The research methodology employed in the study is
descriptive. Descriptive method is a method used to
unmask actual problem with gathering some data,
organizing the data, classifying the data, analysing
the data and interpreting the data based on actual
phenomenon at hand.
The research methodology employed in the study
is comparative method. Comparative method is a
method that is more prone to depend on sound and
meaning correspondence, therefore the primary
attention should be given at how a systematic sound
comparison is done. The first step is to conduct a
comparison based on sound system e.g. as studied in
sound classification phonologically. Initially,
consonant sounds should be compared to homogeny
sounds (Parera, 1991). Comparative method is
characterized as qualitative. Data transcription is
collected through this method. Data analysis by
means of corresponding each word is done through
the transcription result, and then the classification
result of the root word to be the similar, same, and
different will be retrieved.
Keraf (1996) states that correspondence is alignment
or commensuration of sound in the same position of
languages in terms of horizontal characteristic. The
alignment or commensuration is seen at the
similarity or sameness of form and meaning. The
corresponding pair is compared to each other. As for
the correspondence stages which are registering
words from language under scrutiny and associating
phoneme by phoneme in the same position.
Gloss used in the study amounts 200 glosses (in
Keraf, 1996) with each being compared between
Indonesian language and Berau language. 200
glosses are deemed universal and used to
comparative research (Comparative Linguistics or
Comparative Historical Linguistics).
In the category of similarity, root word within
the category is the root word which writing,
pronunciation, and meaning are the same. The gloss
that is included in the same category namely: abu,
air, aku, anak, angin, api, awan, baik, banyak, baru,
batu, binatang, bintang, bulan, bulu, buruk, burung,
cium, daging, danau, datang, daun, di dalam,
di/pada, di mana, di sini, dua, garam, garuk, gigi,
gigit, gosok, gunung, ikat, ini, jalan, jantung, kami,
kanan, kiri, kuku, kulit, kuning, kutu, lain, langit,
laut, licin, lima, lutut, makan, malam, mata,
matahari, mati, minum, napas, panas, panjang,
punggung, rambut, rumput, satu, siang, siapa,
sungai, tajam, takut, tali, tangan, tarik, tidur, tiga,
tua, dan tumpul. The total of the root words is 75.
In the category of different, root words which are
included is the root words that have the same
meaning with extremely different writing and
pronunciation. During the correspondence, phoneme
comparison of the gloss can be dominantly different
as to conclude that the phoneme is within different
root word. Gloss included in different category
namely: akar, anjing, apung, asap, bagaimana,
bakar, balik, bapak, benar, bengkak, cacing, cuci,
dekat, dingin, dorong, ekor, hisap, gali, hantam, ia,
ibu, ikan, istri, jatuh, kabut, kaki, kalau, berkata,
kecil, kotor, lebar, leher, lelaki, lempar, lidah, lihat,
lurus, mereka, nyanyi, pasir, pegang, perempuan,
pohon, potong, sayap, sedikit, semua, suami, tetek,
tidak, tikam, dan ular. The total of the different root
word is 53.
In the category of almost similar, root words
which are within the category are those which the
writing and pronunciation are almost similar on each
phoneme and its comparison. It can be said that each
pair of the phoneme in a gloss is dominantly related.
The category can be seen during the inference of
determining gloss in the same root word category
due to the phoneme comparison 50:50. Gloss
included in this category namely: mengalir, apa,
baring, beberapa, belah, benih, berenang, berjalan,
berat, beri, besar, buah, bunga, bunuh, berburu,
busuk, dan, darah, debu, dengan, dengar, berdiri,
duduk, engkau, empat, gemuk, hapus, hati, hidung,
hidup, hijau, hitam, hitung, hujan, hutan, itu, jahit,
jauh, kamu, karena, berkelahi, kepala, kering,
berludah, main, merah, mulut, muntah, nama,
orang, pendek, peras, perut, pikir, pusar, putih,
sempit, tahu, tahun, tanah, tebal, telinga, telur,
terbang, tertawa, tipis, tiup, tongkat, tulang, usus, di
situ, dan basah. The total of the root words in the
category of sameness is 72.
Below are several correspondences from each
category of similarity, distinction, and sameness.
The correspondences are as follows.
4.1 Abu
Either in IL or BL, the gloss of abu uses the word
[abu]. Phoneme /a/ in IL corresponds with phoneme
/a/ in BL. Both of those phonemes posit the initial
place. Both of those phonemes are found to be
related. Phoneme /b/ in IL corresponds with
phoneme /b/ in BL. Both of these phonemes are
flanked by VCV (Vowel-Consonant-Vowel). These