Basic Chemitry Laboratory Works Based on Maritim Culture Analysis
Dwi Laksmiwati, Eka Junaidi, Aliefman Hakim
Most of Indonesia's territory is a maritime area, so it is important that education in Indonesia should be based on the maritime culture. This is in line with the field studies that the people who live along the coast of the island of Lombok-Sumbawa have knowledge of sciences, including chemistry. These knowledges such as the selection of metal materials in terms of its resistance to the process of corrosion when exposed to seawater, or used of certain substances to neutralize toxic venom poison, and other life skills that have contains chemistry. The maritime culture of the community can be integrated into the learning of chemistry. Chemistry as part of science, is an experimental science whose development and application demand high standards on experimental work. The integration of maritime culture into the general chemistry laboratory will be able to realize meaningful learning.
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in Harvard Style
Laksmiwati D., Junaidi E. and Hakim A. (2017). Basic Chemitry Laboratory Works Based on Maritim Culture Analysis.In 2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES, ISBN 978-989-758-331-5, pages 68-72. DOI: 10.5220/0007298700680072
in Bibtex Style
author={Dwi Laksmiwati and Eka Junaidi and Aliefman Hakim},
title={Basic Chemitry Laboratory Works Based on Maritim Culture Analysis},
booktitle={2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES,},
in EndNote Style
JO - 2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES,
TI - Basic Chemitry Laboratory Works Based on Maritim Culture Analysis
SN - 978-989-758-331-5
AU - Laksmiwati D.
AU - Junaidi E.
AU - Hakim A.
PY - 2017
SP - 68
EP - 72
DO - 10.5220/0007298700680072