Efforts to Enhance the Activity and Learning Outcomes of Social Sciences in Class V using Model SOBRY - Improve, Organize, Ask, Worth and Justify

Abdul Mu'min Saud, Fuji Fauziah



This research aims to enhance the activity and student learning outcomes in study Social Sciences subject of natural features and man-made in Indonesia in fifth grade students at elementary school by using the model SOBRY (Convey, Organize, inquiry, Celebrate and Assure). This research is motivated by the lack of activity of students during the learning takes place which impact on student learning outcomes that are less encouraging. This study uses a Class Action Research which is a mix between quantitative methods and qualitative and consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Evaluation techniques used in this study is the engineering test and non-test. Mechanical tests to determine learning outcomes for students and non-test techniques to determine the activity of students and teacher activity. The results showed that the use of models SOBRY (Convey, Organize, inquiry, Celebrate and Assure) may enhance the activity of learning and learning outcomes in the Social Sciences. It can be seen from the increase in the percentage of completeness learning outcomes of the first cycle to the second cycle, as well as increased activity of students in learning.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Saud A. and Fauziah F. (2017). Efforts to Enhance the Activity and Learning Outcomes of Social Sciences in Class V using Model SOBRY - Improve, Organize, Ask, Worth and Justify.In 2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES, ISBN 978-989-758-331-5, pages 239-244. DOI: 10.5220/0007301902390244

in Bibtex Style

author={Abdul Mu'min Saud and Fuji Fauziah},
title={Efforts to Enhance the Activity and Learning Outcomes of Social Sciences in Class V using Model SOBRY - Improve, Organize, Ask, Worth and Justify},
booktitle={2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES,},

in EndNote Style


JO - 2nd Asian Education Symposium - Volume 1: AES,
TI - Efforts to Enhance the Activity and Learning Outcomes of Social Sciences in Class V using Model SOBRY - Improve, Organize, Ask, Worth and Justify
SN - 978-989-758-331-5
AU - Saud A.
AU - Fauziah F.
PY - 2017
SP - 239
EP - 244
DO - 10.5220/0007301902390244