The Communication Strategy in Marketing Based on Moslem’s Book

Andri Astuti, Andre Rahmanto



The development of book publisher in Indonesia is getting growing up well. Business competition in book publisher companies is more complex that makes PT. Indiva Media Kreasi designed a marketing communication strategy in facing the fierce competition. Marketing communication is a concept that underlies the company’s efforts to integrate and coordinate as carefully and precisely in its various communication channels in order to convey a consistent message and persuasive about the organization and its products. This study examines how marketing communication strategies conducted by PT. Indiva Media Kreasi in competing with other publishers. The research used descriptive qualitative method with case study. Data were obtained by in-depth interview techniques, observation, and document analysis. The research used narrative data analysis. The results showed that various types of marketing communication strategies have been done in maximum efforts, so that PT. Indiva Media Kreasi consistent in production. Its marketing strategy is integrated with promotional activities that run regularly with various methods according to product type and focus on its target market. PT.Indiva Media Kreasi runs marketing of communication strategy includes a mixed of marketing communication. A mixed of marketing communication that is used such as advertisement through facebook, twitter, instagram. Then, it’s published by printing and electronic media, public relations by blog which the marketing communication by internet and word of mouth through short story writing and coloring competition. Some mixed marketing communication strategy by PT. Indiva Media Kreasi is advertisement, is more effective.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Astuti A. and Rahmanto A. (2017). The Communication Strategy in Marketing Based on Moslem’s Book.In Proceedings of the International Post-Graduate Conference on Media and Communication - Volume 1: IPCOMC, ISBN 978-989-758-337-7, pages 95-100. DOI: 10.5220/0007325000950100

in Bibtex Style

author={Andri Astuti and Andre Rahmanto},
title={The Communication Strategy in Marketing Based on Moslem’s Book},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Post-Graduate Conference on Media and Communication - Volume 1: IPCOMC,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the International Post-Graduate Conference on Media and Communication - Volume 1: IPCOMC,
TI - The Communication Strategy in Marketing Based on Moslem’s Book
SN - 978-989-758-337-7
AU - Astuti A.
AU - Rahmanto A.
PY - 2017
SP - 95
EP - 100
DO - 10.5220/0007325000950100