominated by good enough and
good category. This indicates that the test instrument
is good enough to distinguish high-ability and low-
ability students.
3.5 Test items Feasibility
Test items Feasibility is a phase to determine
whether the test items analysed are qualified or not,
and whether those should be revised or not, or be
rejected. The validity test, reliability test, difficulty
The Quality of Course Subject Test Items In Sundanese Language Education Program
level, and discriminating power are used as
reference in the process of determining the
feasibility of the test items. The test items accepted
are those whose criteria of it validity is valid, whose
reliability criteria is at least medium, the difficulty
criteria is medium/difficult, and the criteria of the
discriminating power is good
enough/good/extremely good. The test that have to
be revised are the test items that have the validity
criteria is valid, its reliability criteria is minimal, its
difficulty criteria is easy, and its discriminating
power criteria is sufficient. While the test items are
rejected if the test items validity is not valid, its
reliability criteria is low, its difficulty criteria is easy
or difficult, and the discriminating power criteria is
extremely poor.
Based on the results of test items feasibility
analysis of DPBD FPBS UPI at Even Semester in
2016/2017, there are 67% test items are feasible
items, 12% must be revised, and 21% must be
replaced. Based on the composition of the course
subject group, the linguistics group goes to be the
group whose questions are the most categorized
worthy to be used, followed by culture, literature,
and learning pedagogy. The existence of the
language learning test items analysis, it has provided
a systematic procedure that offers very specific
information about the test items prepared. Analysis
of this test is conducted as one of the activities that
need to be held in order to improve the test
instruments quality, both the quality of the overall
test and the quality of each test items as part of the
test. The test as an evaluation instrument is expected
to produce an objective and accurate score.
Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the tests
given to the students are as good as possible and
good quality.
A good test can be used over and over with a few
changes. If there is a test that has poor quality, it will
be better the test is discard or not used to test the
students. A test can be classified as a feasible
measurement instrument, if it fulfils the test
requirements. The test requirements that include
validity, reliability, have the discriminating power,
and have good difficulty level.
Based on the results and discussion above, it can be
concluded that the validity level of the test items
tested distributed to 59% are valid, while the rest
41% test items are invalid. The number of valid test
items is greater than the invalid one. It indicates that
many test items tested are generally capable to
measure the competence of students that is in line
with the course subject content, but rest of them are
not capable. The reliability level of the question
tested is in the medium category. This shows that the
test items have good reliability. The reliability
includes the accuracy of measurement results, and
the stability of the measurement results. So that, if
several tests are conducted on the test items, these
will give a predetermined result. Based on the level
of complexity, there are about 58% of test items are
medium category, 20% test items are easy, 14% test
items are difficult, 7% test items are very easy, and
2% test items are very difficult. The result of this
test states that the test items tested have a good
proportion. Based on the discriminating power, there
are 43% test items are considered good enough, 39%
are bad, 10% are good, 6% are extremely bad, and
2% are extremely good. The average of the
differences level of the test items tested is in good
enough to be able to discriminate between the
answers of students who have high-ability level and
students who have low-ability level. The feasibility
level of the test items analysed i.e. 67% are feasible,
12% must be revised, and 21% must be replaced. It
is found in this analysis that the majority of test
items are qualified to meet the requirements of good
quality test items based on validity, reliability,
difficulty, and differences power. Based on the
above conclusions, the result of the test items
analysis at DPBD FPBS UPI reveals good enough
result. In spite of this, there are also test items that
have invalid status, no discriminating power,
disproportionate in the difficulty level, and
unacceptable feasibility. Therefore, it needs to revise
or to improve the test items of the learning pedagogy
groups, linguistics, literature, and culture in further
tests. The test items that need to be improved should
be selected from the course subject that has been
learned and discussed by the student and presented
in high quality test items. To realize that, the ability,
carefulness, and good experience of lecturers are
required to improve the quality of the feasibility of
the test items. So that, the results will be more
accurate in measuring learning competencies that
have been achieved by the students.
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Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
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The Quality of Course Subject Test Items In Sundanese Language Education Program