User Interface Design of Multimedia-Based ICT Learning Module
Yanuard Putro Dwikristanto and Tanti Listiani
University of Pelita Harapan, Tanggerang, Banten
{yanuard.dwikristanto, tanti.listiani}@uph.edu
Keywords: ICT, Learning Module, Multimedia, Diverse Learners.
Abstract: Information and Communication Technology has been growing very rapidly. It allows varieties of
multimedia-based elements of media learning to support more meaningful learning. The ability to use
Information and Communication Technology must be mastered by students including student-teachers.
Students at Pelita Harapan as Teachers College University came from various regions and culture
throughout Indonesia. However, not all the students got adequate computer learning in their high school,
and this difference affect their ICT skills. This study aims to develop multimedia-based ICT learning
module. The data of students’ ICT skills, socio-cultural background, and learning styles were collected
through questionnaires and interviews. The results then analysed and developed into a user interface of the
learning module. The user interface designed to accommodate different skill, cultural background and
learning styles of the students. Lastly, the module made successfully and it can be used to help students in
mastering the learning of Information and Communication Technology appropriately.
Information and Communication Technology ought
to be mastered by student-teachers for education
field. At least, they should know how to use
application programs such as word processing,
spreadsheet, and slide presentation. According to
Newby et al. (2006) and Shelly et al. (2006) these
application programs are the most well-known
programs and can be used as aid tools for carrying
out daily works.
Student-teachers of Education Faculty of Pelita
Harapan University come from various regions and
culture throughout Indonesia. Not all of the students
got adequate computer learning in their high school.
These diversities affect them how to learn ICT skills.
They learn ICT in their first-year college. In the
class, they got support from lectures and their
seniors as ICT tutors. But, they found difficulties
when they did their ICT homework. Even, many of
senior students didn’t use these application programs
well as expected in their first-year ICT class after
they levelled up to second, third and fourth year.
Learning module could be an answer to solve
learning difficulties (Depdiknas, 2008). There are
six characteristics of learning module. There are
self-instructional, self-contained, stand-alone,
adaptive, user friendly and consistent (Anwar,
2010). Self-instructional means not dependent on
other parties. Self-contain means comprehensive
learning materials. Stand-alone means not dependent
on or be used in conjunction with other media.
Adaptive means keep pace the development of
science and technology. User friendly means meet
the familiar rules with the learner. Consistent means
constant in the use of fonts, spacing, and layout.
Learning module, which is systematically and
interestingly arranged in accordance to the needs of
learners, could help students learn to achieve the
desired learning objectives by themselves (Winkel,
2009). Based on survey to the first-year student-
teachers, it is known that spreadsheet is the most
difficult application program among word
processing and slide presentation. They are
struggling enough to develop their spreadsheet
skills. Per this survey, it is also known that their
visual-auditory learning style is also the biggest
among auditory-kinesthetic and visual-kinesthetic.
Visual and auditory persons learn abundantly from
what they see and hear (Tileston, 2010). Multimedia
concept could meet the needs of visual and auditory
persons. Multimedia means multiple media. The
media can be still graphics and photographs, sound,
motion video, animation, and/or text items combined
in a product whose purpose is to communicate
information in multiple ways (Roblyer and Doering,
Dwikristanto, Y. and Listiani, T.
User Interface Design of Multimedia-Based ICT Learning Module.
DOI: 10.5220/0007173507000704
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 700-704
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
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