Communication Style Figure of Hajj Agus Salim in Determining
Effective Strategy to Achieve Diplomacy Goals
Yulis Sulistiana Dewi
, Dadang Sunendar
, Vismaia S. Damaianti
and Dadang Anshori
Indonesian lecturer at Fakultas Syari’ah dan hukum, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Haji Agus Salim, Communication Style, Diplomat, Strategy, Negotiation.
Abstract: Communication is an important part of everyday human life. As social beings, intercommunication between
individuals, groups and individuals, as well as within and outside the country, is very necessary and requires
the ability to communicate. In communication, there is negotiation as the core of diplomacy. Diplomacy
emphasizes win-win solution which means win and agreement to both parties. This study as a documentary
study was conducted to analyse the literature, videos, and photographs of Haji Agus Salim as a master
diplomat with his skill in mastering more than nine languages, clever jokes, a keen intellectual, and
extensive knowledge so as to be steadily negotiating. The results revealed that the triumph of Haji Agus
Salims’ diplomacy is evident in the various strategies undertaken, both on the process until the achievement
of recognition. Especially regarding Indonesian independence which then recognised both as de facto and de
jure by world community, which all Indonesian citizen felt very proud of.
Communication is a basic activity that people do in
many ways and activities. As social beings, humans
always need others (Ami, 1992). By communicating,
each person will understand and support one another
as John Peters (Wood, 2009) suggests that
communication in life will help people to understand
interpersonal, to perceive each individual, and to
influence each other's thoughts. The ideal
communication is directly face-to-face, but it can
also be indirectly using either verbal or nonverbal
intermediaries (Begley, 2010).
In fact, not everyone can easily communicate, let
alone what he faces is a lot of people. Vivian (2015)
explained that the communication would be different
if faced by thousands of people compared to talking
to a friend. There are many obstacles both from the
private, the other, and from the media that must be
used. In direct communication body language and
mimic will be seen clearly, different if in indirect
communication. There is media usage, such as
phone, email, or mail. Apart from the advantages
and disadvantages of direct and indirect
communication, there is an influence of intonation
and body language when people communicate
verbally and the use of punctuation in written
communication. Intonation, body language, and
punctuation make one's words meaningful. Both
spoken and written have tone pressures that will give
rise to distinctive features and can be interpreted
differently or equally by the other person. This is
what is called communication style. Everyone who
speaks will have different styles with each other.
Liliweri (2011) explains that, in fact, each person
will combine several communication styles even
though there are one or two dominant styles in him.
This communication style will be used to
determine the right strategy by everyone in various
events. However, many who have not been able to
practice the proper style of communication in
everyday life so that emerges a misunderstanding
that triggered the conflict. One real example
occurred in college. Students are less able to
communicate the message well so that many
misunderstandings occur, both among the students
themselves, with the lecturers, and the campus. Of
course this is very harmful and unpleasant for both
parties and hinder the achievement of learning
On the other hand, if appropriate, communication
styles will benefit because the core of
communication is the element of negotiation and
Dewi, Y., Sunendar, D., Damaianti, V. and Anshori, D.
Communication Style Figure of Hajj Agus Salim in Determining Effective Strategy to Achieve Diplomacy Goals.
DOI: 10.5220/0007175508080812
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 808-812
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
negotiation is the art and practice of diplomacy.
Djelantik (2015) insists that diplomacy requires both
parties to the conflict to win and an agreement
between them. But the facts in diplomacy can be a
mistake in negotiations because (1) are unaware of
the situation, (2) misunderstanding the process, and
(3) lacking negotiation skills. One of the nation's
leaders who have the best communication style is
Haji Agus Salim. In a book written by the Warning
Committee (1996) it is explained that his ability to
master more than nine languages, extensive
experience, the ability to joke is a valuable asset
from Haji Agus Salim. With a flexible
communication style, humorous, assertive, Haji
Agus Salim is known as a scholar, expert foreign
languages, and a great debater. One of the most
phenomenal of his services, is able to negotiate with
the Dutch, diplomacy with PM Nokhrashi Pasha
from Egypt and other Arab countries so that
Indonesia's independence is recognized de facto and
de jure.
Seeing the various skills and expertise in
diplomacy, came the thought to gather the important
knowledge of the various diplomatic events
conducted by Haji Agus Salim. This important
knowledge will contribute knowledge to students in
the science and practice of speaking skills, both
within academia and general public.
Qualitative approach used in this research with
descriptive analysis. According to Sukmadinata
(2011), qualitative descriptive research is aimed to
describe and describe the existing phenomena, both
natural and human engineering, which concern more
about the characteristics, quality, and
interrelationship between the activities.
In addition, descriptive research does not provide
treatment, manipulation, or alteration to the
variables studied, but rather describes a condition as
it is. The only treatment given is only the research
itself, which is done through collecting techniques
with documentary studies that collect documents and
data needed in the research problem and studied
intensely so as to support and increase the
confidence and proof of an event. This
documentation is in the form of literature, video, and
Qualitative descriptive research is a series of
activities to obtain data that is what it is without any
in certain conditions, the result is more emphasis on
The research findings generated in needs analysis
serve as the basis for collecting, understanding, and
assessing data as a form of support to improve the
quality of learning and the quality of learners.
Comprehensively, this research is part of a
strategic step in achieving the quality and quality of
education by optimizing the ability of students to
skilled in Indonesian language, namely the skills of
speaking so as to apply it on campus or outside
campus. Documentation studies conducted in this
study are in accordance with the results of studies of
literatures, videos, and photographs obtained from
reliable sources. The following is presented research
data relating to the communication style of Haji
Agus Salim in determining the effective strategy to
reach the goal of diplomacy.
3.1 Haji Agus Salim in Political,
Organizational, and Government
Haji Agus Salim's data is quoted from Tempo
Magazine, Issue 12-18 August 2013, ISSN: 0126-
4273, among others:
1905-1911 works at the Dutch Consulate in
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as well as deepening
Islam and Hajj;
1012-1915 founded the private Hollandsch-
Inlandsche School (HIS) in Koto Gadang;
1915 became the Central Executive of the
Central Sarekat Islam;
1917 became Neratja Daily reporter for a year,
worked at Balai Pustaka until 1919, then
became editor of Bataviaasch Nieuwsblas;
1921-1924 became a member of the
Volksraad (People's Council) as a
representative of the Sarekat Islam;
1927 with H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto published
the Fadjar Asia daily, then headed the Mustika
daily in Yogyakarta in 1931-1932;
1933 became Chairman of the Board of the
Indonesian Sarekat Islam Party, but came out
three years later and founded the Alert Party;
1940-1945 Disabled from politics and
charcoal trade;
1945 becomes a member of the Indonesian
Agency for the Preparation of Indonesian
1945-1946 became a member of the Supreme
Advisory Council of the Republic of
Indonesia. After that, he became a foreign
minister several times;
Communication Style Figure of Hajj Agus Salim in Determining Effective Strategy to Achieve Diplomacy Goals
April 4, 1947 Chairman of diplomatic
missions to the Middle East and attending the
United Nations Security Council meeting;
19 December 1948 Dutch captured him along
with Sukarno and Hatta, exiled them to
Berastagi, Parapat, Bangka and just returned
to the capital of Yogyakarta on July 6, 1949;
January 17, 1953 became a guest lecturer of
Islamic religion at Cornell University, Ithaca,
and attended the Islamic Symposiums at
Princeton University. Back to Indonesia on 26
November 1953;
4 November 1954 Agus Salim dies at 4 pm at
Jakarta hospital after a few days of sickness.
The next day he was burried in Kalibata Hero
Cemetery, Jakarta;
December 27, 1961 Haji Agus Salim is
designated as a Hero of Independence.
3.2 Haji Agus Salim in Various
The first international de jure recognition by Egypt
over the sovereignty of Indonesia and then backed
by the Arab countries (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi
Arabia and Yemen) respectively to the proclamation
of Indonesian Independence August 17, 1945
evidence of the cold hand of Haji Agus Salim.
Furthermore, Haji Agus Salim appeared confident
by clenched his hands on the UN Security Council
stage (Tempo, 2013).
According to Agung (1983), when the Dutch
conducted a military offensive, Indonesia politically
rose to its rank. The Arab League sent its special
envoy to Jogja at the beginning of February 1947. It
was responded intelligently by Indonesia in various
state visits with delegations under the leadership of
Haji Agus salim to Cairo, Egypt, Damascus (Syria),
Baghdad. Haji Agus Salim, moved quickly and
intelligently by looking at the situation when the
Dutch conducted Military Aggression 1, made
various state visits so that the Saudi Arabian
Government initially hesitantly became steadfast to
recognize de jure RI.
Salim was instrumental in various negotiations.
Its role, both in the Renville agreement and the
Linggarjati Agreement, is very meaningful in the
negotiation settlement, although it is not considered
official (Santosa, 2009).
3.3 The ability of Haji Agus Salim
In a book compiled by the Warning Committee
(1996) Haji Agus Salim mastered about a dozen
languages, including Dutch, English, German,
French, Arabic, and a little Japanese and Turkish.
On page 137, Haji Agus Salim in official friendship
visits supporting Indonesia. Pak Salim has three
lectures in different languages, French at the Royal
Geographic Institute, English in the Hall of Fouad I
University (Cairo University now) and Arabic in the
Union Building of Journalists of Egypt).
Prof. Schermerhon, the Dutch representative in
the Linggarjati Negotiations has his own testimony
of Haji Agus Salim written in his diary, Monday
night, October 14, 1946, 21.15 pm, as a very
intelligent person, a genius in language, speaks and
writes perfectly in nine languages (Santosa, 2009).
In addition, in Merdeka (2013) Britain and France
praised his English and French proficiency when
Agus Salim attended the International Labour
Conference in Geneva which ousted him as an
adviser to the Dutch labour delegation.
3.4 Effective Strategy of Haji Agus
Salim in Diplomacy
In the history of Indonesia, Haji Agus Salim is
remembered as an Islamic thinker, movement figure,
and as "Grand Old Man of the Republic" for his role
in the history of the independence revolution (1945-
1949) (Suradi, 2014). In addition Pak Salim is also
considered not only a master diplomat, but also the
first Indonesian diplomat (Salam, 1964).
According to Zulkifli (2013), Haji Agus Salim’s
magnificent diplomacy ability is also can be
measured from his negotiating skills with the Dutch
and Egyptians so that Egypt recognizes the de jure
of Indonesian independence. The next strategy, Haji
Agus Salim made a visit to the Arab countries as a
reply visit mission. Done with diplomatic missions
to the Arab countries, Haji Agus Salim's journey
continues to the United States, as full representative
of Indonesia to talk to the UN Security Council if
the Indonesian dispute with the Dutch is discussed.
Success is gained by the diplomatic skill of Haji
Agus Salim, Sutan Sjahrir, Charles Tambu,
Soedjatmoko, and Suminto Djojohadikusumo.
Haji Agus Salim is known as a diplomat, a lively
debater, and sharp in criticism. Flexibility in
communicating, arguing, parrying when attacked by
the other person, immediately answered if
interrupted, and able to make his opponent as a
laughing stock. Straightforward speech is able to
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
provoke other countries to hold special
conversations, such as with England. Even the Dutch
recognize Haji Agus Salim as a native-born native
diplomat (Santosa, 2009).
4.1 Communication Style of Hajj Agus
Salim in Diplomation
A diplomat like Haji Agus Salim possesses the most
powerful interpersonal style of communication skills
to change one's attitudes, opinions, and behaviours
for several reasons:
Haji Agus Salim as a communicator who can
immediately know the frame of reference
communicant fully and intact;
Intellectual ability in dialogical
communication in which the communicator
can directly communicate his style;
Communication face to face each other, Haji
Agus Salim witnessed facial expressions,
attitudes, gestures as a nonverbal language in
the process of communication took place.
The nation's leaders use mouth and tongue to
fight for the fate of the people, the nation, and the
state of Indonesia. Haji Agus Salim is well-deserved
as a nation figure with his communication style
striving to prepare for Indonesian independence,
forming the basis of the state, active in the
independence of Indonesia, and maintaining
independence. He realized that Indonesia was free
from colonialism to recognize the whole country de
facto and de jure. People of this nation as a very
genius in communicating and has a lot of experience
capable of convincing other countries to recognize
the independence of Indonesia.
Haji Agus Salim is a communications diplomacy
expert from an early age. Its competency is so
remarkable that he is famous as the Father of
Indonesian Diplomacy. In addition Haji Agus
Salim's nickname was "The Grand Old Man Haji
Agus Salim" and as "Father of Nations for the
People of the Nation".
4.2 Effective Strategy Used by Hajj
Agus Salim Nationals to Achieve
Diplomacy Goals
Diplomats met intensive face-to-face to work
together by expressing one's preferences and
competition to avoid misunderstanding. When
negotiating, what is spoken and emotional cues from
diplomats is taken seriously. The choice of words,
the tone of speech, and the movement of one's body
and hands carries emotional information that reflects
how one perceives the situation (Wong, 2016).
The role and function of diplomats is one of the
factors that determine the success of a diplomatic
mission, therefore there are various conditions that
must be owned by a diplomat. Roy (1991) revealed
that there are three main requirements that must be
owned by a diplomat, namely: (1) Communication.
A diplomat must be able to communicate well in
carrying out diplomatic missions, especially
mastering the language aspects because language is
the most important communication tool in the
international order. (2) Personality and intellectual
level. A diplomat is required to have a personality
that is disciplined and responsible in carrying out
diplomatic missions, because the attitude and appeal
of a diplomat can affect the judgment of others
against him. This is an important requirement
because diplomats are regarded as eyes, ears, and
mouths to represent their country in dealing with
other countries. (3) Negotiations. This is the most
important requirement, because a diplomat must be
able to sell his country's foreign policy objectives
and thus be required to have good negotiating skills
in order to achieve the interests of his country (Roy,
1991). Negotiation is an attempt to reach an
agreement with the opposite of the negotiation so
that the goal is reached.
Haji Agus Salim as an effective communicator
that has credibility and attractiveness. Credibility is
determined by the degree of skill, experience, skill,
honesty and position. This credibility increases the
power of opinion change, attitudes, and actions of
the communicant. (Shoelhi, 2011) The credibility of
Haji Agus Salim is determined by the expertise of
communicative language and the art of speaking.
Experience diplomacy and live abroad, interesting
speaking and gesture, honesty proved that he is also
a scholar so that the title of Kiayi Haji Agus Salim,
and served as Chairman of the Party of Sarikat Islam
and by government as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The attraction is determined by the degree of
ability to give beliefs in harmony with the ratio and
the way of thinking (Shoelhi, 2011). A person with a
capability on the level of Haji Agus Salim's ability to
give beliefs in harmony with the ratio and the way of
thinking of the communicant. The appeal of Haji
Agus Salim is able to motivate communicant to pay
attention and follow what communicator said in the
effort of opinion formation and behaviour change.
Communication Style Figure of Hajj Agus Salim in Determining Effective Strategy to Achieve Diplomacy Goals
This is evident in the leadership of the countries of
Egypt, India, and Arab countries recognize the
independence of Indonesia.
Effective communication according to Shoelhi
(2011) is communications made with his
communicant’s language. Haji Agus Salim is able to
speak Dutch, English, German, French, Arabic,
Japanese and Turkish. If you look at Haji Agus
Salim mastered 3 of the 5 official languages of the
United Nations namely English, French, Arabic,
German, and Russian.
Good language mastery is not sufficiently
demonstrated by the mastery of grammar, its rules,
the mastery of vocabulary and oral spoken tongue,
but also the knowledge of language and language
(Shoelhi, 2011). Language is a system of symbols of
arbitrary sound (the absence of a relationship
between the symbol of sound and the object)
produced by the human speech utensil and used by
the communications, cooperation and self-
identification society. In communicating using the
language in its delivery. Language has several
functions, including as a tool to communicate with
fellow human beings, tools to work with fellow
human beings, tools to identify themselves.
Basically, language as a communication tool is not
only verbally, but also uses hand sign language or
other body parts.
Haji Agus Salim known as The Grand old Man has
the ability of the most powerful interpersonal
communication style to change attitude, opinion, and
behaviour so that people can be influenced as proven
by his achievement to get the recognition of
Indonesian independence both de facto and de jure.
The ability of diplomacy is demonstrated by the
effective strategy of Haji Agus Salim figure who has
good communication skills, excellent personality,
and high intellectual level, also magnificent
negotiating skill. This is supported by his ability to
convince opponents with expertise, experience,
skills, honesty and position, and also his mastery of
more than nine languages as a provision to negotiate.
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education