The Role of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Management in Spina Bifida Patient with CTEV: A Case Report

Yohan Christian Suisan, S.M. Mei Wulan



Introduction: Spina bifida is a congenital abnormality where the neural tube fails to close during embryonic development. It can be seen as the loss of spinous process of the spine. The worldwide incidence of Neural Tube Defect ranges from 1 to 10 per 1,000 births. A 2013 study in the USA showed that hospitalizations related to spina bifida cost more than $600 million in 2013. Case Diagnosis: Spina bifida + CTEV + hydrocephalus. Case Presentation: A 9-month-old boy presented with paraplegia and equinovarus deformities on both feet. He had undergone serial casting and it was planned by an Orthopedic Surgeon to have Achilles tenotomy surgery soon. Pirani score was 3.5/3.5 for both feet. He had a ventriculoperitoneal shunt implanted for his hydrocephalus. He had a ping pong ball-sized mass on his lumbar spine when he was born. It had already been operated on. He had bladder incontinence and bowel retention. He couldn’t maintain his head and trunk in an upright position. Hand function was good. Discussion: The goal for this patient was independent ambulation with a wheelchair. Therefore, it was compulsory for him to be able to maintain a sitting position without holding on. The rehabilitation program included strengthening of neck muscles, back extensors and abdominal muscles, and left and right upper extremities. We also stimulated and facilitated the patient’s transfer ability, starting from rolling, transfer from lying to sitting with help, and then sitting independently. These programs were done for 8 months and now the patient can maintain a sitting position with his arms free. During the process, the patient underwent Achilles tenotomy and we gave him a Dennis-Brown splint. His mother was instructed to give digital stimulation every morning in order to stimulate defecation. Conclusion: A comprehensive rehabilitation program improves development of a child with spina bifida to achieve his full potential despite his limitation


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Suisan Y. and Wulan S. (2017). The Role of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Management in Spina Bifida Patient with CTEV: A Case Report.In Proceedings of the International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine - Volume 1: IMRM, ISBN 978-989-758-334-6, pages 159-162. DOI: 10.5220/0007317901590162

in Bibtex Style

author={Yohan Christian Suisan and S.M. Mei Wulan},
title={The Role of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Management in Spina Bifida Patient with CTEV: A Case Report},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine - Volume 1: IMRM,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine - Volume 1: IMRM,
TI - The Role of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Management in Spina Bifida Patient with CTEV: A Case Report
SN - 978-989-758-334-6
AU - Suisan Y.
AU - Wulan S.
PY - 2017
SP - 159
EP - 162
DO - 10.5220/0007317901590162