Correlation Between Oxidative Stress Level with Plasma Beta Endorphin Level of Male Laboratory Rats Given Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
Sukirno, Herlia Elvita, Mohammad Zulkarnain, Rostika Flora
Abstract: Great physical exercise done by individual who is unused in doing physical activity will cause oxidative damage and muscle injury which trigger pain that responded by the body through β-endorphin release. This research aims to analyze the correlation between malondialdehyde (MDA) level as oxidative stress sign with plasma β-endorphin in male laboratory rats which are given aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise. This laboratory-base experimental research used 35 male laboratory rats which are divide into seven groups, consisting of control group, aerobic 1-time, 3-times, 7-times, anaerobic 1-time, 3-times, and 7-times. Measurement used the ELISA kit and spectrophotometry. The result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation shows that there is no correlation between the level of MDA with β-endorphin in aerobic exercise with p value = 0,470, r = 0,259(1-time), p value = 0,150, r = 0,491(3-times) and p value = 0,360,r = -0,324(7-times). As for the anaerobic group, there is no correlation between the level of MDA with β-endorphin either; with the p value = 0,498, r = 0,244 (1-time), p value = 0,737, r =0,122(3-times) and p value = 0,380, r = 0,312(7-times). There is no correlation between MDA levels as oxidative stress level to β-endorphin aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise.
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in Harvard Style
Sukirno., Elvita H., Zulkarnain M. and Flora R. (2017). Correlation Between Oxidative Stress Level with Plasma Beta Endorphin Level of Male Laboratory Rats Given Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise.In Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar - Volume 1: SIPS, ISBN 978-989-758-340-7, pages 271-276. DOI: 10.5220/0007337402710276
in Bibtex Style
author={Sukirno and Herlia Elvita and Mohammad Zulkarnain and Rostika Flora},
title={Correlation Between Oxidative Stress Level with Plasma Beta Endorphin Level of Male Laboratory Rats Given Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise},
booktitle={Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar - Volume 1: SIPS,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar - Volume 1: SIPS,
TI - Correlation Between Oxidative Stress Level with Plasma Beta Endorphin Level of Male Laboratory Rats Given Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
SN - 978-989-758-340-7
AU - Sukirno.
AU - Elvita H.
AU - Zulkarnain M.
AU - Flora R.
PY - 2017
SP - 271
EP - 276
DO - 10.5220/0007337402710276