Primary School Students’ Submicroscopic Representation Level on Greenhouse Effect at Urban Educational Area
Rendi Restiana Sukardi, Hayuni Retno Widarti, Lia Nurlela
Analysis of primary school students’ conceptual understanding shows that students are able to explain the conception of greenhouse effect with similar diction on written test. Therefore, the research aims to obtain an accurate students’ conception related to greenhouse effect by seeing sub-microscopic representation level. The research was a descriptive study which involved 87 primary school students aged 10-12 in one of urban educational areas in West Java. The instrument was an open essay which asked students to draw and describe the greenhouse effect. Students’ drawings were analysed by using modified framework from Kose (2008). The result shows that 13.80% of primary school students have a comprehensive representation of greenhouse effect. It is dominated by the visual explanation. Meanwhile, 86.20% of primary school students have misconceptions of greenhouse effect. These misconceptions are supported by verbal explanation dominantly. Furthermore, misconceptions are the greenhouse effect caused by great number of buildings made of glasses, depletion of ozone layer, ozone layer leaks, and hot haze that is produced by organic and inorganic combustion. The investigation indicates that the conception is influenced by students’ prior knowledge and several teachers’ analogies related to greenhouse effect. Teachers’ analogies make a cognitive conflict for students.
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in Harvard Style
Sukardi R., Widarti H. and Nurlela L. (2017). Primary School Students’ Submicroscopic Representation Level on Greenhouse Effect at Urban Educational Area.In 2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES, ISBN 978-989-758-331-5, pages 178-183. DOI: 10.5220/0007300701780183
in Bibtex Style
author={Rendi Restiana Sukardi and Hayuni Retno Widarti and Lia Nurlela},
title={Primary School Students’ Submicroscopic Representation Level on Greenhouse Effect at Urban Educational Area},
booktitle={2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES,},
in EndNote Style
JO - 2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES,
TI - Primary School Students’ Submicroscopic Representation Level on Greenhouse Effect at Urban Educational Area
SN - 978-989-758-331-5
AU - Sukardi R.
AU - Widarti H.
AU - Nurlela L.
PY - 2017
SP - 178
EP - 183
DO - 10.5220/0007300701780183