Development of Cooperative Integrated Model CIRC Typed
(Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) in Intensive
Reading Learning
Warsiman Warsiman
Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program Faculty of Cultural Sciences Universitas Brawijaya,
Jl. Veteran, Malang, Indonesia,
Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model CIRC Typed, intensive Reading, Research and Development.
Abstract: Intensive reading learning at elementary level aims to find the proper meaning of a text. Based on the results
of preliminary studies, it is generally found that intensive reading ability of the 5th grade is generally low.
This case is due to the use of monotonous and conventional instructional model. The purpose of this
research is to develop cooperative model of CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition)
model to improve students' intensive reading ability. The research method used is a modified R&D
(Research and Development). Cooperative leaning model CIRC type developed in this research is focuses
on the steps of learning activities. The results of this research showed that the descriptions of teachers’
expectation in intensive reading learning are as follows: (1) active participation of students during the
learning process which is determined by high activity and creativity, (2) students’ courage to express
opinions and comments as well as suggestion about the topic being discussed, (3) students able to actively
participate in class discussion. Moreover, the results also showed the descriptions of the students' needs
which are: (1) a low-risk, safe, comfortable, and fun learning atmosphere, (2) a learning process that provide
students’ self-actualizing chances by conveying ideas or discussion between friends, (3) communication
warmth between teacher-students, and (4) the frequent reinforcement in the form of praise and compliment
for their positive actions. The improvement of learning outcomes through cooperative model of CIRC type
is seen from the average of learning outcomes and the average of observations in each enforcement.
Every language teacher should realize the
importance of reading for students. Teacher must
also understand that reading is a complex, and
inclusive skill as well as involving a series of
smaller skills (Tarigan, 2008).
As part of language skills, reading have
important and strategic positions. Even reading has
become a necessity of today's society. Thus, reading
skill is important and required not only by the
academic community but are also required by
everyone. This fact leads to the consequence that
reading learning, particularly intensive reading,
should get the great attention from the education
Based on observations in partner schools and
discussions with Bahasa Indonesia teachers,
students' intensive reading ability is still considered
low. One of the cause of this low reading ability is
the inappropriate instructional model used by
teachers. Teachers are still applying conventional
and monotonous instructional models.
To overcome this, it is required an appropriate,
interesting, and effective learning model so that
students can participate actively in learning
activities. By doing so, it is hope that the learning
objectives are accomplish at the end of the class
Having a thorough and further discussion about
the problems faced, the cooperative learning model
was chosen to improve students’ intensive reading
skill. In cooperative learning, students learn together
in small groups and work to solve a problem, to
complete a task or do something to achieve a
common goal. Cooperative learning can also help
students understand difficult concepts and can foster
the ability to cooperate, think critically, and develop
social attitudes. It also has a positive impact on
Warsiman, W.
Development of Cooperative Integrated Model CIRC Typed (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) in Intensive Reading Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0007173907200725
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 720-725
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
students with low learning outcomes. Cooperative
learning models can help students improve positive
attitudes, build confidence, and create interaction
among the member of groups. Moreover,
cooperative learning can also train students to
receive friends with different background and
competency (Suprijono, 2009).
There are many types of cooperative learning
models that meet the characteristics of creative and
effective learning, and among them is cooperative
Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)
models. The CIRC type cooperative model is an
appropriate learning model to be applied in reading
and writing materials at elementary level, as well as
in the higher levels (Suprijono, 2009).
Co-operative Integrated Reading and
Composition (CIRC) models have many advantages.
Shlomo (2009) states four of them, which are 1)
cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition
(CIRC) learning model is appropriate to improve
students' reading skill; 2) teacher dominance in
learning process is reduced; 3) students are
motivated on the results thoroughly, because they
work in groups; 4) students can understand the
meaning of questions and check each other's work;
5) help weak students; and 5) improve learning
outcomes especially in reading learning.
Jahidin (2009) states that the cooperative model
learning strategy CIRC modification, can improve
mastery of biological concepts and potentially
improve students' metacognition skills compared
with conventional strategies. Another study is done
by Mudawati (2008), she concluded that CIRC type
cooperative learning model can improve student
learning activity during group work, and
presentation. Furthermore, Erfansyah (2009)
concludes that CIRC cooperative learning model can
improve students' intensive reading ability. Lastly,
the result of Pristyanik research (2016) concluded
that the CIRC type cooperative learning model can
improve students' ability in writing short story text.
These improvements can be seen from the activities
and student learning outcomes.
Based on the description, the problems are
formulated as follows: 1) how is the description of
the needs of teachers in intensive reading learning?
2) How is the description of the students' needs in
intensive reading learning? 3) Can CIRC's
cooperative learning model improve students'
intensive reading ability? 4) How students' responses
to learning use CIRC's cooperative learning model in
intensive reading?
The purpose of this research is: 1) to describe
teachers’ needs in intensive reading learning, 2) to
describe the students’ needs in intensive reading
learning, 3) to describe the learning process using
CIRC type cooperative model to improve students'
intensive reading ability, and 4) to know the
student's response to learning using CIRC
cooperative learning model in intensive reading.
The theoretical framework describes some of the
things related to this research namely, intensive
reading that describes the reading of content and has
language, cooperative learning model, CIRC
cooperative learning model that describes the
components, steps and advantages.
This research used an adapted R&D method
(research and development) by Sugiyono (2007).
The method is used as a reference with
modifications as needed in accordance with
conditions in the field. The modification is done to
find the right formulation to achieve the expected
learning outcomes. The selection of R&D method is
based on the purpose of the researcher to develop the
learning model. The researcher believes that the
modified flow of R&D methods is appropriate to
develop a learning model.
The R&D flow in detail begins with the literature
study, then it continued with field studies to see the
pattern of learning applied by the teacher. After
analyzing the finding, the researcher designed the
learning model that will be tested. The model design
is piloted to a specified limited sample, then
evaluated and corrected if there are weaknesses. The
results of the evaluation and subsequent
improvement serve as a hypothetical model. The
hypothetical model is then implemented in the
learning process in the classroom as the first stage of
implementation. It is then evaluated and refined if
there are still shortcomings or weaknesses, then re-
implemented as the second stage of implementation.
After that, it is evaluated and refined again if there
are weaknesses. The same process takes place until
the research gets the expected results.
The term of enforcement used in this study is a
modified form of broad-term testing in the R & D
method and is intended to conform to the purposes
of this study. The purpose of this study is mainly to
know the improvement of student learning outcomes
and observation results of teacher and student
activities in the implementation of learning models
on each enforcement.
The results of this study after expressed to meet
expectations for improvement achieved, then the
Development of Cooperative Integrated Model CIRC Typed (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) in Intensive Reading
next model is defined as a final model that can be
implemented into schools more broadly, especially
in high school.
The stages of R & D activities are prepared and
implemented by using the model cooperative CIRC
type is as figure 1.
Figure 1: Stages of Research and Development Activities
Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)
In accordance with the objectives, the results of this
study can be presented as follows. Concerning the
description of teachers 'needs in intensive reading
learning it can be identified that 1) the teacher
expects student involvement in the learning process,
(2) the teacher expects the students' courage to
express their opinions and suggestions on the issues
discussed in the group, and (3) students are active in
following class discussions.
Based on these results the initial findings of
learning activities it determines that students are still
awkward and afraid to make mistakes both when
arguing and when answering questions. Students still
lack confidence in their abilities. They are always
overshadowed by mistakes. It can be seen from the
students’ attitude who still seem to be shy in
conveying opinion.
The students' needs are as follows: 1) students
need low-risk, safe, comfortable, and fun learning
atmosphere, (2) students need learning process that
gives freedom to self-actualization, (3) students need
communication warmth between teacher-students,
and (4) students need the intensity of reinforcement
in the form of praise and flattery for positive
activities undertaken.
It is undeniable that the learning situation is safe,
comfortable, and fun will make the child feel at
home for long stay in the classroom. Similarly,
learning situations that give children greater freedom
to self-actualize will create class conditions full of
ideas and ideas. In addition, a teacher who is truly
able to play a motivator and class facilitator, will
foster self-confidence in children. In addition, the
intimate relationship between teachers and students
intensely reduces the burden of fear, insecurity, lack
of confidence in children. The key to successful
learning are the ability of teachers to build emotional
ties by creating student learning pleasure,
harmonious relationships, and removing threats from
the learning environment.
The most important thing that most teachers
forget about is giving praise or flattery. So far it is
often ignored, in fact the provision of reinforcement
in the form of praise and compliment can be
encouraging to the child's self-recognition.
The improvement of learning outcomes through
cooperative model of CIRC typed is seen from the
average of learning outcomes and the average of
observations in each enforcement. The average score
of evaluation of the enforcement I is 61.9,
enforcement II is 69.6, and the enforcement of III is
79.1. Meanwhile the rating of the average of
observations on the enforcement I shifted from
‘poor’ to ‘fair’. The rating of enforcement II
increased to ‘good’ and the enforcement III became
‘very good’. The students’ responses questionnaire
results are 5.3% classified ‘poor’ 36.9% ‘fair’,
44.2% ‘good’, and 12.4% is classified ‘very good’.
Intensive reading learning using CIRC-typed
cooperative model is implemented in three steps of
enforcement. The researcher designs the
instructional pattern according to the characteristics
of CIRC-typed cooperative model which is child
friendly. Using this instructional designed, the
researchers and partner teachers conduct
implementation of learning in the field. Together
with the partner teacher, the researcher carried out
an intensive recording of the learning process on
teacher’s and student’s activity observation sheet.
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
Researchers follow the ongoing process of learning
from the beginning to the end of the activity.
From the three steps of enforcement, the data
about the learning process in the form of a
description of the needs of teachers is obtained. This
data is then discussed and evaluated by the
researchers and teacher partners. The results are
expected to be the basis for improvement in the
learning process on the next implementation. All
deficiencies recorded are valuable findings for
improvements to subsequent enforcement.
In this step the partner teacher implements the
planned CIRC type cooperative model. The partner
teacher follows a rough path in each learning step.
After concluding the apperception, the partner's
teacher subsequently formed a heterogeneous
discussion group by setting each group of 4 students.
In the next step, the partner teacher gives the
topic that has been set for discussion. The partner
teacher asks each group to examine the topic first
and raise questions if there is something they don’t
understand. Partner teachers continually strive to
create learning conditions that allow students to be
more active and creative. Partner teacher always
motivate and direct students to discover their own
understanding and knowledge. In addition, partner
teachers provide guidance on what students should
do and try to generate and lead students to master
the problem. While continuing to create a conducive
learning atmosphere, partner teachers seek to and
find weaknesses that are considered to be an
On the next activities, the partner teacher asked
each group to present the results of the discussions
of the topics discussed. The partner teacher also asks
other groups to respond to the outcome of the
presentation critically and responsibly. Based on the
researchers' guidance, partner teachers conduct
activities that can lead students to parse and solve
their own problems.
Following the previous activity, the partner
teacher gives wide opportunity to the students to
express their opinions or comments and suggestions
on the topics discussed. Unfortunately, these efforts
and expectations did not get positive response from
students. At initial enforcement students still seemed
passive and had no courage to express opinions or
comments on the topics covered. It is seen from the
awkwardness of students. When the teacher asks one
of the students to try to give an opinion or comment
on the topic of discussion, the student still has not
shown the courage to contribute. Students still look
scared, shy, and lack confidence.
With the guidance and encouragement made by
partner teachers intensively, then some students
begin to attempt to give opinions or comments on
the topics covered. The courage of one of these
students gradually followed by other friends.
Teacher partners are really required to be able to
play the role well, i.e. as a facilitator and motivator
of student activities. With patience, perseverance,
and tenacity, partner teachers are constantly trying to
motivate students to be actively involved in the
learning process. Gradually the activity began to
show positive results.
Furthermore, the partner's teacher provides
explanations through short lectures and students
were invited to understand the topic correctly. It is
expected that in this activity the students are able to
find the conclusion of the problem. Student activity
is allowed to flow without teacher intervention. The
short lecture is intended only to clarify the intent of
the topic discussed. The lecture is also intended for
the issues discussed not to widen everywhere. The
lecture method is a learning method inherent in
every learning process, and the lecture method is
used to convey information or explanation on a
subject or a problem. Thus, the lecture method that
emerges in the midst of this learning process does
not become a dominating part at all.
In the next activities, students were asked to
report the results of the discussion related to topic
discussed. By this activity, it is expected that
students are able to conclude the topic discussed.
In the early stages of implementation of the
CIRC cooperative model, many obstacles are found.
Almost all partner schools report difficulty creating
dynamic class conditions. Students are not
accustomed to explore the material with their own
reasoning abilities. However, at a later stage the
situation becomes reversed, students begin to enjoy
this kind of learning model, especially adventurous
students. Meanwhile, other students also began to
show rapid development, mainly especially their
courage to participate in the learning process.
At the end of learning process, partner teachers
gave praise and compliment to the students who dare
to contribute to the discussion and proceed with
concluding the outcome of the discussion. Praise and
compliment is intended to encourage the growth and
development of students’ enthusiasm while
concluding the results of the discussion is intended
to strengthen the learning process that has been
Learning through the CIRC-type cooperative
model is not just a model of learning that is
concerned only with the end result, but further it can
Development of Cooperative Integrated Model CIRC Typed (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) in Intensive Reading
form positive characters and characters. To achieve
the success of learning, the involvement of students
in the process of active learning and the courage of
the students to argue is a necessity. This condition
illustrates the teacher’s need.
Based on field studies and interviews with
partner teachers before the research was conducted,
it was found that currently the partner teachers were
fixated on the conventional learning pattern using
only the classical method. This is done in addition to
the lack of facilities (related reading materials) as
well as the demand for curriculum and the final
examination of the national examination [UAN].
These demands cause the learning practices out of
the path. In fact, a partner teacher informed that
students in the final class are no longer getting the
usual learning materials. They are only treated and
taught UAN preparation materials only, or materials
that are tested in UAN later. Even more alarming
there are some schools that only hold UAN
problems drill of subjects to be tested. The policy
really impaired the world of education.
This fact cannot be denied, that currently
conventional learning application has internalized in
students: the students become passive learners i.e.
learning that only requires students to sit, be quiet,
and listen to the teacher's lecture.
During the implementation of learning, data on
the description of the needs of students is obtained
as follows. Basically, students need safe,
comfortable, and fun atmosphere. A safe and
comfortable learning atmosphere means that the
instructional model is set least threat and pressure,
while enjoyable learning is an instructional model
that is set up full of friendship, togetherness and
freedom. Such learning conditions will generate a
conducive classroom atmosphere, furthermore
creating a growing interest in student learning. This
fact demands a teacher's professionalism in
managing the class.
To create such learning atmosphere is on the
teacher’s hand; how a teacher can build an
emotional bond, build a harmonious relationship and
instill understanding to the student. A harmonious
relationship, and a pleasant classroom atmosphere
will have a profound effect on the growth of self-
confidence. In addition, the learning process which
is built full of humanists, giving students the
freedom to self-actualize, intensive emotional
bonding and communication warmth between
students and teachers, will greatly affect the success
of learning.
Based on that fact and the results obtained in the
implementation of CIRC cooperative instructional
model, it can be concluded that the core of the
picture of the needs of students is the creation of
learning settings that provide sufficient place for
students to self-actualize, low-threatened, safe,
comfortable, and fun class conditions, harmonious
relationship between teacher-students, as well as a
recognition and empowerment by teachers. The
latter two factors are capable of bringing a great
influence on learning outcomes. Often these
problems are ignored. In fact, it is considered
insignificant but has a great impact for students.
Giving reinforcement in the form of praise or
flattery for the positive behavior of students can
foster self-confidence.
Description of the needs of students in intensive
reading learning activities is a separate input for
partner teachers. The partner teacher realizes there
are many elements that can affect the success of
learning. However, so far, these things are often
ignored to meet the demands of UAN curriculum
and demands. The dilemma faced by these teachers
may be a matter of reflection for us.
Based on the results of the research and discussions
that have been described, it can generally be
concluded that learning using the CIRC type
cooperative model can improve students' intensive
reading skills if implemented by taking into account
the eight learning steps. The eight steps are: 1) the
intensity of the student's personal approach; 2) the
intensity of giving questions to the students; 3) the
intensity of motivation for student involvement; 4)
the intensity of attributing students' experiences to
the material; 5) the intensity of giving positive
reinforcement to student achievement; 6) the
intensity of the opportunity distribution to the
students in giving opinions and suggestions on the
material discussed; 7) the intensity of the
distribution of opportunity to the students in
answering teacher questions; and 8) the intensity of
provocation of feedback questions from students.
Learning through CIRC-type cooperative model
applied by taking into account the eight learning
steps not only can improve students' intensive
reading ability, but also can motivate students'
involvement in the learning process, encourage
students' courage to express their opinions and
contribute to the material discussed, to create student
creativity in following the activities of discussion
and eliminate shame, fear and lack of self
confidence in students.
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
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Development of Cooperative Integrated Model CIRC Typed (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) in Intensive Reading