(Geertz 1976; Koentjaraningrat, 1989). The
requirements of changing a lengger into a ronggeng
are frequently connected to a belief of indhang
presence, a spirit possessing a ronggeng dancer. The
myth of a ronggeng dancer perfect beauty after
being possessed by indhang indicates how a
ronggeng dancer image is, that they should not only
be plump but also beautiful. This is the reason why
the procession to be a ronggeng dancer is considered
very sacred.
This image is then depicted in a variety of
literary works either spoken or written, or visual
(films). Pratista (2008) mention that films can be
defined as a tool to convey various messages to
people through a story medium. Films are not only
visual media offering entertainment. More than it,
films are media to transfer ideas to audiences. Films
are described as mass communication media as well.
Like literary works, films are expressed as cultural
documents representing society culture per se.
One of the films concerning on ronggeng
phenomenon is Sang Penari. The film adapted from
a novel entitled Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad
Tohari seems to be interesting for it re-appears a
ronggeng representation which up until now is
surrounded by negative image in our society,
particularly Javanese. Therefore, the present
research is intended to analyze how a ronggeng
image is depicted in Sang Penari the film.
The present research employed an analytical
descriptive research method by focusing the analysis
on textual analysis of Sang Penari the film. The
representation theory from Stuart Hall was applied
to read how the ronggeng image and dancers were
presented in the film.
Representation is viewed as an accurate
illustration of a reality. Hall (1997) defines
representation as a critical practice in producing
culture. The process is divided into two, which are
‘mental’ and ‘language’ representation. The ‘mental’
representation connects to abstract thing in mind
while ‘language’ representation relates to a process
of constructing meaning. The process is sensed as
how a world is reconstructed socially to and by us in
certain meaning.
Two key words in representation is to understand
it as a language use for expressing or represent
meaning to people. In connection to ronggeng image
representation in Sang Penari the film, the analysis
is focused on meaning of the second key word which
is a language use to represent meaning to people.
3.1 Ronggeng Illustration in Sang
Penari the Film
The ronggeng in Sang Penari the film was
illustrated by figuring Surti and Srintil. Surti, played
by Happy Salma, was only appeared in several
scenes in the opening. Surti was narrated to pass
away by a poisonous bongkrek tempeh tragedy
which also killed some villagers of Dukuh Paruk.
Through Surti, Srintil, the character played by Prisia
Nasution, was then interested with ronggeng.
Little Srintil once watched a ronggeng show in
Dukuh Paruk when the ronggeng danced was Surti.
From her interest, Srintil became fond of dancing
and singing. When she was five years old, she had
shown the talent of dancing and singing. Moreover,
Sakarya (Srintil’s grandfather), played by Landung
Simatupang, assured that Srintil talent was not just a
talent, but also possessed by indhang.
Growing to be a beautiful and plump girl, Srintil
was pointed as the Dukuh Paruk ronggeng by the
assistance of a ronggeng shaman named Kartaredja,
played by Slamet Rahardjo, and his wife (Nyai
Kartaredja), played by Dewi Irawan.
Being a ronggeng was Srintil’s dream since she
was little. By being a ronggeng, she did not only
pursuit her dream. More than it, she could devote
herself to Dukur Paruk and Eyang Sacamanggala,
the ancestor believed by people to protect the
village. Besides, she was able to regain her family
dignity which was lost for several years due to the
tragedy of poisonous bongkrek tempeh made by her
parents (Santayib couple) that caused some villagers
losing their lives.
3.2 Eroticism and Sensuality of
Sensuality refers to the word ‘sense’. This
understanding refers to individuals’ sexual
imagination meaning towards the object they see.
This imagination comes from someone sensory
towards someone else body which at the end
emerging enjoyable experience. Jennifer L. Hillman
in her book “Clinical perspective on elderly
sexuality”, clarifies that the enjoyable experience
will result on pleasure gotten from other people
sexual activities that felt by his/her sense.
Nevertheless, sensuality is not only obtained by
involving other people as the object, but also
through things, pictures, sounds that directly touch
the sense (William, 2005; Satria, 2013).