the garden” the speaker is succes to prevent
recepient to enter the garden, with this speech,
speaker has done perlocutions.
As seen in Table III, researcher finds some verse
in 3
juz contain some form of prohibition, like
prohibition in fi’il mudhari continued by lam nahyi
and . Whereas in Table
IV, researcher find some verse in 3
juz contain
some prohibition whether from direct speech and
literal aspect or indirect speech and non-literal
To shorten the discussion, in this article
researcher will only explain about one example from
imperative and prohibition speech act. First,
imperative that using fi’il amr is verse 258 Al-
Baqarah. From direct speech and imperative literal
aspect, it included into direct speech and literal. It is
because direct speech using command sentence and
the purpose is the same with word that construct the
sentence. In imperative, the speaker is Ibrahim a.s.
and the recipient is King Nambrudz (Namrudz bin
Kus bin Kan’ȃn bin Sȃm bin Nȗha,s). Then
locutions from “
” is command. King Namrudz
asked to change the system of sunrise from east to
west to west to east. Then illocutions from “
” is li
ta’jîz (to weaken). This matter is expressed by
Baidhȃwi (1418) that “Command is to clarify
something that not clear with good example, that
decide to weaken the opponent from bring in the
sun, then it is not only to win debate with his
opponent.” Unclear example that mention before is
the example of Ibrahim who is his God can give him
life and death. But the opponent misunderstand the
meaning, then Namrudz says that can give life and
death too by cancel someone death penalty then kill
him after Namrudz cancel the death penalty.
Because the example still unclear for Namrudz, then
Ibrahim give another example like “Allah rise the
sun from east and set it up in west.” Then
perlocution act from “
” is King Namrudz will be
silent. This silent and astonishment according
Sya’rawi (1997) through three phase include
astonished, confused and fail to face it then doesn’t
want admit it. Second, one of prohibition that use
fi’il mudhari’ continue with lam nahyi is verse 286
Al-Baqarah. From direct speech and literal aspect, it
included to direct speech literal. That matter because
direct speech use command sentence, and the
meaning is same with the word that construct
sentence. Three prohibition can be find in this verse,
there are:
In this three prohibition, people may as recipient,
and Allah as speaker. Locution act from those
sentences mean prohibition. Mukmin prohibit Allah
not to punish them if they are forget or make a
mistake, charge them with same thing that Allah
gave to people before the, and charge them with
something that they can’t carry. Illocutions act of
those prohibitions is wish, a wish from mukmin to
Allah. Whereas perlocution from three prohibitions
are their wish not to punish them, not to charge them
with heavy responsibility that Allah gave to people
before them, and not to give them something that
they cannot bear.
After analysing imperative and prohibition data,
researcher finds that sometimes imperative and
prohibition didn’t use their real meaning but use
another meaning that can be interpret by reviewing
context and verse context. Another meaning from
imperative includes demanding, to weaken, show
His miracle, prohibition, warning, advice, teaching,
threatening, refusing, having attention, thankful,
hope, challenge. Whereas prohibition has another
meaning includes guide, command, advice, pray,
threat, and mubah.
Since researcher conduct science research about
pragmatic analysis of imperative and prohibition in
Quran 3
juz then try his best to find the answer of
questions that appear in this research, then
researcher conclude that:
a. There are some imperative in 3rd juz, such as:
1) Form aspect:
fi’il ‘amr, such as Q.S Albaqarah verse
254, 258, 259, 260, 278, 279, 281, 282,
286. And Q.S ali Imran verse 8, 12, 15,
16, 20, 26, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43, 50,
51, 52, 53, 61, 72, 79, 81, 84;
fi’il mudhari that continue with lam
‘amr, such as Q.S Albaqarah verse 283;
Isim fi’il amr, such as Q.S ali Imran
verse61 and 64;
Pragmatic Analysis of Imperative and Prohibition Speech Acts in Quran