apa? Dengan cara dialog. Pak JK saya kira
sudah banyak menyelesaikan konflik dengan
cara dialog untuk musyawarah, untuk sebuah
kemanfaatan bagi rakyat banyak. Penyelesaian
Tanah Abang, Waduk Pluit juga kita selesaikan
dengan cara dialog, bermusyawarah,
mengundang makan, mengajak musyawarah
kemudian menemukan manfaat dari pemindahan
(Democracy, in my opinion), is to hear the
people’s words and execute them. Therefore,
every day we come to the villages, the markets,
the river areas, the farmers, and the fish markets.
We do want to hear their words. What ways to
do? Dialogue. Pak JK, I think, has done it more.
The solution of Tanah Abang, Waduk Pluit have
been accomplished through a dialogue,
discussion, and having a meal together followed
with discussion for the advantages of relocation).
The utterance [1] implies that the speaker
acclaims on character of being closed to the people,
aware of their problems and responsive in solving
their problems. He behaves as what is commonly
called ‘blusukan’ (walking around in the low-
income areas). Such leadership style is not
performed by other politicians who prefer staying in
the office rather than walking around in the remote
areas as done by Joko Widodo. In fact, it is effective
in attracting people to do things what he wants. The
following utterance stated in example [2] explains
his acclaim on policy regarding with the system
employment in his governance.
The lingual marker of politeness strategy used by
the speaker is a ‘hedge’ of menurut kami (according
to us) indicating that the utterance [1] is performed
politely classified in negative politeness. Moreover,
the utterance is delivered in the form of indirect
speech also referring to negative politeness.
[2] (JW) Pembangunan sistem. Sistem yang seperti
apa? Telah kita lakukan dan telah kita buktikan,
baik waktu kami jadi Wali Kota maupun jadi
Gubernur, ‘e-budgeting’, ‘e-procurement’, ‘e-
purchasing’, ‘e-catalog’, ‘e-audit’, pajak on-line,
IMB on-line. Cara-cara seperti itulah yang saya
kira kita lakukan dan bisa dinasionalkan, Semua
daerah bisa, nasioanl bisa melakukan ini apabila
Jokowi dan JK diberi amanah untuk megang
pemerintahan ini.
(Sytem development. What system looks like?
We had done it and proved it when we were in
Solo and in Jakarta, such as e-budgeting, e-
procurement, e-purchasing, e-catalog, e-audit,
Tax on-line, IMB on-line. Such system will be
done and nationalized. All regions and areas may
be facilitated if Jokowi and JK is trusted to
handle the government).
The utterance [2] states that Joko Widodo
acclaims on policy of implementing successful
system during his governance in Solo and Jakarta.
Also, it will be done for his governance if he is
elected. The system is believed as an effective way
in anticipating the wrong practices for individual
benefits in governmental practices.
In the case of the verbal strategy used in the
utterance [2], Joko Widodo picks up a ‘hedge’ of
saya kira (I think) indicating that the utterance is
performed by using negative politeness. He also uses
the word kita (we) implied the inclusiveness for
which the utterance is soften or politely performed.
Prabowo Subianto also performs acclaims that is
considerably distinctive with what is done by Joko
Widodo. He tends to performs acclaims directly
reflecting a strong sound and words explaining his
acclaims. He states the following acclaim as in the
utterance [3] to answer the moderator’s question on
Tunggal Eka.
[3] (PS) Baik, terimakasih. Pertanyaan tadi adalah
kerangka hukum apa yang akan dibangun untuk
menjamin nilai Bhineka Tunggal Eka. Kalau kita
berbicara itu sebetulnya peranti hukum yang ada
di bangsa kita sudah cukup. Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945 sebetulnya sudah sangat jelas
apalagi dalam versi yang asli tanggal 18
Agustus 1945. Dan kami juga saya kira sudah
jelas dan tegas ya, kami yang mencalonkan
orang minoritas menjadi wakil gubenurnya
saudara Joko Widodo, saudara Ahok waktu itu
cukup kontroversial tetapi saya sebagai
pimpinan partai GERINDRA, ketua dewan
Pembina, sayalah yang keras mempertahankan
waktu ada serangan-serangan bahwa tidak baik
atau tidak mungkin orang minoritas menjadi
wakil gubenur.
(Alright, thank you. The question is what frame
of law that will be built to convince the values of
Bhineka Tunggal Eka. If we talk about it, the law
appliance we have is enough. Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945 is surely obvious for that, especially
the original version of 18
August 1945. And we
are also…, I think it is clear and sure that we
propose a candidate from minority community,
Ahok, as a vice governor of Joko Widodo. It is
so controversial, but I am a leader of
GERINDRA Party, the only person who strongly
defends on attacks stating that it not good and