Characteristics of Glucose Tolerance, Energy Expenditure, Lactic Acid Level, and Oxygen Saturation in Indonesian Diabetes Dance Version 6
Irfiansyah Irwadi, Bambang Purwanto
Abstract: Objective: One approach of the Indonesian Diabetes Association (PERSADIA) to prevent glucose intolerance, which is the first sign of the course of diabetes mellitus progression, is through increased programmed and measurable physical activity, such as dance. This study aims to determine the effect of diabetes dance version 6 on oxygen saturation, energy expenditure, lactic acid levels and glucose tolerance. Methodology: A total of 32 subjects were measured for fasting and 2 hours post prandial (2hPP) blood glucose, then they performed a diabetes dance version 6 and we measured heart rate, oxygen saturation, energy expenditure and lactic acid blood levels. A day later, at the same time, we measured the same parameters. Output: There was no difference in glucose tolerance, both before (33.91±24.14) and after (34.37±22.31) the diabetes dance version 6 (p: 0.918). Total energy expenditure still did not reach the recommended value: 83.77±22.96 (>135 kcal). Diabetes dance version 6 is accordance with American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommendations in terms of percentage of heart rate maksimum 67.12±8.46 (standard: 50-70%), lactic acid 1.79±0.82 (standard: <4mmol/L and SpO2 97.94±0.72) Conclusion: diabetes dance version 6 did not produce a significant difference in glucose tolerance, and did not achieve the recommended energy expenditure, but this version of the exercise of diabetes dance did match the training zone requirement.
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in Harvard Style
Irwadi I. and Purwanto B. (2017). Characteristics of Glucose Tolerance, Energy Expenditure, Lactic Acid Level, and Oxygen Saturation in Indonesian Diabetes Dance Version 6.In Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar - Volume 1: SIPS, ISBN 978-989-758-340-7, pages 151-153. DOI: 10.5220/0007334601510153
in Bibtex Style
author={Irfiansyah Irwadi and Bambang Purwanto},
title={Characteristics of Glucose Tolerance, Energy Expenditure, Lactic Acid Level, and Oxygen Saturation in Indonesian Diabetes Dance Version 6},
booktitle={Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar - Volume 1: SIPS,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar - Volume 1: SIPS,
TI - Characteristics of Glucose Tolerance, Energy Expenditure, Lactic Acid Level, and Oxygen Saturation in Indonesian Diabetes Dance Version 6
SN - 978-989-758-340-7
AU - Irwadi I.
AU - Purwanto B.
PY - 2017
SP - 151
EP - 153
DO - 10.5220/0007334601510153