Building a Professional Brand Based on Online Media and Work Readiness in the Era of Talent War

Primadhany Kartana Putri



This study examines the correlation between building a professional brand based on online media with the work readiness in the era of talent war. The study evaluates of the use of social media and online media for employment, job purposes, and career success (McCarthy, 2015), (Johnson, 2017), (Laborvich, 2014) and (Cooper, 2014). The Expectation Value is the theory approach that is used in this research. This research uses descriptive quantitative method to explain causality relationship between variables. To answer the hypothesis, the Pearson correlation and p value tests method are used in this research analysis. The result of the analysis Personal Web, Blog, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Skype have correlation with the work readiness in the era of talent war with significant p value of each < 0.05. The Social Networking is one of the five of dimensions of the building a professional brand based on online media which has not correlation with work readiness in the era of talent war, because the significant p value is > 0.05. Blog is variable X which has the strongest correlation with variable Y, with r value is 0.467


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Kartana Putri P. (2017). Building a Professional Brand Based on Online Media and Work Readiness in the Era of Talent War.In Proceedings of the International Post-Graduate Conference on Media and Communication - Volume 1: IPCOMC, ISBN 978-989-758-337-7, pages 171-180. DOI: 10.5220/0007326301710180

in Bibtex Style

author={Primadhany Kartana Putri},
title={Building a Professional Brand Based on Online Media and Work Readiness in the Era of Talent War},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Post-Graduate Conference on Media and Communication - Volume 1: IPCOMC,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the International Post-Graduate Conference on Media and Communication - Volume 1: IPCOMC,
TI - Building a Professional Brand Based on Online Media and Work Readiness in the Era of Talent War
SN - 978-989-758-337-7
AU - Kartana Putri P.
PY - 2017
SP - 171
EP - 180
DO - 10.5220/0007326301710180