Self Construction Animation Software to Improve Junior High School Students’ Understanding to the Science Concept
Diana Rochintaniawati, Rika Rafikah, Yayan Sanjaya
The study of Self Construction Animation Software aims to improve student understanding to the science content by using constructed animation software. Methodology used for the study was Research and Development (R & D), which was carried out in two stages. The first stage of research resulted in storyboard and software animation in a form of flash media. The second stage of research was tested the software in science learning in Junior High School. Quasi experiment pretest-posttest design was utilized to test the software. The study resulted that the software was characterized by: self-construction where students build their own understanding by manipulating the software, accurate picture and information, interesting picture and diagram. The result of quasi experiment showed that the use of software can improve students understanding to the science concepts (environment, plant structure and human digestion system) in good category. The hypothesis was tested by Man U Whitney resulted in α = 0,00 (< 0.005), means that the experiment class which utilize software was better improving students’ understanding to the science concept compared to the control class which use power point media. The study suggests that development of self construction animation should be accompanied by the manual to assist both teacher and students in using the software.
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in Harvard Style
Rochintaniawati D., Rafikah R. and Sanjaya Y. (2017). Self Construction Animation Software to Improve Junior High School Students’ Understanding to the Science Concept.In 2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES, ISBN 978-989-758-331-5, pages 112-116. DOI: 10.5220/0007299601120116
in Bibtex Style
author={Diana Rochintaniawati and Rika Rafikah and Yayan Sanjaya},
title={Self Construction Animation Software to Improve Junior High School Students’ Understanding to the Science Concept},
booktitle={2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES,},
in EndNote Style
JO - 2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES,
TI - Self Construction Animation Software to Improve Junior High School Students’ Understanding to the Science Concept
SN - 978-989-758-331-5
AU - Rochintaniawati D.
AU - Rafikah R.
AU - Sanjaya Y.
PY - 2017
SP - 112
EP - 116
DO - 10.5220/0007299601120116