The Sociocultural Literacy Dimensions in A.A. Navis’s Short Stories
Halimah Halimah, Sumiyadi Sumiyadi, Yeti Mulyati, and Vismaia S. Damaianti
Department of Indonesia Language Education and Literature, Indonesia University of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.
229, Bandung, Indonesia
{halimah_81, sumiyadi, yetimulyati, vismaia}
Keywords: Literacy Dimensions, Sociocultural Literacy Dimensions, Short Stories of A. A. Navis.
Abstract: The present study concerned on the sociocultural literacy dimensions found in A. A. Navis’s short
stories. It aims at describing the literacy dimensions contained in the stories viewed from various
sociocultural aspects covering: social identity, social criticism, multi-literacy aspect, sociocultural
process skill, socio-economic development, moral attitude in society, and so forth. The data were
obtained from ten manuscripts of A. A. Navis’s short stories, a well-known short story writer in
Indonesia. Those manuscripts were taken from three anthologies entitled “Robohnya Surau Kami”,
“Hujan Panas dan Kabut Musim”, and “Dari Jodoh Sampai Supiah”. The data were analyzed using
descriptive-qualitative approach based on the indicators of sociocultural literacy dimensions. The finding
showed that the stories contained a fair strong sociocultural literacy dimensions. The dimensions in the
story of “Jodoh”, “Orang dari Luar Negeri” and “Orang Baik yang Malang” were illustrated by literate
theme elevation of the moral attitude in society. In the story of “Politik Warung Kopi” and “Orde Lama”,
the prominent sociocultural literacy dimension was the social criticism towards the governance. The
story of “Baginda Ratu” and “Efendi” tended to give more importance to its sociocultural literacy
dimension, socio-economic development, and individual status, and success as well. The story of “Kisah
Seorang Amir” emerged its sociocultural dimension by showing that literacy activities became a
tradition, in either educational institutions or social environment. The sociocultural dimension found in
the story of “Pak Menteri Mau Datang” revealed a common thinking style and intelligence. The
sociocultural dimension found in the story of “Pelamar” uncovered the effect of parents’ education level
towards children literacy.
The recent information technology advancement
influences national culture change and shifting.
Besides its positive effect, it may result negative
effect on national culture’s value. One of them is the
emergence of individualist attitude in social
intercourse. The attitude, is slowly but sure, able to
weaken the national unity. Many cases happen for
the decrease of national unity, for instance, people
fight, students fight, both high schools and higher
education levels.
The data from Badan Pusat Statistik or Central
Bureau of Statistics (2012) show the following facts.
The reading portion of Indonesian people at age 10
up shows the highest proportion on reading textbook
or school material (20,49%), reading other text
(17,03%), and newspaper (15,06%). Reading
proportion related to science or knowledge is
14,08%, while reading stories is only 5,01%. The
data vividly indicate that people interest on reading
short stories is very low. Whereas, if we think
deeply, literary works such as short stories, have
worthwhile didactic value.
Short stories didactic values related to
sociocultural dimensions is very fine to be a model
for living in society. A model within short stories
might be an example in life skill education for
people. In connection with that, the present article
intentionally analyze didactic values in form of
sociocultural dimensions within AA Navis’s short
stories. The didactic values of the stories can be then
extended to people specifically academicians.
Literacy is a multidimensional phenomenon and
research object of social science, humanity, and
natural science (Knaflic, 2014). Based on that, it
can be inferred that the present research is under the
humanity study, portraying the literature works of
A.A Navis’s.
Halimah, H., Sumiyadi, S., Mulyati, Y. and Damaianti, V.
The Sociocultural Literacy Dimensions in A.A. Navis’s Short Stories.
DOI: 10.5220/0007173106760682
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 676-682
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Sociocultural Literacy Dimensions
Alwasilah (2012) states that literacy is mastery
reflection and cultural appreciation. He argues that
reading and writing always exist in a culture system
(faith, attitude, ways, and goals of culture).
Language education deservedly teach cultural
knowledge. Being unconcerned on culture
contributes to language de-contextualization of the
culture. Using a language is a submission towards
conventions agreed by people as language users and
language natives as models. The use of symbols or
gestures is so cultural and conventional and ought to
be integrally taught.
Kucer and Cecilia (2006) clarify that
sociocultural dimensions in literacy move our world
from texts and minds to literacy phenomena as
literacy practice involving the use of printed writing.
Petersson et al. (2009) see that educational
context, such as reading and writing skill acquisition
and other cognitive skills, is a structural process of
cultural transmission prioritizing crucial aspects of
cultural socialization.
Sociocultural dimensions in literacy focus on the
social identities and various group activities in
utilizing literacy to negotiate and comment on their
transactions with the world. It would rather focus on
multiliteracies, perspectives, and ideology than truth
(Kucer, 2014).
Kucer clears up the idea by saying that the
Sociocultural dimensions of literacy focused on the
social identities and how various groups use literacy
to negotiate and critique their transactions with the
world. Multiliteracies rather than literacy and
perspective and ideologies rather than truth (2014).
2.2 A.A Navis and His Short Stories
Hasanuddin (2013) mention that A.A. Navis is man
of letters famous for “the number one insulter”.
Further Hasanuddin (2013) clear up that the tittle is
connected with his writing style and critical
attitude towards various life problems and social
Navis’ short stories are collected in five
antologies, namely “Robohnya Surau Kami”,
“Hujan Panas dan kabut Musim”, “Jodoh”, “Kabut
Negeri Si Dali”, and “Bertanya Kerbau pada
Pedati”. Sastrosatomo (1994) states that as an heir
of Minangkabau culture, all Navis works is full of
Minang nuance, but they also have globality or
universality of human life reflection in Indonesia.
While Agusta (1994) says that Navis works are
commonly based on human daily and recent lives,
with limited problem element networks.
Sastrosatomo (1994) mentions that the short
story entitled “Robohnya Surau Kami” is one of
Navis’s most spectacular works causing pros and
cons in Indonesia’s religious society, that how
conservative it is when most of the Moslems
interpret worship verbally. “Hujan Panas dan Kabut
Musim” contains ten short stories, which based on
myths connected to natural phenomena, culture,
and social (Adilla, 2003).
Hasanuddin (2013) inform that the short story
entitled “Jodoh” won the first prize on golden
windmill contest held by Nederland Wereldomroep
radio in 1975.
The anthology “Kabut Negeri Si Dali” contains
15 stories which mostly talk about bitter humor,
humanity irony from combat brutality, humanity
touch pawned for wars, desire, and power,
connected to military through wars, colonialization,
and politics (Adilla, 2003).
In Adilla’s explanation (2003), “Bertanya
Kerbau pada Pedati” is Navis’s fifth anthology
loading ten titles which mostly seem very symbolic
in narrating human attitude in the real world by
paroding human behavior in another world. To
Hasanuddin (2013), the short stories of “Bertanya
Kerbau pada Pedati” anthology had early been
published by several mass media.
The present research employed qualitative-
descriptive method. The data were analyzed to and
fro based on sociocultural literacy dimension
indicators from Kucer (2014). The data were taken
from Navis’s short stories, including: “Jodoh”;
“Politik Warung Kopi”; “Orang dari Luar Negeri”;
“Baginda Ratu”; “Kisah Seorang Amir”; “Pak
Menteri Mau Datang”; “Orde Lama”; “Pelamar”;
“Efendi”; “Orang Baik yang Malang”.
The indicators taken from Kucer (2014) were
listed below:
As skilled readers and writers in the process of
Less reading resources at home and less
reading habit are someone’s causes
contributing to reading and writing
Literacy practice in educational institutions
reflects middle class norms, values and
The Sociocultural Literacy Dimensions in A.A. Navis’s Short Stories
There is a positive relation between being
aware and socio-economic development,
individual status and success;
Literacy competence differences among
groups, areas and from time to time;
Competence differences between literate
individuals and those who are not, viewed
from moral attitude;
Competence differences between literate
individuals and those who are not viewed
from common thinking and intelligence;
Predictors of reading and writing skills seen
from parents’ educational level;
Environment and poverty are the causes of
kids’ poor interest to learn reading and
Learning to read and write should not be only
organized at educational institutions but also
in social environment;
Important texts and provocations are
controlled by government;
Literacy activities are not influenced by
racism or neglecting ethnic differences, races
and culture.
4.1 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in The Short Story
entitled “Jodoh” by A.A. Navis
The story “Jodoh” by A.A Navis of 1975 contains
sociocultural dimensions as the didactic value.
Besides, there are also ability differences among
literate people, which are not seen from common
thought, and intelligence. The sociocultural indicator
is illustrated in the following fragment.
“Menurut kalkulasinya, setelah membayar uang
makan dan sewa kamar serta hutang-hutang
rokoknya, maka sehabis tanggal limabelas, habis
pulalah seluruh isi kantongnya. Tentu saja
logikanya, kalau ia sudah hidup berdua dengan
isterinya, maka mulai tanggal satu tentulah
kantongnya sudah akan bolong (Navis, 1975).
The fragment illustrates Badri who is careful
about what he does. His full of consideration attitude
and critical thinking in living his life is an attitude of
a good literati, but certainly those are not the
excessive attitude.
Another fragment illustrating Badri literate
attitude is as follows.
“Menurut penelitiannya, ongkos sekali periksa
wanita hamil sama dengan dua hari gajinya.
Biaya bersalin akan menelan gajinya sebulan.
Belum lagi kalau dihitung pengeluaran untuk
membeli peragat bayi sejak popok, gurita dan
tempat tidur yang mungil. Kesimpulan Badri, ia
tidak bisa nikah untuk selama-lamanya” (Navis,
Badri literate attitude above is the illustration of
Badri’s ability and intelligence in his common
thinking. Badri is good at seeing his surroundings
either people or friends’ lives.
The dominant didactic values of the story are
Badri’s carefulness and intelligence in thinking.
Those are good attitude which can be a model for
people. One thing to be adapted is that we need to be
very careful and full of consideration when doing
something in order not to be trapped in misfortune.
4.2 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Politik Warung Kopi” by
A.A. Navis
The story "Politik Warung Kopi" talks about some
villagers’ critical attitude towards the government
cabinet. They frequently buy coffee at the shop
while talking about politics in Indonesia, even about
government cabinet performance. The indicator that
suits Kucer’s (2014) is that learning to read and
write does not only happen at educational
institutions but also in social environment. The
following is the story part telling the villagers’
“Maka ahli-ahli politik yang mengangkat di-
rinya jadi pemimpin partai-partai di seluruh
Indonesia itu, mulailah mengemukakan pen-
dapatnya masing-masing. Dengan segala gaya
dan keahliannya menguraikan segala keyakinan
politiknya untuk mencapai kemakmuran itu.
Sudah dapat diduga hanya kelima gembong itu
saja yang punya suara-lantang. Dan kelimanya
pun sama berpendapat, bahwa Indonesia adalah
negara yang maha kaya raya dan mempunyai
penduduk yang cukup banyak. Dan mereka pun
sama sependapat, jika negara Republik
Indonesia itu tak bisa memakmurkan rakyatnya,
hal itu karena kesalahan kabinet-kabinet yang
lalu” (Navis, 1990).
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
The fragment indicates villagers’ intelligence
that often discuss politics in Indonesia. They argue
as if they represent political parties in Indonesia
and try to give solutions for the country prosperity.
The dominant didactic value of the above story
is that intelligent people will always be giving
opinions and arguments towards the problems
faced. The intelligence attitude in common thought
is properly emulated and trained; both in
educational and social environment.
4.3 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Orang dari Luar Negeri”
by A.A. Navis
The indicator of sociocultural literacy dimensions
based on Kucer (2014) which suits the story
content of “Orang dari Luar Negeri” is the
difference between literate and illiterate individual
capability seen from the morality. The following is
the fragment.
“Kalau ia bicara dengan kami selamanya
de¬ngan tenang. Tidak tergopoh-gopoh. Tapi
satu kata demi satu kata. Dan selamanya ia tak
mau bicara berebutan” (Navis, 1990).
The fragment shows an educated figure who
went to school abroad. He has good civility
particularly that he speaks in calm and polite
The didactic value of the story is the civility,
which supposed to be emulated in communicating
with people in either social environment or
educational institutions.
4.4 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Baginda Ratu” by A.A.
The Baginda Ratu character of the story is not the
real queen, but the character’s nickname got from
people around her for she has very important
acquaintances or government officials. The
indicator from Kucer (2014) which is in line with
the story content is the existence of positive
relationship between being aware with socio-
economic and individual status development with
success. The fragment is narrated below.
“Tentu saudara akan bertanya sekarang, yang
manakah Baginda Ratu itu? Ia akan mudah
ditemui pada setiap resepsi orang-orang
terkemuka (ia menyebutnya elite) di kota kami.
Tertawanya paling ba¬nyak. Dan dengan
gerakannya yang lincah. Ia sudah terbang kian
kemari menemui setiap orang” (Navis, 1990).
Baginda Ratu is a supple person; therefore her
acquaintances comes from government officials
and elites. The didactic value of the story is that
with her social skill, Baginda Ratu does not find
difficulties in facing economic or life problems.
Behavior and attitude narrated in this story teach us
to be a supple person, and to be careful when
socializing with people. Socialization might lift up
our life dignity once we choose to make friends
with the right persons, but it can destroy our lives
when we are side by side with the wrong persons.
4.5 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Kisah Seorang Amir” by
A.A. Navis
The indicator from Kucer (2014) found in the story
"Kisah Seorang Amir" is that learning to read and
write is not only in educational institutions but also
in social environment. It is illustrated as follows.
“Amir memang memilih ayat yang pendek-
¬pendek saja. Akan tetapi rakaat ketujuh, ia
memilih ayat yang meski pun cukup pendek,
tapi jarang dibaca orang, sehingga ia salah
mengucapkannya. Kesalahannya segera dibe-
tulkan oleh salah seorang ulama dengan
mengulanginya dengan suara yang keras”
(Navis. 1990).
The character emerged in the story is not Amir
literally, but one of the religious figures in the
society who masters religious knowledge,
particularly Qur’anic recitation. The figure in many
times is able to correct imam’s recitation in shalat.
The didactic value to emulate from the story is
that, be clever, master much knowledge both
religious knowledge and general knowledge. By
reciting Qur’anic surah, it contributes to correcting
the inappropriate recitation.
4.6 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Pak Menteri Mau
Datang” by A.A. Navis
Kucer’s indicator of sociocultural literacy dimension
(2014, p. 11) which suits the story is the ones that
connected to ability difference between literate
The Sociocultural Literacy Dimensions in A.A. Navis’s Short Stories
individuals and those who are not, seen from
common thought and intelligence. It is illustrated in
the fragment below.
“Tiga puluh sen sebotol kalau beli banyak. Tiga
ribu murid, masing-masingnya tiga botol, itu
berarti duaribu tujuh ratus rupiah," kata Kepala
Bagian Keuangan itu seraya mencoret-coret
pada sehelai kertas.”
(Navis, 1990).
The fragment describes the literacy of a head of
financial division in calculating cost to use at a
minister welcome event.
The didactic value within the story is his ability
to calculate budgeting. The skill of budgeting
calculation certainly will assist us from an
extravagant life and being trapped by debts. Literacy
is not only about being able to read and write, but
also being skilful at reading situation and condition
as well as making plans.
4.7 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Orde Lama”by A.A. Navis
The indicator from Kucer (2014) which matched the
story content is reading to read and write should not
only be conducted at schools but also in social
environment. The fragment below describes it.
“Presiden telah memerintahkan, pada Hari
Proklsamasi yang akan datang ini, Negara Re-
publik Indonesia harus dinyatakan sebagai
negara yang bebas buta huruf. Karena itu perlu
diadakan razia guna, mengetahui apakah bangsa
Indonesia telah betul-betul bebas buta huruf
setelah sekian lama dilakukan kampanye
(Navis, 1990).
The illustration above tells the readers that one
time at Repubic of Indonesia independence day
celebration, the president has planned Indonesia as
a literate country, but in a raid it was found that
illiterate people still exist in the country.
The didactic value found in the story suggested
that the government should concern on its people
education level, as people who less educated tend
to be in poverty. Illiterates indicate the low level of
people education. To be free from poverty, we
should commit ourselves to learn various
knowledge, starting from training our reading skill
to analytical thinking ability.
4.8 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Pelamar” by A.A. Navis
Kucer’s indicator (2014) found in the story
"Pelamar" is reading and writing skill prediction,
viewed from parents’ education level. The following
lines describe the statement.
“Bidin datang ke kantor Pak Kantor minta kerja.
Bidin anak desa. Otaknya encer. Tapi dengan
susah payah barulah ia menamatkan SMA. Ini
disebabkan ia anak tunggal seorang janda
miskin, yang hidupnya menjual kue. Dan Bidin
anak tahu diri. Maka sepulang dari sekolah,
waktunya habis menolong ibunya” (Navis,
The above lines depict the poor economic
condition of Bidin family. Bidin is an orphan lived
with his old mother. To graduate from his senior
high school, Bidin should work hard helping his
mother make and sell cakes. This story also
represents most poor people has low level of
education. They are potentially intelligent, but they
have no money to continue to a higher education.
Bidin’s life, which illustrated not to have time for
his self-development as a youth, is an example that
children’s literacy is influenced by the parents’
economic and education level. The didactic value
seen in the story is that not to give up in fighting for
our education though we need to struggle with
economic problems. Children are expected to help
parents’ job with what they can. Besides, be a good
kid and devoted ourselves for our parents.
4.9 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Pelamar” by A.A. Navis
Kucer’s indicator (2014) found in the story
"Pelamar" is reading and writing skill prediction,
viewed from parents’ education level. The following
lines describe the statement.
“Bidin datang ke kantor Pak Kantor minta kerja.
Bidin anak desa. Otaknya encer. Tapi dengan
susah payah barulah ia menamatkan SMA. Ini
disebabkan ia anak tunggal seorang janda
miskin, yang hidupnya menjual kue. Dan Bidin
anak tahu diri. Maka sepulang dari sekolah,
waktunya habis menolong ibunya” (Navis,
The above lines depict the poor economic
condition of Bidin family. Bidin is an orphan lived
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
with his old mother. To graduate from his senior
high school, Bidin should work hard helping his
mother make and sell cakes. This story also
represents most poor people has low level of
education. They are potentially intelligent, but they
have no money to continue to a higher education.
Bidin’s life, which illustrated not to have time for
his self-development as a youth, is an example that
children’s literacy is influenced by the parents’
economic and education level. The didactic value
seen in the story is that not to give up in fighting for
our education though we need to struggle with
economic problems. Children are expected to help
parents’ job with what they can. Besides, be a good
kid and devoted ourselves for our parents.
4.10 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Efendi” by A.A. Navis
The sociocultural dimension of Kucer’s (2014)
which fits the story is that the different ability
between those who are literate and not analyzed
from common thought and intelligence. The lines
below represents the statement.
“Partai-partai tengah berebut massa. Setiap
partai punya koran. Koran partai itu berebut
menokohkan aku, supaya aku memboyong
massaku ke pihaknya. Isyu dimunculkan.
Tanggapanku bergelegar membakar emosi pe-
juang yang dikecewakan, terhadap isyu yang
kubuat sendiri. Itu taktik politik murahan yang
pernah kubaca teorinya" (Navis, 1990)
The story entitled Efendi narrates the life story of
a person named Effendi who is always lucky. His
good luck is definitely achieved by his hard work
and intelligence in reading environment situation
and condition. Besides, Effendi is also good at
utilizing opportunities.
A number of didactic values are found: a) we
need to be good at finding and using opportunities;
b) general intelligence attitude and life skill should
be trained and developed; c) political skill and
science would be worthwhile in daily lives.
4.11 The Sociocultural Literacy
Dimension in the Short Story
entitled “Orang Baik yang Malang”
by A.A. Navis
Kucer’s sociocultural dimension (2014) found
in the story is that the different ability between
literate and illiterate people identified from moral
attitude. The fragment is as follows.
“Konon dalam setiap rapat itu, jarang sekali
dia ikut berbicara. Kalau pun sampai dia
berbicara, bahasanya rapi dan kalimatnya
sangat terpelihara, sehingga tidak akan ada
orang yang tersinggung” (Navis, 1990).
The quotation above shows Tantawi character
moral attitude as an educated and literate person,
who is always polite when attend a meeting, or
have a conversation. The didactic value
discovered is that we ought to keep our politeness
in socializing with people in our surroundings.
A.A. Navis’s short stories contain a variety of
sociocultural literacy dimensions which can be a
model in lives.
Sociocultural Literacy Dimensions in the story
“Jodoh“; “Orang dari Luar Negeri” and “Orang Baik
yang Malang” by A. A. Navis are illustrated through
the literate theme emergence in society moral
attitude. From those three stories, literate attitude to
emulate into our lives are: a) being full of
consideration and thinking critically in living the
life; b) keeping calm and polite in communicating;
c) keeping moral attitude and civility in socializing
with people.
In the story “Politik Warung Kopi“ and “Orde
Lama” by A. A. Navis, the dominant sociocultural
dimension is the social critique towards the
government. In this case, the story suggests that as a
literate government, they should give opinions and
provide solutions towards the problems faced.
The story “Baginda Ratu” and “Efendi” more
concern on the socio-economic development,
individual status and success of the sociocultural
literacy dimensions. The models to emulate from
those stories are: a) a literati ability in socialization
might assist her to get easiness to face economic and
other life problems; b) a literati is supposed to be
good at finding and using opportunities.
The story “Kisah Seorang Amir” emerges the
dimension that literacy activities is not only tradition
at educational institutions but also in social
environment. A model to emulate is that to be a
literate person, be intelligent, master much
knowledge, both religion and other sciences.
The sociocultural dimension within the story
“Pak Menteri Mau Datang” reveals the way of
common thought and intelligence. A literati is
The Sociocultural Literacy Dimensions in A.A. Navis’s Short Stories
skilled at calculating budget, not living
extravagantly and free from debts. Literacy is not
only about writing and reading but also the ability to
read situation and condition as well as to make
The sociocultural dimensions within the story
“Pelamar” discovers the effect of parents’ education
level towards children literacy. A literate person
does not give up to fight for his education, although
he should work hard struggling his poor economic
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education