this thematic book are more focused on the link
between Indonesian language learning materials
with other materials. Based on the results of the
analysis, the subject matter of Bahasa Indonesia in
the thematic textbooks has been integrated with
other lesson materials, forming a holistic content
material, resulting qualified textbooks.
The textbooks VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII are
Indonesian textbooks. The textbooks already contain
complete CC and BC. The textbooks present
discourses, how to understand discourses,
linguistics/literary facts, and the implications of a
complete and relevant discourse (supporting the
achievement of CC and BC). This can be seen from
the selection of discourse, discourse understanding,
facts of linguistic/literature, and the implications of
appropriate discourse. While the textbooks IX and
XI are not complete, the linguistics/literary facts do
not exist in all chapters.
4.2 Presentation Feasibility
Presentation feasibility means that the textbooks
have a good and systematics sequence in presenting
materials. There are nine textbooks that good and
systematics sequence in presenting materials, those
are textbooks I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, X, and XII.
The materials based on discourses, texts, images and
illustrations presented in all nine books is in
accordance with the facts, mentioning a clear source,
and in accordance with the level of understanding of
learners. The concepts and theories presented to
achieve BC also conform to the prevailing
definitions in the field of linguistics and literature.
The concepts and theories are used appropriately in
accordance with the phenomena discussed, and do
not generate much commentary. Descriptions and
examples through discourse, text, images, and
illustrations inculcate the conceptual demands from
easy to difficult, from concrete to abstract, from
simple to complex, from material just known to its
development. Examples presented also contain the
superiority of moral values, such as exemplary,
honesty, responsibility, discipline, cooperation, and
tolerance. In addition, the training, tasks, and
questions raised can measure students' mastery of
As for the other three textbooks (textbooks class
VI, IX, and XI) do not present the material
accurately. In the three textbooks there are several
discourses, texts, drawings, and illustrations
presented not mentioning a clear source. The
training presented in each chapter of the three
textbooks also lacks the understanding of learners so
that it needs to be further developed. In addition, in
the textbook XI concepts and theories about the
story structure is less precise.
4.3 Illustration Feasibility
Illustration feasibility means that the presented
material such as discourses, texts, images, and
illustrations in accordance with the development of
science, technology, and art relevant to the level of
understanding of learners. In addition, the references
presented are relevant, interesting, and reflects
events or conditions of the context.
In all textbooks (textbooks of I, II, III, IV, V, VI,
VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII) present material
(discourses, texts, images, and illustrations) in
accordance with the development of science,
technology, and art relevant to the level of
understanding of learners. The description of
features/examples /exercises also reflects existing
events. The materials, exercises, or examples
presented through discourse, text, images and
illustrations in all textbooks can open learners'
insights to recognize and appreciate cultural
differences, opinions, performances, and cultural
heritage of the nation, to know the spread of the
diversity of nature and living things, as well as
regional uniqueness. In addition, it can give
awareness to learners to proudly use the Indonesian
language so as to evoke a sense of togetherness in
building nationalism and strengthen the identity of
the Indonesian nation.
4.4 The structure of the Textbook
The structure of the textbook means that the
textbook presents the material in a systematics way,
clear, focused, and relevant to the subject matter
which can arouse the motivation and pleasure of the
students in learning. A good structure of textbook
must have a preliminary section (containing the
purpose of textbook writing, textbook systematics to
be followed, as well as other matters deemed
important to learners), content sections (containing
description, discourse, text, images, illustrations,
training, and other support), and conclusion section
(containing conclusion and summary). Based on
these criteria, textbooks of classes I, II, III, IV, V,
VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII fulfil the criteria of
systematic criteria. However, not all textbooks are
consistent in the presentation of each chapter. Only
the textbooks of classes I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII,
VIII, IX, and XI systematically present each chapter
of the book. The textbook are presented the material
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education